
The hidden truth of me

"The Hidden Secret of Me" It a story filled with mystery and self-discovery. "The Hidden Secret of Me" is a captivating story! "The hidden truth of me" Follow Bella Sophia Delacroix on her captivating journey as an introverted college student. Embrace her uniqueness and join her in unraveling the mysteries that lie within. Get ready for an enchanting adventure! Natasha, is filled with challenges and transformations. From facing ups and downs in school to discovering her extraordinary abilities on her 18th birthday, It's fascinating how her powers make her stand out, but also make her feel like a "freak."Natasha's life takes a dramatic turn. she tries to hide her true identity while pursuing a successful acting career. she manages to balance her hidden abilities with her public persona. The stranger who offers her help adds another layer of intrigue to the story.

Be_yamba · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter_6 He is my brother

Luna finally found her voice and asked how Lyra knew our names, with a surprised expression.

Lyra smiled and gave a response that left Luna momentarily speechless. She confirmed that my name was Belle Sophia Delacroix and Luna's name was Luna Lucian.

It was a surreal moment, realizing that Lyra somehow knew our names, adding to the mysterious connection we were experiencing.

Lyra took a seat beside me, trying to fit in with our group. It felt a bit strange for me since I wasn't accustomed to being surrounded by friends other than Luna and my family.

However, to my surprise, Lyra and Luna started conversing as if they had known each other for ages.

It was an interesting sight, watching them effortlessly connect and engage in a conversation that seemed to flow naturally, as I observed this unexpected bond forming between them.

Luna casually asked Lyra where she was from and why she had joined the law department in the middle of the semester.

She tried to hide her curiosity, making it seem like a natural part of the conversation. It was an attempt to understand Lyra's background and the reasons behind her unexpected arrival.

Luna couldn't contain her curiosity and eagerly waited for Lyra's response.

As we sat there, I did my best to contain my curiosity, not wanting to make it too obvious.

Deep down, I was burning with questions, eager to know more about Lyra and the reasons behind her sudden entrance into the low department.

It felt like there was a missing piece to the puzzle, and I hoped that Lyra's story would shed light on her mysterious connection. Trying to keep a calm exterior, I anxiously awaited Lyra's response, hoping it would provide the insight we were seeking.

Luna's POV

As Lyra sad expression and heavy sigh filled the air, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of empathy for her.

It was as if could feel the weight of her struggles and the difficult decisions she had to make. Lyra shared that she used to live in Texas with her parents, but circumstances led her and her brother to move back to our hometown.

Her brother's enrollment at Hillside University prompted her to transfer there as well. I could see the sadness in her eyes as she spoke, and my hearts went out to her, understanding the challenges she had faced along her journey.

I gently reached out to Lyra, offering her a comforting presence. I reassured Lyra that she was not alone and that we were there to support her through whatever challenges she was facing.

My words and compassionate demeanor created a safe space for Lyra to share her feelings and find solace in our friendship.

Belle's POV

It was a beautiful display of empathy and understanding, reminding Lyra that she had a support system in us.

As I sat there, my eyes locked on Luna and Lyra, I couldn't find the right words to express Luna's sympathy towards Lyra.

I could sense Luna's heart ached for Lyra and the challenges she had faced although she does not know exactly what it was.

Though I couldn't vocalize it, I hoped that my silent presence conveyed my genuine sorrow for her.

Sometimes, actions speak louder than words, and in that moment, my unwavering gaze was a testament to the empathy I felt for Lyra.

Lyra sensed the heaviness in the air and decided to break the silence by asking me about my snacks. She pointed towards them and politely asked,

"Do you mind?"

I nodded, confirming that I was done with them. To my surprise, she reached over, took the burger and ice tea in front of me, and placed them in front of herself.

I couldn't help but watch her intently, wondering if she was going to eat them. The curiosity in my eyes mirrored the questions swirling in my mind, as I eagerly awaited her next move.

To my utmost surprise, Lyra confidently picked up the burger and delicately placed it against her lips, taking a satisfying bite. She then took a sip of the iced tea, all while maintaining a natural and composed demeanor.

It was like she was relishing every bite as if the burger and drink were her own, enjoying them with a sense of familiarity and pleasure.

Her ease and comfort in this moment made it seem as though she was savoring the remnants of a meal shared with loved ones, effortlessly blending into the scene.

Lyra's POV

I tried to catch Belle's attention, and at first, it seemed like she was interested in me. But as time went on, I noticed that she didn't seem to care. I didn't want my plan to fail,

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't penetrate her guarded thoughts or use my magic on her. It felt frustrating and perplexing, as if she had built an impenetrable wall around her mind.

So I came up with a fake story to make her feel sorry for me. To my surprise, she wasn't moved at all. It made me wonder if she felt anything at all or if she was just unaffected by it.

Unlike Luna, who has completely fallen for it, Belle seemed like a tough nut to crack. I couldn't help but feel bothered by her unresponsive expression. Every now and then, I would steal a glance at her, pretending not to notice.

I asked her if she was finished with her meal, hoping to catch her attention. She only nodded, which left me feeling disappointed.

I tried to get a reaction from her by taking her snacks and munching on them, but she didn't seem bothered at all. It was as if my actions had no effect on her. Dealing with her was definitely proving to be quite a challenge.

Belle's POV

Taking a deep breath, I glanced at Lyra, who had finished eating, and asked Luna if she still planned on going to the library with me. I watched closely, waiting for her reaction.

To my surprise, Luna seemed to have forgotten about it. She placed her hand on her forehead and exclaimed, "Oops, I almost forgot!" I couldn't believe it, my expression showing my disbelief.

I told Luna that I was heading to the library and she could join me if she wanted. Just as I was about to leave, Lyra who was by my side, interrupted and said she would tag along.

Luna quickly chimed in, saying she would come with us too. I could only look at both of them in silence as they acted like long-time besties, wondering how they bone quickly.

As we stood up together, I couldn't help but watch as Lyra and Luna continued their lively conversation while we made our way to the library.

Feeling a bit left out, I decided to take a book from my handbag and started reading while walking. I was walking in front, with both of them behind me. While engrossed in my book, I occasionally glanced up at the path ahead.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, I felt a sharp pain on my forehead as my body collided with something. A small sound escaped my lips, and tears welled up in my eyes.

It was when I heard Lyra's voice apologizing, making me realized that I had bumped into a person, not a wall.

The realization hit me, and I couldn't help but feel embarrassment, as I slowly raised my head, my heart skipped a beat. Making me drop the book I was holding onto the floor.

There, right in front of me, stood the person I had secretly crushed on since the day I laid eyes on them. Emotions flooded through me like a tidal wave - surprise, excitement, and a touch of nervousness.

Time seemed to stand still as I fumbled for words, my mind racing to process the unexpected encounter.

In that moment, everything else faded into the background, and all that mattered was the person standing before me, my first love.

Luna's gentle touch on my trembling shoulder snapped me back to reality. "Get a hold of yourself, Belle," she whispered softly in my ear.

Her words were like a soothing balm, grounding me in the midst of my swirling emotions. It felt as if her voice carried a magical power, bringing me back from the edge of disbelief.

In that moment, her presence was a lifeline, reminding me to gather my thoughts and compose myself in the face of this unbelievable encounter.

While trying to compose myself,

Lyra's voice cut through the air, breaking the silence with its unexpectedness. both Luna and I turned our heads simultaneously, our eyes widening in surprise.