Welcome to the DHG library, a collection dedicated to tracking and protecting entities across dimensions and realities, spanning from Earth to the realm of fiction. Our presence permeates every aspect of existence, whether in the shadows or as part of the civilian population. Our ultimate objective is to ensure the safety and stability of all worlds and dimensions under our protection. "We shall die with honor if it comes to that, but we are never gone forever." – The Dragon "Shall we dance once again?" – The Heretic
Unit: 6 Agents
Unit Leader
Unit Lance Corporal
Team: 3 Units — 20 Agents
Team Sergeant
Team Corporal
Squad: 2 Teams — 42 Agents
Squad Lieutenant
Squad Staff Sergeant
Platoon: 3 Squads — 128 Agents
Platoon Captain
Platoon First Sergeant
Squadron: 5 Platoons — 642 Agents
Squadron Major
Squadron Sergeant Major
Company: 7 Squadrons — 4,496 Agents
Company Colonel
Company Lieutenant Colonel
Division: 5 Companies — 22,482 Agents
Division Manager
Division Supervisor
Branch: 50+ Divisions — 1,124,103+ Agents
Branch Administrator
Branch Coordinator
Department Chief = ["The Dragon"]
Department Head = Branch Administrator:
– Hydra Branch: ["Salus"]
– Naga Branch: ["Deo"]
– Basilisk Branch: ["Celeste"]
Department Manager = Branch Coordinator:
– Hydra Branch: ["Deliverance"], ["NAME"]
– Naga Branch: ["Unheard "], ["NAME"]
– Basilisk Branch: ["Earthborn"], ["NAME"]
"We cherish all purified entities for they are unrelated to Her, but limitations are due to intelligence's nature to be naturally dominant over another lifeform. Harm does not equate to salvation." — The Dragon.