
The heresy

‘’When mortals die, their grievances and unwillingness are the last thing that linger. Their souls will then go to the vast sky and become the stars that guide those they left behind through the darkness of the night.” Said the woman to the child on her lap. She and the child were gazing at the endless night, the cold wind caressing their skin. “But mother” the child looked at the woman embracing her “what about father’s kind? Would they also be stars when they die? How about you?” The woman smiled then gently tousling the girl’s hair “You know xiao yue, not all existence are the same. There are certain kinds who does not belong here but somewhere else. But no matter where or what, always remember, me and your father will always be by your side.” the woman stared the girl’s eyes gently conveying her utmost love and tenderness, she then lifted her finger and pointed towards the little girl’s heart “we will always be right here. When the time comes when me and your father are to leave this world, just look down in your heart and we will be there.” --- --- In the dark era where light and dark intersect, gods and vampires coexist and were said to be the strongest opposing deities of heaven and earth. Both the light and darkness live in harmony but in places not seen by all,fights ensue for the sake of getting the supreme title as the strongest race in all realms. This era birthed a heresy that was bound to be condemned by all of the races. A half blood; Half goddess and half vampire. She is an unknown that poses a great threat as she is the greatest variable of uncertainty. A taint to the pure bloodlines of the dark and the light. Besieged by forces, Ying Yue lost her parents and had to survive drifting off through time. Witnessing countless births of new era, using countless identities every 100 years. On the 25th Century where mankind welcomed the interstellar world, Ying Yue was plotted and was sent to her demise. Those emotions she bottled up poured out and in the midst of this painful tragedy, she encountered enlightenment. Would this enlightenment be enough for her to correct all repercussions she left behind and help her achieve her heart’s desire? Would she be able to remember those important memories she forgot? She very much hope so…. ************************************************** Author sama: I will try my best to update at least 2 to 3 chapters every Wednesday and Friday. :) But of course if I had enough time, I might probably upload on the other days too. Also, this world is purely fictional. All names I have in this book were picked from our uncle Google and they don't describe or portray real people outside this book... so if any of these bother you I apologize in advance. *** there will be smut chapters in this book which will be locked to give you the right to decide if you want to read the detailed one or the fade to black. Reading the book just as it is will not affect your reading. I just wanted to add the detailed one for my own fun and readers like me of course. Happy Reading

sheila1001 · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs


After the torment, Ying Yue slept until the afternoon. Opening her eyes, she saw a handsome face right in front of her. Eyes widening in shock, she scooted back to move further away.

The prince who had his eyes closed held her waist in place before slowly opening it to stare at her.

Ying Yue felt her face heating up at the close proximity. This prince is truly a delectable young man.

"Your Highness!" She stuttered in greetings.

The prince didn't answer instead he stared at her eyes as if trying to think of how he was going to talk to her. A lot of questions ran through his mind and he wanted to ask all of it to her, but thinking about what she went through the previous night, he hesitated.

Thinking back to that stressful and heartrending sight, his face darkened.

Ying Yue, on the other hand, thought that the prince might have despised her. Who wouldn't? She knew exactly how hard he looked for her. He even got devastated thinking she was dead. Not only is she alive, but he also saw her in her weakest state.

She wanted to apologize, but it seemed like the thumping of her heart has overwhelmed her rational thoughts and can no longer form a coherent apology.

When she heard the prince sigh, she balled up her fist and closed her eyes shut, waiting for the dreadful words to come her way.

But no sound came. Feeling a warm yet gentle touch on her face, she bravely opened her eyes.

The moment she did so, however, got her heart wrenched and twisted. The prince who looked so bright and strong now looked at her vulnerably. His eyes that seemed to stare at you until you freeze over, now held another emotion. The prince was afraid.

"You…" his voice was hoarse, carrying with it all his unspeakable agony and sadness. "Why did you disappear?" After a while, he summed all his pent up thoughts into one question.

Ying Yue knew that this time, she has wronged the other person. She has gotten all the news there is about the prince, and from time to time, she even asked Bao'er to help out a little, on the contrary, the prince has been living all these years without any news nor information about her. He even grieved for her death.

Biting her lips hard, she did her best to stop her tears from spilling. She knew that crying won't get her anywhere. She needed to explain and stop being a coward.

Yes, all along she knew, she was just deluding herself thinking that this would help the other person, and she never wanted to be a burden. But with what happened so far, isn't the result much worse than what she intended?

It was time to face her feelings properly. Even if the prince would only feel gratitude and would only want to repay her, the least she could do was to stay by his side and let him do as he wished.

This world was only a flitting moment for her, and since she has found the one here, she would properly care and love him without regrets.

With this resolution, she faced the prince. "Your highness, I know I have been unreasonable and selfish. I thought that it was for the best. I didn't want to burden anyone, especially you. But that thinking was really naive. I should have thought of how you might feel. I'm sorry."

The prince cut her off, "No it wasn't your fault. It was mine. I was not strong enough and I dragged you into it. I should've been the one suffering from this poison, and I never helped you all these years. You suffered all of it by yourself."

"That's not true your highness. If it happened again, I would do the same thing without hesitation." Grasping his hand, she smiled gently, "Saving you was probably the greatest decision I have ever done my entire life. I have been watching you the entire time. If there must be something that I regret most, it would be how I made you feel for the past years."

Hearing this, the prince's expression finally lightened as a small smile blossomed on his face. Grasping the delicate little hand in his, he uttered, "Since that is the case, then you must promise me to stay by my side. Let me be the one to protect you this time." Bowing his head to kiss the other's forehead, he whispered, "I know this might be too fast for you, but I have been waiting for this day since five years ago. Be with me."

Even though Ying Yue was a novice when it comes to relationships, the prince's words and gestures conveyed what he truly meant with the last three words. He said it in a way that would never allow misunderstanding.

Ying Yue has been fighting with her emotions this long. The moment she decided to be his concubine, she must have had some hopes too but was just too cowardly to admit it. But now she will follow her heart.

"Yes. I think we have been hurt long enough unnecessarily." Burying her head in the other's chest, she smelled the poppy scent that she had yearned for.

The prince was ecstatic with her answer and didn't even know how to fully express his joy. It felt like those years that the world seemed so bland, finally exploded in colors and he didn't even know where to look. Everything was just so bright… and lovely.

Pinching the woman's chin to tilt her face towards his, he stared at her eyes while he descended slowly, finally capturing those blood-red lips. Her taste was so intoxicating that he lost all reasons the moment he felt that soft and warm mouth.

As their tongue danced together sensually, Ying Yue's body heated up, everything seemed to tingle. Her breath was being sucked away, and all she could ever do was to respond and gasp to catch her breath.

The prince pulled away a moment after, resting his forehead on top of hers, breathing hard as he tried to reign in his desire. It was not the right time yet.

"Yue'er…" the woman in her arms flinched at that, face becoming redder. He smiled then said, "You should get used to this, you need to call me intimately from now on too. How about calling me Wei'er?"

That sexy and husky whispery voice coupled with the hot and addictive poppy scent that was fanning her face made her mind numb as she repeated the word like she was beguiled and had lost her soul, "Wei'er"

With that single word, the prince who was known for his block of ice face that was even colder than the north pole itself, reddened like a tomato.

After their sumptuous dinner, the prince accompanied her to walk around the temple to aid her digestion. On a quiet night, only two figures walked along the scenic landscapes, enjoying the evening air while basking in happiness and in contentment.

Since their talk this afternoon, the prince insisted on their intimate name-calling, and by now, her adverse reaction towards being called 'Yue'er' changed to something that made her heart thump wildly.

Walking hand in hand, Ying Yue still could not believe that such a simple gesture would bring her so much joy, probably much more than what she felt in all the years she lived as an immortal combined.

"Yue'er, tomorrow you should accompany me to pray. Call me desperate, but I will take whatever to heal your poison. If praying would help me find an antidote faster, then I will pray to all the gods until they become tired of it and grant us a wish." Now that he has her in his arms, nothing will break them apart. Even if he had to turn the world upside down to keep her, he will do so without hesitation.

Feeling the warmth enveloped her heart, Ying Yue smiled then tightened her hand that was clasped on his own. "Alright."

"I will delay my return to the border and accompany you in the capital. My heart will not be at rest if I leave you by yourself, knowing what would happen every month." The border can wait, his priority now is Ying Yue.

"I understand, but you shouldn't delay your stuff just for me. I will always be waiting for you at the residence."

"Nonsense. You are my priority, everything else matters not to me."

Ying Yue helplessly smiled at the prince who resolutely dismissed everything else as useless. She knew she wouldn't be able to dissuade the other so she changed the subject to a lighter one. "So... you have a lot of lovers in the estate." She teased.

The prince who was a moment ago very firm and strict became a flustered mess all of a sudden. "No they don't mean anything to me and I never touched them. Believe me Yue'er."

Ying Yue laughed at this, her bell-like voice echoed through the stillness of the night that touched the prince's heart dearly. "I was just teasing you. I know you didn't have a choice. But through this, I was able to come to your side as your concubine."

Remembering how he had treated the girl when she entered the estate, endless regret flooded his heart. He didn't even give her a proper wedding. Not even a memorable wedding night. Upon thinking this, the iceberg prince blushed once more.

"Yue'er I promise to make everything right. I will marry you once again and do what normal couples do." Clearing his throat, he never knew, saying these things could be this embarrassing.

Ying Yue who felt his embarrassment shook her head, "You don't have to. As long as you acknowledge me in your heart it's more than enough for me. Besides, I don't do well with too much attention. How it is right now is perfect."

But how could the prince let this be? He can only plan everything in his heart, seeing how his Yue'er had thin skin.

Remembering the rumors in his estate he chuckled, "So this was the reason why those nasty rumors about you came about." Even though they have been together for a very short time, he had a clear understanding of how decisive and clever this young woman was. He can only conclude that the rumors were started by her in the first place.

"Speaking of that, I will be moving you to a bigger courtyard when we go back." The place was simply too small for his Yue'er.

"No, don't. I like that place better. It's remote and has a big plot of land where I can plant all the herbs. No one goes there so planting the black lotus flower wouldn't be so troublesome. Also, that place is much nearer to your courtyard."

Hearing the last sentence completely got the prince to agree to it. "Alright, but I will have that place renovated to a better one."

The prince walked her back to her room. After a brief but very passionate kiss, he watched her get inside before walking back to rest.

The day after that, Ying Yue was taken to the temple to pray and meet the abbot. He blessed them and talked to the prince for a while before they excused themselves to prepare for their journey back.

Needless to say, this trip to the temple made a huge impact on both the prince and Ying Yue. They might not know what tomorrow might bring but at the very least, they were now at a starting point. It is the beginning where they fight and push forth for the sake of being together until the end of time.