
The Hell King

The story is about an orphan who does odd jobs to live his life. He is just the definition of ordinary guy. Has a crush, favorite novels, games... But a single incident changes his life, and he becomes a bad guy.. Seeing all the bad deeds he has done, without losing his character, he gets the attention of the devil, Lucifer. And Lucifer wants him to take up his mantle as the new king of hell. But he has to face the other devils, who want to usurp the throne. But the hero has a trusty system who would help him in becoming the king. Discord link: https://discord.gg/AXgypAWHyu

Mr_Flash_XO · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


The world is cruel. All that happens in this world is death. Human Greed causes human downfall. But humans never believe this bitter fact. Why? Is it because they are blinded by their greed? No. They aren't. They know everything that happens around them. Even with the mind of a five-year-old, you can distinguish good from bad. But what is it that makes humans to ignore all this? It is the fear. They fear the results of their greed. They distinguish between good and Evil. But what is good, and what is evil? Can they be distinguished?

There was a man named Robin Hood. He was known all over the world, because he steals from the rich and give it to the poor. So does this make him a good person or a bad person? The strong decide whether your actions are righteous. If you kill some gangster, does it mean you are a good guy? No, it is quite the opposite, actually. All this is just a mirage created by those in power, including the so called God. Believe me, even God sometimes behaves like a power deprived shit. I know, right now, all those Oh-Praise-The-Lord-God Believers are swearing me, or they are thinking of attacking me like they did some decades ago. All this is just your excuse to escape the truth. There is nothing like God. There is nothing like the Devil. All of those gods and devils in your mouth are just aliens, who are just superior beings than humans. Be it in terms of physique or in terms of Mana absorption, they are higher than humans.

These people once walked on Earth. Humans have a tendency to lick the feet of those supernaturals. Those early humans worshipped these so-called gods, making them more arrogant than they already were. This was how the humans lost their prestige in the entire universe. Now, they are nothing more than 'sheep' in front of the God and his angels they worshipped. Angels are nothing, they are quite similar to the maids humans keep at their homes. Similarly, those snobby gods also have butlers and maids. And the angels are just those, well, they actually have loyalty to their owner. Most of the angels are owned by the so called God, who is the richest guy in his world. That world is called Heaven. And he is worshipped by the humans now. I was one of them too, worshipping these so-called gods. But now, I don't do that shit, because now, I am the supernatural.

A Garage somewhere in NEW YORK CITY..

It is evening, the roads of NYC have always been the same, full of vehicles moving on all the lanes. Karl Benz might never have thought that he kills millions of people. ( For those who don't know, Karl Benz was the first guy to invent a three wheeled motor car. Or that's what I heard. ) Like people die of respiratory disorders and shit caused by this pollution, many die in accidents.

Wiping the sweat, I returned to work under the same fked up car. This was the fifth time the old man Joe brought this scrap to be repaired. Truth be told, I actually don't mind repairing it. I mean, who doesn't like free money? Oh, you don't like? Then it's your problem. What I like the most are cheese burgers and free money. These two things are enough to live a carefree life. That's when a voice came from the gate of the garage, "The fk. What the hell? Mike, you piece of turd shit. I said a hundred dollars. You are now giving me ten fking dollars. You go and fk yourself, you rubbish fk. Leave your car and fk off. You ain't getting the car, unless you bring me my hundred dollars. " I sighed when I heard this voice.

I wasn't unfamiliar with the person behind this voice. This guy was the one who picked me up, more like adopted after my parents died on some business trip. I just knew that they were in some kind of weapon business. Not the illegal ones. They sold their weapons to the military. One day, when they flew in their private jet, they never came back. Although I don't miss them. I mean, what else did you expect from someone whose parents met him once a year?

I just know a two pieces of news about my parents. This was the news that the world knew, since the one who released this statement was The US Military.

Now, y'all might think, if my parents were rich, why am I now in a garage repairing a fked up car? Well, I was asking the same question to myself, so I did some searching and stuff. Finally, I found an old piece of newspaper. After reading that newspaper, I came to know that my parents had a weapon industry, which was sealed by the military and the government after their death. So instead of being a rich CEO like I should, now I am a mechanic. It's not that I look down upon this job, but those I studied with in my school are CEOs Or Government officials. And among the entire batch, I am the only one who is now poor. After my parents' death, I lost the house and was on the road. None of those relatives were anywhere to be seen after my parents' death. I was angry; I am still angry. Because the next news, the military released was that my parents were terrorists, and were said to have betrayed their country by selling advanced weapons to the ISIS. Even though I was the top in my school, I still couldn't study further because of how poor I am. So I finally settled with the person who took care of me, while sending me to school with his own money. I lost my consciousness, few hours after I was thrown on the road. That's when a middle-aged guy took me to his home, and later adopted me. That person was this old man.

.. Idk what to write..

Lol just kidding.

Vote this novel guys, this is my first book that I won't sign exclusively, or atleast I hope so. Unless you support this book whole heartedly, it ain't possible. Moreover this book is in a contest, so atleast I don't want to be in the lowest ranks. Atleast in the top 200s...I know I'm thinking too high, but so what.. Let's see how much you can support this book.

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