
The Helio's Bride

A princess with a twisted past. When her fate takes an unfortunate turn, she is thrown off her pedestal and into the web of marriage with the bloodthirsty king of the enemy kingdom. Faced with life and death choices, Delaney must decide whether to side with the enemy—her new husband—or her family who betrayed her. __ As the son of the sun goddess, Darius finds his life unnecessarily long and boring. Until he meets his bride, Delaney, the feisty, fiery princess who is rumored to have rejected suitors by the dozen, the only female descendant of his arch nemesis, and a demon princess. When they get married, will he use her in his quest for revenge, or fall in the trap of her charm like every other male does?

Avalorian_ · Kỳ huyễn
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227 Chs

Vengeance (1)

Long chapter incoming


Delaney was not certain where Darius would meet her. He had only mentioned Yorucia and she didn't know why she obeyed him instead of putting up a fight. She figured he had compelled both her and the Pegasus, and it must know where to drop her off, so she didn't ask any questions. 

However, the king's palace was the last place she thought she would go. 

"What are we doing here?" She asked the Pegasus, which only neighed in response. "I don't understand animals but get me out of here." 

Instead of flying off with her on its back, the Pegasus lowered a wing to slide her off onto the mezzanine and flew off on its own. 

"Hey! Come back here!" She called out in fury. 

"That's a grand entrance." A man hovered over her and there was no mistaking who he was. She rose to her feet and turned to face him. 

"Prince…I mean, King Axel."