
The aftermath

Tefo woke up from a deep slumber. He looked around the room with blurry visions. He felt a warm feeling to his body which felt comfy. He inhaled and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling. He felt a movement under the cover on his chest to his chin.

" What is happening?…who is holding my chin…I'm scared to open my eyes." Tefo slowly ran his hand to feel what what was holding his chin.

Tefo continued to feel the fingers.

" slim! ..soft..who?" Tefo decided to open his eyes and looked at the ceiling. He was in his room back at his father's house. This was a bit confusing for him. He mastered the courage to see the person that's been giving him that soothing warmth in the cold.

" Good morning my Nimo! " Wame said upon meeting his eyes. Tefo was confused. " Wame! But how?__ Are you okay…"

" yes Nimo…why are you acting as if last night you didn't ___" Wame paused and started blushing.

" what?…" he smiled and pulled her closer into his arms. He didn't want to let go. " Don't be shy….I'm yours forever…" Tefo felt her breath on his chest and had some flash backs of certain scenes from last night.

" so that's what happened?.." he muttered.

Wame heard him and replied. " next time take it slow. I'm not a pro you know!"

Tefo laughed and raised her face to face him. " I was overwhelmed because you kept me away for too long, but don't worry…I'll be the teacher." he smirked.

" Crazy! You are so forward!" Wame exclaimed.

" Word!..I wasn't always good at dancing but I learnt and now I'm a pro." " infact the lessons begin now…" He tried to kiss her but Wame disappeared.

" Wame! Wame!" he yelled until he woke up from his dream. He looked around. It seems Wame and Kin had left him. He got off bed and went to the bathroom. The dream was still in his mind.

Tefo looked at the mirror and spiked his hair. He smiled at the thought of the dream. He took a towel and got in the shower. A naughty thought hit him and he chuckled looking at the shower glass walls.

On the other hand Wame returned to Tefo's room to check on him and call him to the outdoor, but he was upscent.

"Tefo!" she called out.

As if he had been waiting, Tefo heard her.

" I'm in the shower" .he yelled.

Wame walked to the door but his phone rang. She checked it. " Blue?" Wame thought " Tefo your phone is ringing!"

" Bring it here…it's important" Tefo yelled back.

Wame slowly went to the bathroom door and opened it a little and inserted her hand holding the phone. " Here!"

Tefo saw her hand and paused to smirk. He decided to pull her in the bathroom, slamming the door shut and pushing her against the shower glass covers.

At that moment Tefo was shirtless with only short pants. Wame observed him as he moved closer to her like he always did. This time Wame was feeling weird and super out of control. She tried to balance by holding the wall but she accidentally turned on the shower and water showered over them.

Wame watched as Water droplets ran all over Tefo's body. Tefo smiled and bit his underlip.

" I dreamt about you…I was a teacher and you were my student…for some reason you complied." Tefo whisphered and turned off the shower. He slowly held Wame's cheeks.

" You decided to shower with me?..Do you realize we can't go anywhere this wet. We have to take care off this situation first…" Tefo said in a low voice. He was bitting his lips and doing the sleepy eyes seductively starring at her lips.

" What…sorry Tefo but your phone!Please let's get out!"

" to heck with the phone!" Tefo snatched the phone and threw it away. He moved back but by surprise Wame pulled him closer.

To be honest she didn't know what she was doing. It was all automatic. Tefo glared at her and looked at the hand that just pulled him closer. Tefo grinned and pinned her to the glass wall. Wame's eyes slowly moved to his body. She wanted to touch him but hesitant. Tefo noticed and grabbed her palm and traced her hand from his neck through the chest to his navel.

Wame gasped in amusement as she felt his body. She wanted more. At that point she lost control of anything. She felt super submissive.

As Tefo felt Wame's touch he was certain that this was the only girl that rendered him helpless. He was just turned on and Wame had a way of doing it by doing nothing, just her name.

" What do you want to feel now? I promise I don't mind."

" I'm guessing this is the part were you do as you promised on Friday night?"

Wame was just powerless and Tefo was setting up the mood.She felt so weak and all she July wanted was a taste of the meal served Infront of her.

Wame bit her underlip with her helpless stare. Tefo was shocked to see that expression which screamed kiss me . Tefo leaned in to kiss her but someone budged in before he could.

" what the…." Nelly and Khali's jaws dropped

" Did you have to come now.."Tefo got annoyed and got out of the shower. Wame followed him still scared of what could have happened.

" ohh god wrong timing!" Khali laughed.

" Wame…do you like me, Tefo or Kin..why are you taking a shower with him. Don't you that Tefo is a pervert!" Nelly exaggerated.

" ohh please… she's just too ordinary for my liking…she brought my phone here.." "everyone get out." Tefo pushed Khali and Nelly out. Wame was behind and matched to get out but Tefo held her back and whisphered to her right ear.

" You can stay…" After that qoute, a deep but slow breeze fell on Wame's neck as Tefo exhailed.

" You are being weird again!." Wame pushed him away and ran out. she remembered Tefo's words.

"I dreamt about you"

She looked at her hand as she sat on the bed trying to analyse things. " I actually___"

Tefo came out of the bathroom and found her still there.

"ohh! Still here, maybe hoping for more." Tefo smirked.

" I am drenched because of you! How can I ever go anywhere. I don't have spare clothes!" Wame was trying to scold him but her tone was just not that intense.

" I think I might demand more because you just charm me right now!" " anyway…take this" Tefo gave her the same sweater along with it's Shorts.

" This!" Wame laughed and went to change.


Everyone was at the outdoor waiting for Tefo and Wame. Kin asked many times the same question.

" Khali where is Wame and Tefo?"

" okay…what a'm about to tell you might piss you off but you asked for it." Khali adjusted his position and exhailed.

" Tefo pulled Wame in the shower and now she's wet…Tefo was pinning her to a wall and darmn he was aiming for her ___" Khali whispered but Kin cut him short but covering his mouth.

" just keep quiet! Do you like it when I'm like this?" Kin asked.

" You are jealous!" Khali chuckled and the two made their way back.

Kin turned to look, he didn't expect Wame to turn up in Tefo's clothes from head to toe. Everyone was amaized for a sec as they arrived. Tefo smiled looking into Wame's face as if a newly married couple.

" Wow! How was your honey moon guys!" Aladdin joked and they all laughed accept for Kin.

" Well I'll like to know if the water was warm enough…" Nelly raised his brows as he smirked.

" warmth?" Tefo questioned himself. " The water wasn't needed for warmth, it was just a seasoning." Tefo said as he made eye contact with Wame.

" ohh!" Khali laughed as he signaled Kin. " Now do you believe!" Khali whispered.

" Sit down Wame!" Kin pulled her down to the couch.

Wame sat down still shy and feeling insecure. She didn't want the boys to think she's some sort shameless playgirl. She lowered her face and broke the silence to wipe the awkwardness.

" Where is Reneilwe Aladdin?" she asked.

" she went to Andile and Kelly." Aladdin didn't seem happy as his smile died.

" Tefo now tell us about Lone!" Aladdin said. "last night I thought Wame was just kidding."

" if it wasn't for Wame..I could have never survived.." She came at the right time, I honestly owe her a lot." his eyes filled tears.

" Tefo! I love you bro…thank you Wame for helping us, how can we return the favor?" tears escaped Nelly's eyes. He stood up and went to sit and hug Tefo tighly.

" Thank you very much Wame." Khali thanked her as tears filled his eyes and went to join in the hug.

Aladdin and Kin stood up and started caressing his hair lovingly. " my one only cute cousin…." Aladdin perked on his hair.

Tefo felt all their affection and his body relaxed along with the tears. Kin noticed and felt sad. He really loved Tefo and even if there was some sort of conflict or contrast between them he cared about him.

" jeez! I look awful crying" Tefo said as Kin wipped his tears off with his hands.

"You look so cute…!" "I don't think I'll ever make it without you…I never got so shuttered in my life…" Kin said as he wipped his tears off.

" I just want to say I appreciate having such a family!" Tefo tried to hold back his tears but in vain. The others cried too accept for Kin.

" Even if I am helpless I'll have to remain strong for Tefo…" Kin thought. "its gonna be alright!"

" My mom won't spair her!" Nelly exclaimed.

Kin wipped off his tears with a part of his sweater's arm. He sat next to him on the other side and hugged him. Tefo held on too. After a few seconds the hug ended and Kin kissed Tefo's cheek.

" Kin! Stop" Tefo lightly pushed him away.

" Why act shy Infront of everyone. You like it."

Kin smiled brightly. Probably one of his rear radiant smiled that hit everyone.

Wame was just a mute spectator at that moment. She smiled and rejoiced upon seeing them together and how they love each other.

" Michael just texted me, the bodyguards will be here." Kin told them.

Khali raised his eyes " bodyguards?"


Judah woke up and remembered that Nicky had come over last night. He sat in his bed and analysed his thoughts. He managed to hold himself back.

He slid his feet in his slippers heading to the other room that she slept in. Before he could knock he heard noises and a sweet aroma embraced his nose.

" huh!__ who is that?" he went to the kitchen and spotted Nicky busy making breakfast. His face lit up and a spontaneous smile drew on his face. He enjoyed starring at her in his house, he watched from the entrance as if a spy.

" I wish I didn't friendzone you because I think there's more to our friendship. Maybe I fear commitment." Judah thought.

Judah approached her from behind and hugged Nicky. Nicky chuckled slowly and pushed Judah away. " we have to finish the project today..okay!"

" Okay…but don't you…think that I___" Nicky interrupted him.

" I forgot to tell you that Dani asked me out and I think I kinda like him…so"

" Dani likes you?" " No reject him"

" what No!"

" Nicky I said reject him right now. I'm forcing you!"


" because there's no one good enough for you than me! I'm the only guy you can be with!"

Nicky was shocked, did Judah just confess. " you? Judah you are a player…I don't trust your love for me…."

" You think I'll hurt you?…" Judah asked.

" Yeah!" Nicky turned away, she wanted to escape his presence. Judah got very angry and aggressively dragged her back and pushed her against the kitchen counter. His eyes were full of anger and agony.

" Judah let me go!" Nicky tried to push him away.

Judah smiled as he tighly held her waist. He was totally insane, he felt the rush in his blood. He moved to whisper something to her.

" then what if I want to be with you?"

Nicky swallowed " Judah please stop this!" she finally pushed him away.

" Nicky the truth is I want you to be mine. I want to show you love in every way possible. again please don't ghost me, you'll break my heart!"

Judah sighed and turned away, surprisingly Nicky dragged him back and kissed him.

" I like to dominate sometimes." " and as you said…I'll grant you permission…I guess if I didn't lie about Dani then you couldn't have confessed."

" Wait….you! So you like me too?"

" No I love you Judah!" Nicky confessed and Hugged him.

" Do you prefer your room or the room I slept in?" Nicky asked.

Judah smirked " My room …because it has all the necessary devices and equipment."

" Perv! What are you on about…I was thinking we should finish our project so I wanted you to choose a room."

" Exactly that! What were you on about….dirty minded you…I don't think you slept well last night because I kept on appearing in your dreams." " anyway now that we love each other how about dating?" Judah asked.

" okay ! Deal but let me serve…"

" huh! I miss the heirs!" Nicky heard Judah's hollow from the living room.


Mr Jensen hurried to the Nti house after he heard Michael's revelation. His only golden son almost died at the hands of a mere teenage girl. There was a lot of tension in the atmosphere and clearly the burning anger in him couldn't be extinguished by normal means.

Mr Nti also just returned from work. Everyone was seated in the living room. The four boys, Kesa, Amo, Mr Nti, Veronica were all present.

Mr Jensen arrived in along with his body guards. He was definitely planning murder.

Tefo stood up and went to hug his father followed by his brother who also arrived with Mr Jensen.

" Nimo…I can't lose you because you are my biggest competitor." Nathan said.

" it's okay Dori…just say you love me too much that you can't live without me" Tefo said as he messed his hair.

" stop that!" Nathan tried to resist.

" Give me details about this criminal, who tried to kill you!"

Tefo hesitated to speak after hearing his father's question. He looked at Khali and sighed.

" It's Rebaone, he's Lone's ex boyfriend." "Lone was kind of my__" he lowered his eyes, trying to escape his mother's disappointed face.

"she was my girlfriend!"

" I think Benji and I will solve this one." Veronica took out her phone.

"ohh please Veronica.. don't try to make things worse." Kesa yelled.

Veronica sighed and folded her fists. Kesa really pissed her off because for some reason she was still holding on to a grudge from years ago.

" Veronica! You don't need to do anything. I'll handle this one." Henry said as he signaled one of his men.

" Tefo! Didn't I tell you that these girls you keep on playing around with are detrimental to your career, even your life!" " I don't want to see or hear anything about dating or girls from you anymore…I'm fed up"

" Today I support your dad Tefo" kesa added, grabbing Henry's attention. She noticed his tensed face relax and he grinned a little.

" Even your mom supports me today. Are you convinced?" Henry shifted his gaze to Tefo.

" Yes dad! I also agree with you"

Everyone was amazed, for the first time Tefo agreed to his dad's advices without arguing or being persuaded by a threatening ultimatum.

Felo was indeed jealous, if only Kin could be obedient like Tefo. " You are indeed wise Tefo,

Your parents wants the best for you…" "This should be a lesson to all of you!" he exclaimed with a grimaced to poor Kin.

" But how did you escape Son?" Kesa remembered and asked because the story didn't add up.

Tefo remembered how Wame saved him regardless of the obstacles. He smiled shly to himself and cleared his throat.

" Yes son, who saved you?" Henry asked.

" Well," he paused and grinned. The excitement filling him was visible throw his genuine eye smiles. " I had locked the room and asked nobody to disturb us but she tried all possible ways and I didn't open the door. She tried again but I threatened her to leave.. she said her name when I was about to drink the poison and I immediately stood up and opened the door, remembering my mom's assignment."

" Wait! did Wame save you son?" Kesa exclaimed in shock.

" Yes mom! She did!"

" Wow! I wasn't wrong for choosing her as my daughter, now she saved my son!" she exclaimed

"..can she be my daughter-in-law?" Kesa muttered to her self.

" Wame? Who is she?" Henry asked.

" she's our neighbor!"

"someone go and call her! I want to know everything" Henry ordered.

" I'll go and call her!" Kin stood up and went out.

Kin arrived at Wame's house and found her sitting outside, Wame was rather scared to see him , she recalled the kiss and grinned to herself.Kin looked at her and tried a not to smile because deep within his heart he was happy to see her.

" Wame!"

With anticipation she raised her eyes and looked at him. " Kin!" she stood up.

"Hi! Well you are called at home."

" What? Why?" she exclaimed.

" My parents want you to be my wife!"Kin said with a straight face.

" Really?…." After that Wame got lost in fantasy world, she was smiling a lot and probably being delusional as always.

Kin laughed and snapped his fingers. " hey! Miss delusional…I'm just kidding…let's go!" Kin dragged her along.

After a while Wame and Kin entered the house and everyone's eyes were on Wame. She lowered her face and walked towards everyone.

" DUMELANG! ( Greetings)" she greeted with folded hands as she bowed her head a little.

" please seat down dear," Kesa grinned making her feel at ease.

" Please tell us all about the incident…" Mr Jensen said.

Wame looked at him and concluded that he was Tefo's father. " After the concert, I prepared to leave but I overheard Ryan telling Allison to go and save Tefo because his Life was in danger. I got all scarred and decided to also run to save him. I just thought, what if Allison couldn't make it in time, so I went to save him…. although I was really dizzy I managed to arrive in time."

Wame paused after realizing she talked too much.

" Thank you Wame..I don't know how to repay you…I feel truly indebted to you." Tefo's mother gave her gratitude. She was truly thankful.

" Aunt…you don't have to repay me…I was doing it out of heart not a favor!"

Tefo kept on glaring at Wame cutely, as if he saw a new unique piece of art. On the other side was Kin, he was totally lost in her charm.

" Thank you very much young lady for saving my son… certainly you can recieve an amount as thank you!" Henry smiled glaring at Wame.

Wame was shocked by Tefo's father. She didn't know how to act. " Sir….thank you but I did it out of heart…. someone's life cannot be bought or paid with money."

" she is right Henry. Stop trying to throw money at her!" Kesa added.

" okay! But I feel indebted to you, perhaps one day I'll help you in a way and return the favor." " Everyone, I'm leaving..I gotta take care of this."

" Nelly, I gotta go " "Henry wait for me!" Veronica followed him out

" you will think they are married!" Kesa muttered.

The meeting ended and everyone dispersed. Kesa sat down with Wame to ask her some questions and thank her.

" Wame,thank you a lot, I just don't know how to show my gratitude to you for saving my son." Kesa was forever thankful to Wame for actually risking her life to save Tefo.

Wame laughed and paused to exhailed. " Aunt thank you for the medication"

" Wait! Nimo took my advice seriously!" she exclaimed. " Wow! This is new but I'm liking it."

Tefo changed into his casual wears and passed Kesa and Wame chatting. The sudden change of thought that hit him entrigued him to know more about Wame. She was a lonely soul, probably sad with a deep burried pain and amist all that agony she still smiled.

" Why am I intrigued?" Tefo asked himself and went out.


Hands tied behind a chair, a silver tape on her mouth and some marks on her skin. One could call them burns because of their redness. Truly the kidnapper had no mercy for the girl.Her face was drenched in tears. She looked at the door and wished for a miracle.

A loud laughter emerged along the passage and Lone started shaking after seeing something threatening.

Rebaone was coming in from the kitchen which a bucket of hot water and a knife. His laughter filled the room even more, feeding on to Lone's fear. The dude was a complete psychopath. He approached Lone and sat next to her on a stool.

" Baby! Don't cry …I feel so bad." he wipped off her tears.

"mhhh!" Lone kept on mumbling under that tape on her mouth.

"shh!" he laughed and strolled her hair. " I love you and I can't stand seeing you get hurt…you are my, my love! But sometimes you!" he stood up and started shaking. " you don't listen to me…you just…why didn't you kill that kid…"

" Speak!" He yelled. " I know you must be wondering how I found out?… Did you think I won't find out?…..I have connections everywhere…"

Crying, yelling or shaking wasn't gonna free her. She was to blame. If she hadn't dated the psycho, her life would be perfect and at the moment everything was inevitable and acceptance had to be her new mantra.

" God if I make it alive…I won't be able to face Tefo or anyone. If dead is my fate then I am ready for it..but please lord relieve me from this torture fast because I can't bear it" Lone thought as warm tears ran down her cheeks. It was her final tears.

She couldn't hear anything as Rebaone yelled and yelled with many questions. " I don't blame him. He is mad" Lone thought as her vision faded.

" You won't close your eyes…no!"Rebaone took out the knife from the hot water and pressed the hot metal on her cheek.

The poor thing struggled there in silence. She just smiled with her eyes as tears ran through her eye sides and her eyes automatically closed.

Even after running the sharp knife on her palms. She didn't react at all. " Lone!… You can't die on me….No….please wake up.."

Rebaone started crying and pacing around. " Did I kill her?…" "yes!" he wipped off his tears and started laughing and exulting. It was a sudden change of mood, he even went to the fridge to take a piece of cake to eat and paint Lone's face.

" sleeping peacefully….RIP…my dear, let's take a selfie for this beautiful moment…" he clicked a pic.

" Lone…I wish I could be with you but I need to be alive to eliminate that good for nothing kid" " you are hot you know..that's why I'm madly in love and I can't share you…you are mine!…I won't___" he paused after hearing a knock.

" knock, who is that…. could it be your parents?" Rebaone went to open the door. His face lit when he saw the visitors,

" Kid…we need to talk!" Veronica broke the silence.

" talk?" Henry starred at Veronica and slowly folded his fist.

In just a few seconds Henry threw a powerful fist at Rebaone and he fell down.

" Sir!" Rebaone cried.

" just shut it! Guards, get hold of this fool…"

Benji and another guard got into his house, looking for clues or anything that might be important for the case.

" leave me alone!" Rebaone tried to free himself but the two men held on tight to him.

They all arrived in the living room. " what!" Veronica exclaimed in shock.

" What are you doing little boy? Who is this girl?" Henry asked.

Rebaone laughed out sarcastically and exhailed. " you must be Tefo's dad…finally we meet ….well this girl here is useless because she's dead…now Tefo won't have a girl!"

" Benji check her vitals and take her to the hospital. I'll deal with this demon here…little boy think before messing with us!" Veronica took out a gun and placed it on his left temple.

" even if I pull the trigger and perrish you unneeded life. No one will know…because I can get away with anything easily…..please don't be too proud of your deeds and comply."

" I'm ready to die…anytime I'm ready.." he laughed wickedly, " I will take your son's life no matter what!."

" shut up!" Henry kicked his leg to bend. Although caught, Rebaone seemed not bothered.

" he's crazy Henry…I'll call the police. This time I want to do things the right way.." Veronica called the police and kept her gun away.

" Speaking of police…is it true that assassin is getting out of jail?" Henry asked.

" I don't know ….who told you?" Veronica lied. " Don't you think you should tell your ex wife that you still love her?…I mean both of you had to split to secure her future?"

" Veronica…you are the last person that can advise me about Kesa, you don't like her…"

" I'm not a bad person…I care about you and her safety…" Veronica qouted and the police arrived and arrested.

Henry thought about Veronica's words on the way to the station.


" Why cry ..go and be with Tefo, show him some care" Lisa sat on Allison's bed side.

Still full of regrets and deep blame on herself, Allison decided to stay undercovers the whole day. She was the reason Ryan broke up with Minnie and on top of that Wame stole her only opportunity to impress Tefo.

" Allison! Wake up and go to his house"

" Lisa! I can't ok. I don't even know what to say because I just want him…I want him. I want Tefo!…. because I lo…." before she could complete the sentence, she heard a fermiliar voice from the door.

" you want me? Well I'm here!" Tefo stood at the door. It was such a surprise to Allison, she felt like she was dreaming.

" is it you…are you really here?" Allison woke up and sat upstaight.

" Do you doubt me? Or you don't want me here?" Tefo asked.

" Don't assume! " she ran to hug him tight. " I was really concerned about you, thank God you are alive…I swear to God I'm going to kill Lone." she wisphered to Tefo.

Tefo held on tight after hearing the melancholy in her voice. " Thank you…it's because of you that I'm safe and sound. Wame actually overhead your conversation with Ryan…but I'm so happy to have a friend like you…I just wish you were my sister…but fair enough that we are best friends."

Allison heard the name sister and stepped back. She finally realized her place in Tefo's life.

" uhm…. Tefo, not even a hello…?" Lisa asked.

" Hi!" he responded with no intrest and dragged Allison out. Tefo was still angry at her for cheating on Khali. Lisa sighed and called Aiden.

" Hi….Lisa"

" Aiden .where are you.. how was the concert?"

Aiden Chuckled and sighed " I had a great time and I got to meet Khali ..you never told me he's fun"

Lisa was confused. " Fun?…. how?"

" Never mind…I gotta go I'll come by later."

Tefo dragged Allison to the living room and finally sat down. He wanted to cheer her up.

" Allison smile .. would ya!" he gently pulled her cheeks.

Allison starred back at him and felt his cold touch on her cheeks. She wanted the moment to be prolonged a little longer. She spontaneously smiled and Tefo's eyes lit up in delight.

" Cute smile….my heart ouch!..ma'am your smile sets my heart ablaze but I must indure this pain of envy for you to be happy ." Tefo held his chest and acted as if he was really in pain.

" I know ur capping..stop the act Tefo…your jokes hurt my heart too… what if I'm in love with you?" Allison held her lips after what she said.

" funny! Are you trying to flirt with me?…as far as I remember I did have a crush on you in 9th grade, I was kind of a coward and again it was no use because you obviously didn't see me in that light."

" What? Why didn't you tell me?… What about now?" Allison heard a drumroll in her head while waiting for his answer.

" No!…" Tefo replied.

" that's what I thought, the past doesn't help." she muttered.

" Anyway please deliver my messages to Minnie, she probably thinks I'm dating Ryan…please tell her that although Ryan said he likes me..I'm not into him."

" okay…but what happened…"

" Ryan forcefully kissed me infront of Minnie."

" Okay…I gotta go, see you around." Tefo walked out of the house .

" why me!"" I hate my life!..I deserve him too, why didn't I notice back then" she lied on the mat and stared at the empty ceiling. She saw a great reflection.

It was a frame of her and Tefo together, laughing and having a good time. She could see years pass by. She smiled but tears of agony escaped her eyesides. The scenery seemed appealing to her eyes because her mind projected the good things she would find appealing and motivating.

She blinked once and everything disappeared. She panicked and started gasping for more air. All the good things she loved disappeared. " if only you new" Allison's eye closed. " I wish I could just go to a universe were we are together."


Thato and Jacob arrived home along with the twins. The three girls were called to the sitting room. Thato kept on scrawling her Facebook home page.

" girls…what is this?" Thato asked.

They all peeped in to see…It was pictures of them at the concert. They were in trouble.

"Well…mom..I can explain"

" Explain!"

" Well…we went to see the heirs…I am sorry.. please forgive us!"

" yes Aunt. It's all my fault…I brought the tickets." Andile added.

" it's okay Andile and Reneilwe….thank you for being so honest..now what about miss beauty here. I have strong faith that she's the brains behind this."

" Well I'm not…" Wame replied.

" a little attitude?.. little girl, don't play with me. It's been two days since you went to the tuckshop and you go around the city with those rich kids. All the chores!"

" I don't regret going to the concert…"

Thato immediately slapped her hard. ". How dare you disrespect me!.." another slap followed and another.

" Stop..it's not her fault!" Andile yelled.

"Andile get away…" Thato dragged her hand and pushed her to the ground.

"Reneilwe tell your mother to stop!" Andile begged.

Reneilwe looked at Jacob and tears filled her eyes. She lowered her head and went away.

" Reneilwe wait!" Andile dragged her hand back but she decided to leave.

" I feel sorry for you but again I just wish you could die! I hate you…" Wame had enough. She wanted her to know. Wame stood up and pushed Thato away from her. She fell on the couch and almost lended on the floor.

" How dare you little girl come back here!"

Wame realized her mistake and turned to apologize. "I'm sorry Aunt but I'm fed up!"

" Don't come back to this house tomorrow after school…. don't set foot in my yard tomorrow after school or else..!" she threatened.

Andile followed her out and tried to help her." Wame you shouldn't act so drastic..just have patience. Soon everything will be okay…I promise Wame." Andile hugged her tight and went to wash the dishes.

Wame went to the tuckshop, it was around 5pm. Maybe the tuckshop was her safe zone. She felt as if shadows followed her. Even ominous things didn't scare her anymore.

She unlocked the door and sat things up. The special commodity was not present due to lack of time, the scones.

A box of matches fell down. " this darm...." she picked it up and stood up only see someone she knew but scared to meet due to past experiences. Her marbles widened along with her mouth.

" Heish!..you!" Wame felt surprised and intimidated.

"yes me!…"
