

Emberly Han found herself caught in a whirlwind of thoughts as she navigated the crowded reception. The laughter, the chatter, the clinking of glasses—all of it felt like background noise to her racing mind.

She couldn't shake off the encounter with Alexander Que. Those piercing grey eyes, that unflinching gaze...it had left an impression she hadn't anticipated.

What was it about him that unsettled her so much? She had met many men, but Alexander was different.

His presence was both intimidating and intriguing, a combination that made her feel strangely vulnerable.

Emberly headed to the bar to get herself something alcoholic in an attempt to clear her head.

She sipped on her drink, hoping the cool wine would calm her nerves.

As she waited for a refill, her thoughts continued to swirl.

Grandpa Han had rejoined and left her table earlier, off to entertain other guests with his lively stories.