
The Heir Of Hyperion

Marcus Athanasios is a highchooler plagued with a conventional life, typical of odd teenagers, finding himself trapped in a cycle of depression because of his insomnia. Everything changes however, when he meets Lucian, a mental patient who claims to have 'stepped down' to their plane of existence. Following his enrollment, he engages Marcus in a search for the world tablets, that hold the secrets detailing the rules of every dimension in which they are, rules he intends to break. This being the only way he can return and possibly find the figure behind the inscription on every tablet, "To the Heir of Hyperion. At the end of it all, when you pass the worlds between the worlds, you will find me there, waiting." After witnessing the destruction of his homeland, he hopes this course of action can help him find answers and with them, relief from the antagonistic forces that destroyed it and seek to destroy him as well. The pair find themselves at odds with everyone, being dubbed as crazy until.. Until everything Lucian left behind in his world, follow him into this one.

Derek_Minor · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

The Arrival

A couple of miles from where our first character was, something quite peculiar had begun to occur.

After reports of a disturbance in the area the local authorities sent two of their finest to assess and possibly quell the unrest that had begun to take hold of that town's dear citizens.

To their dismay however, or more correctly to their disappointment, it was the ramblings of a mad man, without any clothes.

Whether it was his lack of apparel that upset them or the content of his ramblings was something the two officers were quite keen on finding out.

With a standard, "Okay I got this," Officer one beckoned officer two to handle the man that was out of it while he dispersed the crowds.

Officer two letting out a sigh of frustration shook his head as he wished he was the one who came up with that ingenious excuse to get out of dealing with the real issue.

Approaching the seemingly afflicted fellow he took out his cuffs and nonchalantly said, "Alright, alright. Show's over terminator," but as he tried to grab the offender, he turned around and hissed at him.

The good officer's countenance was coloured with surprise as any officer's would in that situation but what really had him was, "What the!? You're just a kid! Why the hell are ya," before he could finish speaking, officer one had circled behind the offender and knocked him out from behind in that instant.

Officer one raising his shoulders in his defense said, "You don't negotiate with looneys Xavier, it's just a rule," Xavier being pronounced with an 'h'and not an 'X' which I'm sure has you reminiscent of a certain someone.

"Yeah yeah, I'll keep that in mind, Bob," Bob being quite a dull name portraying a lack of creativity and inspiration on my part and yet Bob for me really instills the correct amount of lame I was going for in our unfortunate officer one, from the way I'm sure he has appeared in your mind right down to his very tone of voice. Bob, right!

The ride to the station was ofcourse as uneventful as any ride anywhere excluding road trips and accidents, oh and the occasional ride to the dentist, that's a fun one, all this owing to the fact that the main celebrant of this show was unconscious in the back seat.

Ofcourse Xavier, please don't forget the 'h', formerly known as officer two used this uneventful situation to bring up the ethics of officer one, currently known as Bob, Big B or Bobster and whichever other name his childhood friends had bestowed upon him.

Bob ofcourse was the type to defend himself and his opinions quite sharply irregardless of his position in the matter and on and on they went like the old married couple they were not.

It was a cold and rather slow night with the officers in the station disappearing one after the other to the comfort of their homes unlike the duty bound officers who were bringing in a fresh looney for interrogation and by fresh I don't mean that they did this often, looneys were usually taken straight to mental institutions but Xavier was feeling rather inquisitive for once.

The offender, now covered with a blanket conveniently retrieved from the lost and found, was startled awake by Bob who at that instance had slammed his hand quite hard on the table in an attempt to wake him up.

"Alright kid! Prove to me, and to my good friend Xavier here that you're just a crazy kid that escaped from the psych ward, tell us where it is and we'll take you right back."

With a strong sense of disappointment, "Really man, really," Xavier with a softened gaze tried inquiring from the dazed boy his whereabouts, his circumstances and even his name but they were all met with silence.

After numerous efforts to understand this boy, Bob blurted out, "See, What'd I tell you huh!? A case for the professionals."

Classic Bob move and not to paint him out as the bad guy here but he was actually right, in this particular instance.

With the origins of this boy shrouded in mystery it seemed the only option was to take him to a capable mental institution first thing in the morning, but where he would spend the night was the real issue.

Surely not with Bob!

Having a soft spot towards cases such as these Xavier decided to take the unwanted offender to his home that night, quite a generous offer that warrants suspicion I'm sure but all he could imagine when he saw this boy was the plight of his dear son, Marcus.