
The Heir Of Hyperion

Marcus Athanasios is a highchooler plagued with a conventional life, typical of odd teenagers, finding himself trapped in a cycle of depression because of his insomnia. Everything changes however, when he meets Lucian, a mental patient who claims to have 'stepped down' to their plane of existence. Following his enrollment, he engages Marcus in a search for the world tablets, that hold the secrets detailing the rules of every dimension in which they are, rules he intends to break. This being the only way he can return and possibly find the figure behind the inscription on every tablet, "To the Heir of Hyperion. At the end of it all, when you pass the worlds between the worlds, you will find me there, waiting." After witnessing the destruction of his homeland, he hopes this course of action can help him find answers and with them, relief from the antagonistic forces that destroyed it and seek to destroy him as well. The pair find themselves at odds with everyone, being dubbed as crazy until.. Until everything Lucian left behind in his world, follow him into this one.

Derek_Minor · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Reality or a Dream?

Sometimes the mind plays tricks on us, tricks only someone other than us can figure out.

For those who especially have a hard time letting their minds rest, alot of things that aren't real easily cross the boundary marking the things that are.

Most times Marcus couldn't sleep, other times he chose not to because his dreams had a habit of making their way back into reality.


I woke up to the strong smell of a cologne so potent it only had to be the math teacher in class that day. Knowing my condition, alot of teachers didn't waste their time on fruitless attempts to wake me up and those that had seen a few of my sunrise episodes were not too keen on seeing them again.

Yes, sunrise episodes is what I call them. When dreams became so much more than dreams I found myself either waking up doing something akward or in an akward place, situation, depending on the kind of dream.

Most times they were relatively easy to handle but other times I awoke in violent fits.

This one time I slept off on the kitchen counter and when my dad tried waking me I stabbed him with a knife I had no idea i was grasping.

Ofcourse in that moment the knife was hardly the issue and I couldn't go to school that week just so I didn't end up dismembering a classmate. And yes, he was okay since I only stabbed him in the arm.

You know, we never did find that knife so I just figured I threw it out; adrenaline and everything.

Anyway, my entire school obviously segregated me because I was given special treatment, owing to the fact that my dad was old friends with the principal.

It didn't help much when during one of my episodes I ran out into the hall and tackled the teacher on duty.

I was suspended for a month since I admitted I was awake for the whole thing, when really i wasn't.

Its just better than ending up in a mental hospital, my worst fear.

Whispering, "Hey, I heard that kid's a little loose, you know, upstairs."

"You were recently transferred huh, keep that to yourself," pointing towards the unaware subject of conversation, "Who knows what he could do if he hears you."

"So he's crazy and a tough guy, why don't his parents just put him down," as he chuckled.

The girl next to him overhearing, "Psst, hey! Shut up! Don't let him hear you talking about his mom."

The next few moments were characterized with the silent character on the side observing all this, picturing the scenes coming up next. The table screeching as he pushed it, Marcus got up from his seat turning towards the rude transfer student, there's always a rude transfer student.

All the while yelling 'SHUT UP' monotonously as the teacher walked towards them to calm things down.

As our silent character on the sidelines was still imagining who would throw the first blow an explosion went off in the classroom.

Everything was all dusty and an unnerving sound was screeching in our silent character's head as he saw a few body parts of his classmates scattered all over the room, chunks of the ceiling burying some.

As he tried to gather himself, he observed Marcus being choked in mid air by what seemed to be a cloaked assailant.

Before he could make sense of everything he realised there was more than one attacker and they were killing off those who survived one by one.

Before he knew it, a hole was punched through his back and he didn't see the face behind the cloak since all his attention was on Marcus at the moment. As his eyes slowly closed he heard something. He heard the cloaked assailant pressuring him about something but he didn't quite understand, "Where is the trespasser?!" He heard, "Where is he!??"

Marcus, who was now barely clinging to life was trying his best to kick off his attacker but the unexpected happened.

The math teacher had come to by that time during which he grabbed a chair and hit the cloaked assailant from behind forcing him to let Marcus go.

The wellbeing of the teacher as the attacker turned his attention towards the only adult in the room was the last thing Marcus was worried about.

Without much prompting he was running for safety as far as he could, safety that could very well lead him off the edge of the world.

Marcus opening his eyes, saw he was about to leap off of the balcony outside his room and the only thing between him and the ground was the 'stray' holding his shirt.

Looking behind he commented, "You still wearing that damn blanket," but the stranger only replied by pulling him back to safety.

Sighing in relief, "Two more seconds and I'd have become the new family rug. Wait, how did you even get..."

"You saw them, didn't you?" As he walked out of Marcus' room who was surprised he could even talk all this time, "What are you even..." interrupting he said, "The servants of Chaos."

Seeing he was none the wiser he continued, "The dream, boy! The dream!"

Marcus who was now distracted by other things protested, "Hey, you don't seem much older than I am. Wait, how did you even know..." interjecting he slammed the wall with the side of his fist, "Because they're after me!"

There he was, lying in a bed at San Josè psychiatric with Xavier standing over him.

"How did he fare, doctor?" Xavier asked the woman in charge of new arrivals.

"We sedated him so there shouldn't be any issues until he wakes up."

Xavier scratching the back of his head, "It was the strangest thing. There we were just talking, me and my son, and all of a sudden he just snapped and started rambling things that didn't make sense, at least not to me. I wanted to avoid bringing him here last night but we had no choice. Guess I'll try digging some background information on him today as I planned."

"Anything you can find out will be most helpful, officer," as she showed him the way out.