
The Heavens System Subsidiary (I Was Chosen By The Word)

Vincent Gate, a man trapped in a life of poverty and hardship, struggles to awaken his comatose mother. Despite his relentless efforts, he is met with disappointment as his attempts prove futile. Tragically, not long after, Vincent succumbs to his own fate. Expecting to face the consequences of his life's choices, Vincent instead finds himself in a peculiar line of souls, each assigned an identification number, his being [77777]. Though deemed ready to move on, Vincent encounters complications that prevent him from progressing. Consequently, he is granted a chance at reincarnation, but with a unique twist. To his astonishment, Vincent awakens in a new world, a different dimension fraught with peril. Yet, he possesses an extraordinary ability and a mysterious system to aid him. With the power to manipulate all that exists as if it were his personal sandbox, Vincent faces the challenge of survival amidst this unfamiliar realm. As reality bends at his word. Vincent embarks on an action-packed adventure, encountering multiple heroines along the way. As he navigates this treacherous landscape, he also discovers the slow emergence of romance, both inevitable and heartwarming. "Devour" "Rewrite" "Die" Join the now Vincent Cadmean in this thrilling portal fantasy, where a strong and ever-growing protagonist grapples with the divine, reincarnation, a captivating system, and powerful heroines. Tags: Portal Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Strong MC, Strong to Stronger MC, God, Reincarnation, Slow Romance, Eventual Romance, System, Multiple Heroines, Strong Heroines. Author - God_Is_With_Me Please also check out my novel on inkitt for support :) Sure webnovel has more chapters than Inkitt, but in the future I plan to release more free chapters on inkitt. PS: I kindly ask you to stick with me. While I consider myself an average author, I promise the story improves as it progresses.

God_Is_With_Me · Huyền huyễn
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102 Chs

Exploring The Mental Space

[You know I am still able to hear your thoughts.]

'Shit, I forgot about that."

[Should I open the Akashic]

''Yes, do so.''

[Affirmative, Please close your eyes]


Then a familiar feeling enveloped Vincent, It caused him to almost disregard the Systems warning but he knew better.

After a few seconds, the system spoke back to him.

[You may ask your question]

''Can I open my eyes''

[Do you want that to be counted as a question]

''No'', immediately replied Vincent.

[Then ask the right questions]


'Uhm, so I just ask a question."

''Where is the location of [The Scriptures Of Glorious Elements] second part.''

Then Vincent felt the answer appear in his head followed by a splitting headache.l

'Ugck, so this is the repercussion''

'As expected, If I had just asked for what I originally wanted. This would have been worse.'

'The main problem is how sudden it is.'

'At least I know how it works now.'

''How do I Survive Blood-Weep'', He asked.

Again he felt the answer in his mind, but this time the pain was much more.

This was because the question asked to the Akashic had 6 answers but at the same time, they couldn't be called answers as 3 could be considered a possible Future.

However, this was what he had speculated would happen.

Vincent knew that for the Akashic to answer him it needed to use its omniscience to calculate a simulation with the solutions of scenarios across the timelines where he or some else survived it. Whether by luck or otherwise

So when the [Akashic] wanted to answer, it could not just go straight to the point. It had to give information about the entire simulation.

Due to this he now knows 3 alternate paths his simulation/alternate self took and 3 possible futures that can happen now.

'Did I just trick an omniscient being'

What Vincent didn't know was that because he was the next successor of heaven. He was on the favorable side of the Akashic.

That is why the [Akashic] was lenient and gave him the entire simulation. Otherwise, a single answer is what he would have received.

This can be better explained with this analogy.

In a situation where person A asks person B how to get to the nearest church.

If person B does not have a favorable view of person A. Person B would reply with a straightforward answer with no further explanation.

But if Person B has a favorable view of Person A. An answer that encompasses all paths and possible failures will be given.

That is the situation with the Akashic

"System I'm done."

[Is that all that you wish to Ask]



[Cancelling connection]

[You can open your eyes now]


He did so and after went to lay on his bed, ''I still don't understand why to force me to not see the Akashic''

[Don't take this the wrong way, host but I am not forcing you. If you want to see the Akashic, you can]


[Of course, that is if you want to explode from the inside out "

[But if you don't want to explode you need to become a god first.]

''Why?'' asked Vincent.

[The Akashic is the infinite and eternal accumulation of information.]

[A constant that exists across all of time, space, reality, dimensions, and whatnot]

[It contains the past, present, and the future]

[Everything that exists]

[And everything that doesn't.]

[They are all within the ever-expanding omniscient library.]

[Hence If you as much as glance at the Akashic as you are. Your brain will Involuntarily try to comprehend how much knowledge that exists within it.]

[Mind you, Your brain is not comprehending what the knowledge contains. Rather It's just trying to comprehend how much knowledge it contains.]

[This alone would fry your existence itself.]

[And that's not all]

[The Akashic also possesses the concept and divinity of Infinite Eternal. In other words, Infinity and Eternity.]

[If you glance at the Akashic. You would see these divinities and your soul would instantly perish, Even though you are a reincarnated being.]

''So basically, look and die''


''Well, that is nice.

"Anyways I'm off to sleep, The information from the Akashic took a lot out of me''

[Sleep well, Vincent]

''Thank You''

Thus he went to sleep but instead of having a night with or without dreams.

He found himself in an expanse, This was the same space where he reunited with his mother.

He decided to explore it and find out all of its secrets.

So he picked a direction and walked.

He went on a long stroll that ended when he stumbled upon a golden door.

The door was so tall that parts of it faded into the clouds, and was so wide that Vincent could not see the end of it.

He knew that the gates could be opened and he could walk in at any time but hesitated to do so.

"Well this is my dream, I am supreme here. So why should I hesitate"

He walked forward to open the door but it did so on its own.

Vincent then sauntered in, just to see a library.

Seemingly endless bookshelves intertwining with each other to form some kind of a maze.

Vincent was first surprised by the sheer size and length of the bookshelves. Curious, he took a book from one of the shelves but found it.


Then he tried another


And another




This went for several books until in the end there were piles of books on the floor and a question on his mind.

'Where am i.'

Before he resigned to the stupidity of his situation,

A nimble note flew towards Vincent, he warily held it and opened the note to see familiar writing.

``Wait, Isn't this mother's handwriting?"