
The Heart of Entropy

Amon Enigma Black-Sun is a young phoenix, a duke and a sage visiting a foreign land with his disciple for the purpose of unraveling one of their realm's greatest mysteries and puzzles.

lordjoseph7 · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Yao Annchi

Ning stood up and walked to the circular platform. "I thought cultivators who broke through the Nine Mortal Realms could leave our realm using their own power, not a device like this one."

Without looking back at Ning, Amon spoke. "Yes, they can, they don't need any device to access an Ether bridge, their cultivation is the only key they need to gain access. The purpose of this platform, if it uses an Ether bridge as a medium, is to curb the dangerous journey, and eliminate the need to navigate an Ether bridge blindly. It will just straight teleport you to a predetermined destination safely provided you are at the right cultivation rank."

Turning around to look at Amon and her sister, Ning asked. "And if this platform has a different purpose and used a different medium?"

Amon shrugged. "The only other medium is the Law of Space, which has much more restricted requirements. For one, the Runes Artisan has to be a true master of the Law of Space, something that you don't get to hear about or see every day. Then you need a key to allow the Runes to access the Law of Space in the first place to enable the platform to function without the presence of a Space Law master."

Ning walked back to Amon and stood next to him. "A black diamond?"

"Yes, and not just any black diamond, it has to be at least grade five, Fine, for it to be more than just a gemstone used to make spatial storage rings." Said Amon.

"Then, this platform must be using an Ether bridge as a medium. I don't think the most powerful entities on the continent own anything graded Fine, let alone a black diamond." Said Ning.

Looking up at Ning, he smiled. "What if the platform has its own black diamond embedded deep within it? It is highly probable if whoever made this thing wanted it to survive the passage of time and be readily available for use."

Ning's eyebrow rose. "Is there a way to determine that?"

Amon nodded. "Yes, but the platform needs to be fixed first. I have been trying to locate a distinctive rune. A repair and preservation rune which grand runic construct usually incorporate. Any decent Runes Artisan will only aim to protect the preservation rune from the passage of time because protecting it is protecting the whole device."

"You are awfully forthcoming. Should you not have kept the possibility of a priceless treasure like a Fine black diamond to yourself?" Said Ning.

"Priceless? Oh, dear! Ning, you are a smart girl, figure it out on your own." Said Amon.

Ning turned around to peer at the platform, cutely creasing her eyebrows. "If this platform uses the Law of Space, then the destination might be the real treasure. This is besides the fact that extracting the black diamond if it exists, may not be possible. As for why you are forthcoming with information is because you need help."

"I can't activate the restoration rune once I locate it on my own. Even you at the peak of the True Realm can't. We need someone at a higher rank." Said Amon.

Ning could not hide her surprise when Amon called her cultivation rank, which she concealed from her entire clan. "How...?"

Smirking, Amon winked at her. "If you want to learn a man's secrets, you have to be his secret first." Amon's heart made him extremely sensitive to energy. When Ning inspected his Ethereal Veins with her Source, she revealed her cultivation to him, the peak of the third realm, called True Realm. While it was not a big deal to admit he was Source sensitive, he still did not wish to talk about anything related to his heart openly.

Ning sighed. "Let us go back then. I will talk to my sister and master about it later."

Amon refused. "You girls are free to return. I will stay here until I find what we need. Do inform your elder sister and master that I expect a venomous oath on Ling's and your life if we are to work together. Furthermore, we split everything equally, and I get first pick."

"Come, Ling." Said Ning while leaving Amon behind.


Inside Yao Gui's mansion, Ning's room.

"The nerves on this man! He wants me to swear on my sisters' lives? Who does an Elementary Realm brat think he is? Let's hear him say that after I break a few of his bones. He will sing and do as he is told like the little..."

"Elder sister, he is our father's guest, we cannot harm him." Said Ning.

"I do not care. He shows up from out of nowhere, claims he can help Ling, and now this?" Said Ning's elder sister.

"Calm down, Annchi! For all we know, he might belong to one of the continent's holy lands. A Runes Artisan master is something even our palace does not have." Said Ning's master.

"Where are his entourage and protection then? Nothing about him makes any sense. That platform, according to him, existed for 300 million years, and just now, he shows up and has an explanation for it? No Nuan, we can't trust anything he says." Said Annchi, Ning's, and Ling's elder sister.

"Enigma has been honest with me; he spoke without falsehoods." Said Ning.

Annchi sighed. She has tested her sister's gift on numerous occasions in the past if Ning is sure about something then Annchi has no valid reason to question anything further.

"Fine. I will speak to him before we decide on anything." Said Annchi.

"Elder sister, you must restrain yourself. Please, do not assault him." Said Ning.

Annchi glared at Ning. "What are you not telling us, Ning? Do not repeat yourself about him being our father's guest. It had not stopped you in the past when you were pushed to your limit."

Ning lowered her head, looking at her feet. "I don't know how to explain it. When I first met him, there was something about him, something I was not allowed to sense or see. Something morbidly frightening. I think if we pushed him into a corner, we..."

Ning uncontrollably shivered, remembering the infinite, indifferent void she gleamed for a single passing moment when she met Amon. Taking a deep breath, Ning's regained her tranquil demeanor.

"I only ask we deal with him calmly. There is no need for violence until he bears his fangs at us. If we are uncooperative or not genuine with him, then I can see him putting the whole matter to bed. We gain nothing, and he gains everything by returning here when he can deal with the platform on his own even if it takes him twenty years to be at the adequate cultivation rank." Said Ning.

Annchi crossed her arms, looking at Nuan, Ning's master. "Let us do it her way. While I don't think he has any way to defend himself from us, your sister is the one who brought the matter to us. It is her call." Said Nuan.

Annchi approved. "Ning, if he lies about anything, the whole thing is off, and I will deal with him. You won't have any complaints then, yes?"

Ning sighed, then nodded.

"Good, we will go speak to him after I spent some time with Ling." Said Annchi.

A gentle knock on Ning's room door silenced everyone. Ning moved and opened the door.

Bowing down deeply, Yao Chang spoke. "Lady Annchi, lady Nuan, and lady Ning, you have all been summoned by master Gui. His words were, "Do not delay and don't pretend you are not here, unfilial Annchi."

Looking at Ning, Annchi had a questioning look on her face. "I have not informed our father of your arrival, and I have clearly instructed Ling not to say anything about your presence in the city."

"Ladies, I urge you to hurry, the master is not getting any younger, and he is already upset." Said Yao Chang.

Ning thought of something. "Is father alone?"

"Young master Amon is with him." Said Yao Chang.

Ning sighed. She clearly got played.


Outdoor, Yao Gui's flower garden.

"Thank you, uncle Gui, for agreeing to facilitate this talk between your daughters and me." Said Amon.

"Uncle, eh? I thought cultivators are not supposed to drag mortals in their struggles." Said Gui dissatisfied.

Amon shrugged. "Your eldest has not given me much choice. The whole time she was following us around, I could not help but sense her faint killing intent on my back now and then."

"How do you know it was my eldest and not Ning's master?" Said Gui.

Amon did not answer Gui's question and just sipped his tea.

Sighing, Gui spoke. "Yes, it was probably her. That child of mine can be...She has shamed me before with my guests while pretending she has nothing to do with their abrupt demise. I will make sure a repeat does not happen this time."

Soon, Ning showed up, walking gracefully, followed by two fully veiled fairies.

Gui humphed, displaying apparent displeasure.

Ning tried to greet her father, but he just pointed at the prepared chairs for them all to sit down.

Annchi walked to her father and kissed his head without removing her veil.

"Are my guests that vile that you have to cover your face fully in their presence?" Said Gui.

"It is alright, uncle Gui. From where I hail, veils are a common practice for many clans, including my own under different circumstances." Said Amon.

Gui was interested, Amon did not share much with him about where he was from when he asked before. "What circumstances would the woman wear a veil under?"

"It depends on the clan and their customs. One clan has engaged females wear a veil until their first night with their mate. Another has widowers wear it in public for several years after their mate passing. Other clans' females choose to use a veil at all times without cause or reason out of their own volition." Said Amon thinking about the different Primordial clans out there.

Standing up, Amon faced Annchi's and Nuan's direction. "I believe we have not been introduced yet. My name is Amon Enigma Black-Sun, delighted to make your acquaintances."

Annchi tilted her head. "Your name is not just wholly foreign, but you even start with announcing your first name before your clan's name. I have never heard of either case in the whole continent, and I have been around."

Amon shook his head left and right. "Black-Sun is not my clan's name. Instead, it's a surname my...mother gave me when I was born. As for my name being foreign, it is what it is. I'm far away from home."

"Return his greetings." Said Gui in a tone that allowed no-nonsense. He raised Annchi better than this, but ever since she walked out of their clan, his daughter has developed an irrational, over the top, hatred for all men.

Annchi stood up obediently. "Yao Annchi greets father's guest."

Nuan did the same once she saw Annchi do so. "Song Nuan, Ning's master, greets Black-Sun Amon."

"Alright, I won't waste anyone's time. With uncle Gui here as a witness, I offer the following deal. If the portal is usable and leads to a rich land, perhaps an ancient private domain, we will share all wealth equally, in four ways. Additionally, I get to call one thing to be part of my share, regardless of who found it. If, by any chance, I identify something to be useful for Ling's condition, I will call it, and it will come out from lady Annchi's and lady Ning's share.

On the other hand, if the portal is useless or leads us to our death, I will not be held responsible. I will only owe you a fair warning if I noticed something amiss to the best of my abilities. Lastly, we will all swear an oath not to reveal or discuss anything we encounter to anyone." Said Amon.

"No! I will hear none of it before I have a better understanding of who you are. What are you and from where did you hail, I want to hear specifics and details. If you lie, I will kill you where you stand." Said Annchi.

Gui slammed the round table in front of him, anger evident in his eyes. "Have you grown that insolent? You dare threaten him, right in front of me, in my own home? Do I amount to anything in your eyes? Your mother and I have not raised you to be a wretched woman that does not know what the word guest means, your own father's guest no less."