
Page 7

As both the parents try to come up with a plan to open Sarah's door and figure out a punishment for their delinquent child. Sarah sits out on the roof smoking thinking about her next choice in life. Sarah: why do my parents have to treat me this way? Why did they love Kathy so much! she says in a low voice that fades away It's not fair... as Sarah sits and while the wind hits her face as her eyes closed and her mind Echoes out all the negative thoughts and into her own worlds without any notice both her mother and father broke her door and not making too much noise to disturb their little angel in the other room they tiptoe looking around for their delinquent daughter and as they were searching through the closets underneath the bed in their drawers trying to think of any possibility of where Sarah is hiding the mother says honey look the window is open maybe she ran away? but as the father stuck his head out through the window and sees his daughter and a pack of cigarettes right beside Sarah he makes a drastic move and grabs Sarah covering her mouth as Sarah's tries to scream but not too much of a noise was coming out she was wondering what her parents were going to do to her! and as the father drags her back inside from the window he drags her downstairs to the basement and as the mother went to check on little Kathy to make sure that she Wasn't awoken by all this noise but luckily that she was sound asleep she closed the door all the way and locked it making sure that any noise that was coming from the basement that Kathy didn't hear or if she did hear she cannot come out. As a father. Threw her in the basement and he says you delinquent child you will never live up to any expectations as he said in a angry sterin voice you are poisoning your own body with those disgusting cigarettes as he was still getting a word out she says and a medium tone but just enough for her father to hear but you smoke those. the father used his hand and struck her in the face do you think I care enough for the fact that I smoke them but let alone you thinking its OK for you to smoke them! For The love of God why can't you be like your sister a delicate angel huh? you're failing in school you're hanging out with your delinquent friends and now look at you you're smoking cigarettes you're not the daughter that I raised you're just a stranger that lives in my house. and as a moment of silence ..... As Sarah processes through the words of her own blood father telling her that she was a disappointment to him and their family those words stuck with Sarah for the rest of her life.Sarah replied yelling! STOP COMPARING ME TO KATHY! I WILL NEVER BE LIKE THAT SPOILED BRAT! then her father precedes to hit her with a belt leaving marks on her own body physically abusing her until she had bruises that were black and blue and he said if anyone ever asks why you have these bruises what do you tell them? in a very Stern angry voice! Sarah with a very low tone that I fell down the stairs and then the father said what ! say it louder he demanded I fell down the stairs and not to worry about it that everything was okay. then father said that's right Sarah with tears in her eyes her body shaking the bruises on her body her father said you disgust me now go upstairs and go to sleep you will sleep on the floor and I do not want to hear another sound from you do you understand me Sarah applies y..yes. as she heads back upstairs from the basement and heading upstairs again to her room laying on the floor crying...