
Leaving behind.1/3

Both kyunmi and soojun reached home all the way in car soojun was the only one talking and laughing,he was looking like a psycho "hey baby why what's wrong are you not happy? " Soojun said as Kyunmi's mind went back to the years ago where she made the biggest mistake but yet she was happy.

3 years Ago

Amusement park Seoul 5:37 Pm

Kyunmi was waiting for soojun who was gone to bring cotton candy for them, since afternoon they both were on hangout it was really fun both of them enjoyed the rides "hey here It is " soojun said as he gave the candy to Kyunmi "thanks but where's yours? " she asked him as he sat beside her and looked at her "umm there wasn't enough candys this was the last one " he said slightly smiling and scratching his neck "ohh you can have it" kyunmi said as she show the candy to soojun "no no you eat it "he said pushing her hand gently to her "are you sure? " she asked he nodded smiling happily .

Soon kyunmi got a call on her phone, she looked at it ,it was her Mr. Lee her dad her smile faded away as she looked at the name but she picked it up "hello? " she said in a low voice "hello there princess where are you? "her dad asked her in his deep voice "appa am out with my friends I'll be home soon" she said as she got ready to hear harsh words from dad "hey it's okay but come before 7 we have to attend a dinner " He said as he kept the call and kyunmi understood what dinner it was she looked at her crush and her friend soojun and signed "hey I have to go soojun ah " she said smiling sadly "hey it's alright I'll drop you " he said as he took her hand "umm kyunmi did you enjoyed the day with me? " he asked looking at her afraid about what she will say she smiled and nodded happily "I enjoyed it so much soojun ahh thanks for today " she said. "umm will you come on a date with me? " soojun asked as he looked at her she was taken aback a little her crush was actually asking her out, but then she remembered about the dinner, "ahh I'll tell you tomorrow soojun ahh please am getting late " she said looking away he nodded understanding and both went.