


Dad time


It was time to spend some quality time with the boys. Life got busy for us, and the boys were growing up. I missed it when they were younger. I took them hiking since we could talk.

/"Did Mom threaten you?/" Nate asked me.

/"No, your mom didn’t threaten me,/" I said.

/"Are you sure?/" Deacon asked.

/"Yeah,/" I said.

/"Are you lying?/" Elias asked.

I stopped. /"Look, I wanted to spend time with you. We won’t get many chances like these, and you’ll be living your own lives,/" I said.

My boys looked at me as I looked at them. I remember when they were younger. You never imagine your kids getting older, but one day, they do.

We started walking, making our way along the trail. /"How did you know you were in love with mom?/" Elias asked me.

I stopped as Nate and Deacon gave me a strange look. I cocked my head at Elias. /"Why do you want to know?/"