
The Happy Family ( Naruto fanfic )

This story is about how you (female mc) enter the Naruto world and save everyone possible. While you are at it you encounter situations which were not originally in the Naruto verse. Oh well you being there has brought some changes so you work hard to restore everything back to normal. Read the story to enjoy the adventure.

MonsterCrimson · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

1. Weekend gone wrong : Huh ??

(Y/n) - Your name .

(m/b/f) - male best friend .

You and your friend are of 25 yrs in 2027~~

I will mention other short forms in future~~~


YEAR 2027 [Tokyo,Japan]

Your POV :

Man finally done with work. Today is Friday which means [m/b/f] and I can go to hot-spring for the weekend as planned. I should go home and start packing. Should I go out and buy a swimsuit or should I buy there itself? hmmm.... Let's buy it there itself. Hot-spring , Hot-spring... I can't wait.

No one's POV:

You were in your own world and packing your stuff at work. You are a finance manager at Kawaii Publisher Ltd. Company. You were happy to be able to work with manga all around you. You were on your way back home where you and your best friend [m/b/f] lived. You were not so good at cooking although you could manage making something edible.So you literally begged [m/b/f] to stay with as opposed to him staying in the apartment provided by his company. Though he liked to play with you, he knew very well about you and how you skip your meals. He couldn't stand by and watch you get malnourished. Since then he took upon himself to cook meals and keep the house clean. He would win the world's best housewife prize if there was any.He didn't want to be in a relationship until you got yourself someone who could take care of you for him.

It's been nearly 2 years since you started living in Tokyo. Though it was not easy leaving [Your Home country], you wanted to be some where free and you have always admired Japan being the otaku you were. [m/b/f] came to Japan to explore the opportunity given to him by his company and you being another reason. He was worried that you would kill yourself by how foolish you were (which is his opinion, you ain't a fool) so he chose Japan despite being offered a chance in UK and Canada along with Japan. You both were quite happy with life as it was. You two would go to different places almost every weekend. Celebrate festivals together. everything was going very well until today I guess...

Your POV :

Your phone vibrates as you get a text message

FROM: Idiot😜

I made dinner and have arranged it on table. Eat it as soon as you get home.


Thanks for cooking dinner. Are you not going to be at home?

FROM: Idiot😜

I have got some work to complete so I'm going back to office. Don't worry the plan is still on. And don't forget to pack your things.


Don't worry I will pack my things as soon as i finish my dinner. Did you have your dinner?


Yeah I had my dinner. Later.


Don't stay out too late or you'll be exhausted for tomorrow. Goodnight 😴😴



After getting that last message you put your phone back in your pocket and were opening your door to get in your house. Time sure did fly quickly while you were texting that you did not even notice you have reached home. As soon as got in you got freshened-up and had your dinner. You cleaned the table and did the dishes before you started packing for the weekend. You took a cool bag which you purchased a year ago for such trips.

You packed a night dress, a white tee , a jacket and black jeans , towel, power bank and headphones.

You were all set now so seeing that you needed full energy tomorrow morning you went to bed early.


You could hear birds chirping and cool breeze against your skin along with sun rays faling on your eyes. As you moved your hand around you could feel neither your bed nor blanket but were met with soft grass. At once shot up from the sleeping position and shook yourself awake only to realize that you were in a forest that too it was ani..ma...ted ???? HUH?