
The Handsome Prince From Hell

In a mythical tale of rebellion and unexpected love, the legendary Prince of Hell, Beelzebub, known to humans as Prince Nimrod, dares to challenge God's divine authority. Under the cunning guidance of his father, King Lucifer, Beelzebub plots to darken human history by uniting a demon with a human princess from Earth's mightiest empire. However, as destiny unfolds, Prince Nimrod's heart is ensnared by the virtuous Princess Helena, devoted to her faith. Caught in the throes of forbidden affection, Nimrod makes a fateful plea to God, seeking transformation into a complete human. This decision ignites King Lucifer's fury, triggering a merciless rampage across the Earth in retribution for his cherished heir's treachery. As chaos looms, questions abound: What fate awaits King Nimrod and Queen Helena? How will King Lucifer respond to his beloved child's betrayal? And can the world survive the aftermath of Nimrod's defiance?

sofyaleblanc · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Chapter 5

Prince Henry strode past the four sentinels guarding his study, a purposeful air about him. Pausing for a brief moment, he regarded George, who remained resolute, a symbol of respect. With a determined gaze, he then surveyed the long corridor leading to the west wing of the palace, his current residence. There, he spotted Hugo, his trusted right hand and head of his bodyguard, making his way toward him.

"Hugo, join me," Prince Henry beckoned with a wave of his hand.

Hugo nodded crisply and immediately fell in step behind Prince Henry.

"Summon the guards you trust implicitly," Prince Henry instructed in a hushed tone, leaning closer to Hugo. "Ensure utmost discretion; no ears but yours must hear this. Also, contact Colin and those he holds in confidence. Meet me in my office."

"Very well, Your Royal Highness," replied Hugo before disappearing into one of the palace's labyrinthine halls.

Inside his study, Prince Henry paced back and forth, contemplating how best to devise a plan to nullify the sinister agreement his father had made and protect his vulnerable sister.

When the first knock sounded at his study door, Prince Henry opened it swiftly, revealing Hugo, Colin, and a few guards. Prince Henry welcomed them in, closing the door and drawing the heavy crimson curtains across the windows. He positioned himself before his assembled team, took a deep breath, and prepared to reveal the purpose behind this clandestine gathering.

"You must be wondering why I've summoned you all here," Prince Henry began, his words measured. "A grave matter has arisen within the kingdom, one that I hope we can resolve without further harm. Those present, I trust you to bear a message to all religious leaders, irrespective of their faiths, summoning them to appear before me within six days."

Hugo and Colin, standing in the front row to the far left, exchanged a knowing glance.

"Your Royal Highness, may I ask what this urgency entails?" Hugo inquired.

Prince Henry paused, contemplating how much to reveal. He knew he needed their aid, and it was crucial they understood the gravity of the situation.

"My sister, Helena, has garnered the interest of a certain... entity," Prince Henry explained, choosing his words carefully. "I fervently wish to prevent her impending nuptials. You witnessed her earlier reaction, Colin."

Colin nodded, the audience's attention now firmly fixed on him, curious about the reference.

"I had contemplated keeping certain details from you," Prince Henry continued, "but given our dire circumstances, I must be candid. My father entered into a pact with a malevolent force many years ago, inadvertently offering my sister as a sacrifice. Now, these malevolent entities have returned, seeking to claim Helena as a fulfillment of that agreement. One of them desires to marry her."

Gasps of disbelief rippled through the room.

"I cannot allow this to happen," Prince Henry asserted. "I will not deliver my sister into the clutches of these malevolent beings. Hence, I've summoned you all. I need your assistance. Gather every religious leader you can reach within a short span and bring them before me, ideally before Helena's seventeenth birthday. Arrange transportation if necessary, irrespective of their beliefs."

Colin blinked, his face a mixture of shock, confusion, and concern.

"Colin, you seem to have questions," Prince Henry observed.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness," Colin replied hesitantly. "My mind is filled with inquiries."

"Speak freely," Prince Henry encouraged.

"Are we acting under King Alexander's orders?" Colin inquired.

Prince Henry hesitated briefly, then shook his head. "No, my father is unaware of these events."

"What repercussions might we face if King Alexander discovers our actions? Isn't this contrary to the agreement he made? Could this be perceived as betrayal against the King?" Colin asked, a hint of unease unsettling some of the guards.

"Yes," Prince Henry admitted, surveying the expressions in the room. "This is a choice you must make. I will not compel you to undertake this mission. Our actions are not on behalf of the King but to safeguard Princess Helena."

Hugo and Colin exchanged glances once more, intuitively gauging their subordinates' reactions.

"My army and I stand ready to execute your orders, Your Royal Highness," Hugo declared, a sense of relief briefly washing over Prince Henry.

Prince Henry turned his gaze to Colin, his hope resting on his childhood friend. Colin nodded several times, eventually acquiescing, "What's next, Your Royal Highness? When will the devils come for Princess Helena? Are we preparing for a confrontation?"

Prince Henry shook his head, frustration and uncertainty clouding his features. "I do not know. I have no information. This is why I've summoned the religious leaders, to help us break my father's pact or prevent my sister's marriage. I cannot allow her to be consigned to eternal torment."

Once again, shock and disbelief rippled through the room. Clearly, none had contemplated the implications of a marriage to malevolent entities.

"Colin, I trust you implicitly," Prince Henry asserted. "You have been my friend since childhood. I trust you to protect Helena at all costs. I will speak with her, but I need you to remain by her side, preventing any contact with others, including my father and mother, unless I say otherwise."

Colin blinked, wrestling with his emotions. The prospect of guarding Princess Helena, the target of these malevolent beings, filled him with dread. He had no idea how to confront such entities, but he understood that safeguarding her was paramount.

"Hugo," Prince Henry continued, "I need you to guard the corridor leading to my study. I anticipate a confrontation with these malevolent beings tomorrow, right here."

The guards trembled, their faces etched with trepidation, as the weight of their impending mission settled upon them.