
The Half Half goddess Princess

She is strong but conceal. A goddess but kept. Intelligent and kind hearted.Some called her the abomination. Some called her their hero. She not in the light neither in the dark. But her powers is set for her doomed. She is like a ticking bomb ready to explode anytime. Could this power turn for her destruction and destruction of earth or will she gets stronger and willed her power for the sake of the her family, friends, and love one.

loleihne · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Chapter 23 Soldier

" Where did they go?" Yuki ask looking everywhere, but could not find them.

"They are all gone and back to their spirit form." June say.

"Would we see them again?" Yuki curious and looking at June in her beautiful dress.

" If they wanted for us to see them, Yes." And June change her clothes magically. She is now dress back again in thick cotton leggings big shirt with a long sleeve to cover her body again. But inspite of her boyish style her beautiful face carried her look that made her sexy, alluring and classy.

" Who are you really June, could you please tell us now?" Ken demand in a very tired and fool of doubt sound of voice.Though he wanted to admire her he wants to hear the truth.

June look at all of them.She see that they wanted to know everything.Then she sigh its time for this people to know who she really is.

"Then let us all settle here for a night and I will tell you everything." Then June clap her hand.After doing that gesture the place lit up with bonfire and in the bonfire was a roasted chicken. In one place there is a mat with full of food and their van was park under one of the tree.

The four was amaze by what she does but soon forgot it because they became hungry.They all seat and begun eating.

" Where should I start?" June ask them.After seeing them satisfied in food.

" Start why did you went to Japan? Akita ask.

" And no more secrets!"Ken firmly added.

" Well I come here for only one purpose. It is to look for Yuki my long lost sister." She said looking at Yuki who is now busy eating fruits.

" Your sister?"Haru says startled.

" Yes Yuki is my sister, she and Ken already know it. But please do not grumble guys it happens when we are all in a mission." June interrupting both Haru and Akita.

"Yuki was lost and Ken and I look for her we did not tell you this because you were in a mission.When we found Yuki in Yaeyama Island she almost lost her life there and because my fear got me almost that I exclaimed she is my sister that they both learn the truth accidentally"

" Then why did you not tell us from the start of our meeting?" Akita ask.

" I really don't know how to say it or explain it. Seeing Yuki happy and doing well except the part that you were fighting and putting your lives at stakes to save the people, the earth, I just could not bring myself to confess it."

" You see I' m also scared at what would be her reaction being lost for all those years."June admitted shyly.

"I forgive you ok!" Yuki say convincing her.

" But I want to know you being the princess and your face! Your face is so beautiful.Why did you hide it? I never saw a girl hide her beauty before!And also I want to know your marriage to Ken." Yuki added.

" Me being a princess!"

" 13 years ago till now I'm still processing the thoughts of me being a faerie and to top it all a princess!" June said unbelievably in her own voice. The word faerie and princess is so alien to her.

" What do you mean by that? Weren't you born as a faerie?" Haru getting more curious and a little bit annoyed from hearing that June and Ken are married.

" Well just like you all faeries are born like human.They have no power, but my case is different, I do have.Upon learning this my family conceal me because I become a threat to other faeries. So they hid me give me to other family.Not only I was raise by other people but also I was given a new face. They gave me a very ordinary face that nobody notice that I am faerie child. Every faerie child is beautiful you know."

" But my power is so strong that my mask, or the face you saw always falls off. Then Father came up with the idea to give me to boy. The boy I grew up with and his family become my Fiance. I do not know but according to my dad when he gave my freedom as a bethroted to this boy my power did not leak anymore.And the face or the mask became my face to the people."

" Only few people knew my real face.You and the father of my fiance."

"Fiance! You have a Fiance!!!"Yuki eyes widen.

" How about Ken? You are already married?" Yuki ask.

" My marriage to Ken at Yaeyama Island is an accident. Ken and I both dont know that the ritual and the acceptance of being the clan leadership will lead to marriage."

" Ken first told me the marriage but I did not believe him but Yua called and ask me about my first night at Lovers Island and Yua confirmed my marriage to him. And I also learned that our marriage there is leagal."June shyly said as her face turning pink from embarrasement.

"But because I have a fiance and only my family can unbound me the marriage we have could not be honor.June says.

"Our marriage is legal!" Ken say it angrily then he walks away. For he cannot accept the fact that June is bind to other man aside from him.

" O! Oh! I hear jealousy!" Yuki tease.

" Jealous?! Why would he be jealous?" June ask.

" He is jealous of your fiance! Trust me I know Ken when he is jealous!" Yuki says winking at her.

June is going to ask Yuki but stop by Akita's questions.

" So where is this fiance of yours? And does this mean Yuki is a faerie too?" Akita now looking at Yuki.

Yuki also clap her hand and nothings happens. She repeated it many times foolishly but nothing appears.

" I guess, I am not your sister, I do not have your power. " Yuki says annoyed.

" You are definitely my sister, you look like our mom. And yes she is a faerie just like me.And dont worry about your power it is just asleep. For normal Faeries their power begun to show when they reach their teens and as for you being delayed is not also a problem since you grew apart from our family. And besides our other sister does not show signs of their power too. So just relax and be at ease it will naturally come." June explained to Yuki.

" Really!!!! That is a relief!"Yuki says now smiling. Then stood up and follows Ken.

" So where is your fiance?" Haru ask.

" He is in USA. And I dont have a contact to him." June says.

" If your marriage to Ken is not legal because of this fiance do I have a chance in you?" Akita ask June sincerely this time.

June saw Haru' sincerity but she does not know how to respond to it.

" Haru I know your feelings, but I cannot let you or Ken or any other man in my life for I am bound to this destiny. " June did not finish her words because Haru walks away from her and did not heard everything she says.

"Both Ken and Haru are so smitten by you!

Be assure of whom you will like and dont put the team into strife.And would you give us a time to process all this information." Akita said and left her alone.

June saddened at the words of Akita but Akita is right. She must face those two head on to avoid the strife in the team.

Everybody was sleeping now and Ken watching the fire while seating in the tree.June saw him so sad so she approach him. She sat beside a few inches away from him and looks at him.

" You sleep now.I will watch the fire its a long night for all of us." Ken dismiss her not looking at June. He still annoyed at the fiance at her being the faerie and mostly he is so annoyed at himself for she wants her so badly.

" Ken I'm sorry." June says and as she touch his hands, there again that feelings that she could not deny. The attraction and desire between them is envitable.She does not know why she have this desire for him. No other man has done this to her before.

Ken felt that too but he restrained himself from looking at June and did not move from her touch. He still cannot accept the fact that his wife is rejecting him because of the man he does not even know.He wanted to bury the man alive, for having such a hold at his wife.And what pain him most is that he loves her already but she does not even accept his feelings for her.All of her misdeed he forgive he even forgave her for hiding all the truth about her but he cannot forgave her for still choosing that man over him.

June felt Ken's stiffness, she knows that she hurt him and she hid a lot from him. But she can't answer his feelings. She does not want for them to be ended like this but Ken is not his husband set by her family for her.

" I know you are mad." June tried to say.

"Yes I am!!! I am so mad that I wanted to wring your neck because you hid a lot from me. You are so full of secret and mystery.But I am so mad that you still care about that damned fiance of yours over me!"

" I love you June!!! I really do! I love you more than I love any other woman!"

" I don't care about your secrets or you being a princess of the faeries.I just want you to honor me as your husband."Ken said dramatically because he can't control his feelings anymore.

June could not help but cry when she heard his love declaration.She came closer to him and hug him. She cling tightly to his neck for she felt his resistance when she hug him.But after not letting go she felt Ken's hand on her back pacifying her. They stayed like that for a while then when June recovered she looks at straight to his eyes.

" I am really, really, really sorry for hiding everything to you.My mission here, me being pretty and me as a faerie.But what can I do.I am just a soldier my family made. I am princess to all of the creature but I am no princess but a soldier. A warrior that has to be no feelings or emotions.

" A warrior?!" Ken wondered.

" Yes a warrior! A soldier! You see I am not like any other Princess that is pampered. I'm also not like my sister that is loved and cared. I grew up in other family because to my family I will be there weapon waiting to be unleash."

" I been trained hard by different masters.I knew hand to hand combat, settting, disarming and using different kinds of guns. I'm use to wield different kind of swords and other knifes. I can use the stones, leaves, water, fire and wind as a weapon.

" They trained me day and night.They are waiting to use me as their shield. And

you have been witness of my strength and my skills.Even my body is also a weapon."

" Ikaw na rin ang nagsabi that how come my body has no muscle when I am skilled at martial arts!"

" I was thinking that you undergo in some operation to remove all that muscle but still I doubt it!" Ken said.

" No I did not undergo in operation my body is built like this because of the faerie genes."

" Walang muscle to fool every one that I am ordinary woman."

" And also do you even remember the time that we practice fighting that you have injured me and found nothing."

" Yeah what happened back then?" Ken remember that one and forgot to ask June because of the battle they need to won.

" At that time you have really broken my ribs, but when you touch my body it is no longer evident for I could heal myself."

" Heal yourself?"

"How did you do it? The bracelet could heal our wounds outside our body but not the internal wound that is why Ayaka died because she receives a lot of internal wound."Ken explain.

"My body just do all kunds of healing internal wounds, deep injury outside wounds. You may also wonder after seeing me naked that where are all the scars from my trainings. "

" Yes I been also thinking about that. But then I just thought maybe again because of the modern technology you undergo in some plastic surgery to hid all of your scars."

Upon hearing Ken's word June open her palm and in her palm a sharp swiss knife appeared in a very swift move June pierce her heart.