
The Half Half goddess Princess

She is strong but conceal. A goddess but kept. Intelligent and kind hearted.Some called her the abomination. Some called her their hero. She not in the light neither in the dark. But her powers is set for her doomed. She is like a ticking bomb ready to explode anytime. Could this power turn for her destruction and destruction of earth or will she gets stronger and willed her power for the sake of the her family, friends, and love one.

loleihne · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Chapter 18 The lovers Island


"What fiance!"Ken repeated her words.

" I do have a fiance back in the Philippines."

"Oh really! Is this your way of saying to me not to consuminate are marriage?"

"No! I m just being honest with you."

" Then to hell with him, whomever he is.You are now my wife and it is your obligation to satisfy me!"

"I know! But!"

"There is your but again, you have so many excuses.Fine! I won't touching even if you beg me!" Then Ken walk out and went to the comfort room.

June really could tell that he made him so mad at her.She really don't want to hurt him but she really can't allow him take her.She wont allow him to die because of her.She really can't because he already had taken her heart.

Yes she love him too much already.Finally she able to admit her feelings for him.If not she would have kill him just like what she does to other man who touches her.She would rather have him mad and alive rather than death and cold.So she will just bare his anger for her and wont let him known her feelings for him.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. It was the manager who brought them clothes it is their apology compensation for what happened last night.

June thank the manager and wait for Ken to go out of the bathroom when a knock came again. This time it was Biring.

Biring gave her the info they need, and before saying goodbye Biring tease her.

When Biring went out Ken open the bathroom doors. She gave his clothes and told that the manager brought clothes form and also told him the information she got, but Ken ignored her.

She took a bath but when she walk out of the bathroom Ken is not around. So she decided to look at the info that Biring gave her.

June saw the place and ask the people. The people just shrugged because they do not know. Then a lady recognize the old picture and called somebody.

An old japanese woman appeard.June notice despite the age that the woman is strong.June ask about Dr. Toshiko and show a picture. The woman knew was in the picture but does not know Dr. Toshiko, but the woman insist it is his son Maro Taiba.

Then June ask where is Maro Taiba. Hoping to find a lead.

The woman told her that Mairo Taiba is missing.

" Did you not look for him?"

" I have been looking for him in years but I still failed.

" When was he gone?"

" His gone after the year he had learn Sumire got married."

" Who is Sumire?"

" Sumire is the love one of my Mairo but apparently their so unlucky to fight their love."

" Maybe my child you wonder why this island called the lovers islands? The old woman ask.

"Let me tell you a story of long time ago." The old woman sit down and start telling her the story.

" Back in 1800 this island was uninhabitted for its not very pretty looking island.

A time came a fisherman went to the sea to fish but he was caught in the storm.But he was determine to bring home a fish. The storm was so strong that even a big ship would sank, but he does not care and stay in the ocean. He was tossed to and fro by the wild waves when he see something in the ocean. The man carefully look and found it was a girl.

The girl was knock off already but her body is tied on a rope. The fisherman swim fast and get the girl and save her. While their floating the man found this island and the island become their shelter.

The man decided to stop fishing and wait for the storm to cease and wait on the island.

On the island he help the girl and save her. The girl conscioussness returned and thank the man. As the man could tell the girl is beautiful. And he fell in love with her. One week past the storm stop but they found the two of them could not come back because the boat of the man was wreck by the storm.

The fisherman keeps assuring the girl that they could come back to his island and the girl could find help there.

Using his bolo and skill the man made a boat.But because he is alone it will take him a while to finish a sturdy boat.

And because the girl is from a rich family the girl did not know how to survive in the uninhabitted island.

Days past as the girl was fed and cared by the fisherman the girl fall in love with the guy. And a miracle happens the man finish the boat in three weeks. He became inspired in doing the boat because the girl confess to him.

Then they both went back to his island. The girl contacted her family and promise the man that she will marry the man.And the guy hold her promise.

After a year past the girl did not came back the man losses hope. But one day a ship from a city dock on their island. It was a missionary ship and one of the passenger there was the girl.

The girl went to him and told him everything. The man could not believe it that her lover was lock up and most of their letters never reach to them. The girl said she run away while her captors sleep and join the missionary ship. The ship is going to dock in the mans island so she take the opportunity.

The girl also said that they should go because her family will discover her lost and will try to find her. So the man decided that they should return to uninhabitted island for no one knows where was the island.

They took off and live there for several years. They got children, the man did not only use his skill for fishing but he also discover that the land in the island is good so he cultivate the land. The years past people saw opportunity in that island. They begun to trade and also live there, and a time come while the island is so bountiful that the family of the girl found her.

Because of the wealth the girls father everybody living in the island was killed and set on fire. The land became barren The girl and the man also died and their children got away. No one dare set foot because the people says the island was curse but the children of the man and woman who got away who happens to be my ancestore came back and start relieving the island and from there on this story was told in every generation.

Our ancestor works hard to prosper this island. But we are fisherman and farmers only.Until Maro works hard to build a hotel where couples and married people could relax and enjoy.And we've seen and proven that this island prosper if the married people stay and love and start their family here. We all believe that our ancestor bless each and every couple who came into this island.

" That is why this is called lovers Island."Then the old woman continues.

" My Maro wants to offer this to Sumire but like our ancestor Sumire came from a rich family and forbid their marriage. His dad looks down my son accomplishment."

" Then my son becomes obsess in technology he became the youngest man who develop this AI robot that he even receive an award.But sadly when he goes back from Kirifuri Island my son was never been the same. He became quiet and distant and he became aloof always on his lab. Rarely goes out. Then one day he went out of his lab and he never came back again." The old woman tells sadly.

" Did he write a letter to you?" June ask.

" No, he does not even know that Sumire is here on the island waiting for him."

" They have suffer enough but I believe no matter how long if you love that person your love will still flourish." The woman said wisely.

Then Ken called on June who has been there the whole time hearing the old story.

" June!"

June saw Ken and saw that his countenance is not the same as earlier. So she smiled at him.

" Oh by the way who are you again guys?" the old woman ask, confused.

"I'm June and this is Ken my husband we are doing a research on Maro Taiba.June said the word husband intently so the woman would not suspect them."

" Oh a couple! Great!" The woman smile after hearing the word couple.

" Cherish your love and always trust each other." The woman advise while he took their hands and place it with each other.

" Would you like to take us in the labaratory of your son?" Ken ask smiling at the old woman.