
Chapter 28

“Wait,” Braden said. “We haven’t come up with a ransom note.”

“True,” Edan agreed. “It has to be short and to the point. Where you, because it has to be you, want to meet him, and what happens if he brings anyone with him.”

“Mention the sorcerer so that he knows we know about him,” Maeve said.

Edan nodded, moving to his chair, putting the laptop in his lap. “Go.”

“Okay. Let’s see,” Braden replied. “This is a one-time offer. I have two of the paintings from your illegal collection, a Rembrandt and a Van Gogh. I’ll return them to you if you follow my directions explicitly. We will meet at…” He paused, looking at the others. “Where?”

Maeve tapped her fingers on her knee. “Somewhere out in the open so that you can see him approaching. My suggestion is the LaBorde Lookout in the Couturie Forest in City Park.”

“That’s awfully close to the Gate,” Braden said.

“Would that be a problem, since he couldn’t find it, or even know it’s there?” she asked.