
Chapter 03: The Guild

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, OoalGown, Hermes, Priapus and TheDonFluffles

The Guild of Gamers: The Planeswalker

Chapter 03: The Guild

— Noire Virvaris —

Seeing Megumin sitting uncomfortably as she shuffles slightly, her buttocks clearly still stinging, I sigh internally.

I shouldn't have done that, it was a mistake and she didn't deserve it.

Apparently the term Arch Wizard is a 'class', which according to Darkness is essentially about the person's potential, not their current skills.

In my world there are only two people I believe are worthy of the title 'Arch Wizard', my mother and Gadwick the Wizened, my occasional mentor and the ruler of Vantress.

He and my mother are close allies and the two premier wielders of magic in the world. I have the utmost respect for both of them, so to hear a child who only knows one spell calling herself an Arch Wizard made me snap.

Even knowing what I know, it still infuriates me that she has so much potential and refuses to use it for anything more complicated than 'explosion.'

No, I won't allow it. I'll make that destruction obsessed brat a proper Wizard, whether she likes it or not.

But I was still too harsh on her, and she didn't deserve that, so I'll make it up to her later on.

"Your bag can fit an entire tent in it? Is it magic?" Aqua asks as she watches my Unseen Servant set it up. It's a fairly small tent, with room for two bedrolls to fit somewhat comfortably.

Magic here is strange, every 'utility' spell I've cast so far has resulted in shock and awe.

"It can, it's called a Handy Haversack. They're very rare, mine was a gift from Lord Gadwick, one of my mentors in the arcane," I explain, patting it as she stares at it. "No matter how much I put it in, it always weighs the same, though it does have a limit."

Her envy is apparent, and so is her intoxication. She sways slightly as she moves, and the half-empty wine bottle is dangling from her hand.

"I have better stuff, back in the afterlife. We give them to the people we reincarnate," Aqua says stubbornly, making me chuckle.

She honestly can't decide whether she's incredibly prideful, or if she has no pride whatsoever.

"Of course you do, but I'm a mere mortal, Lady Aqua," I say, soothing her ruffled pride as she beams at me again. "Why don't I have my servant move your bedroll into the tent? It wouldn't do to have a Goddess roughing it," I offer, making her light up.

"I- yeah, you're right! I like you, Noire. It's nice to be recognised," Aqua says smugly, smiling to herself as she watches my servant obey my order.

I actually like sleeping under the stars, and Tiny Hut will keep me warm and safe so it's not like I'm losing out on anything.

Having a Goddess see me favourably, no matter how odd she may be, can only work out well in the long run.

Megumin is watching the stars, Darkness has been lingering around me for a while and Kazuma is pretending to sleep. His breathing gave him away.

As she goes in, it doesn't take long before I hear quiet snoring coming from inside, and poking my head inside I pause as I spot her laying on top of her bedroll, face pressed against the floor and her ass up in the air as I raise an eyebrow, looking at the pale peach swaying in my direction, and the tiny pink slit on display.

Apparently, Goddesses don't wear undergarments in this world, the more you know I suppose.

Sighing, I climb into the tent and calmly pry the bottle from her hand and place it beside her, laying her down properly and tucking her in.

Bad sleeping posture can lead to some serious problems in the long term, even for Goddesses. Maybe.

Heading back out, I go back to the log I was using as a chair and open up my spellbook. I copied over two new spells while I was waiting for my party, Psychic Lance and another one that I haven't had the chance to test.

"You aren't going to sleep, Princess?" Darkness asks as she walks over to me, shuffling in place as I look up at her with a smile.

"Not yet, I've never needed as much sleep as most people. I usually sleep around half the night, it gives me more time to read and study," I explain, patting the log next to me as she sits, her armour resting next to the log leaving her in some kind of skin-tight black bodysuit which truly clings to her incredibly voluptuous body.

"What are you reading?" Darkness asks, peering at my spellbook, blinking at the countless notes and scribbles in the margin.

"My spellbook, I'm going over a spell I added recently. I've never had a chance to use it," I explain, she clearly can't read my notes because my spellbook is written entirely in an ancient dialect of Elvish.

Knowledge is power, and I don't want my power being taken by anyone I don't willingly share it with.

"What language is that?" Darkness asks, making me chuckle.

"Elvish, and a very ancient dialect that's barely used in my world anymore," I reply, it's harmless information as Darkness blinks.

"Are you an elf then?" she asks, making me pause. "I wondered with your ears, but there are a few races with those."

"Ah. I'll need to learn about the races of this world," I say, making her shake her head as I reach up and touch my pointed ears. "But yes in a fashion, I'm a half-elf, on my mother's side," I explain, ending up spending some time talking about my home and family (without mentioning my father) with Megumin and Kazuma clearly listening in as they pretend to be asleep.

I got the feeling she didn't believe me at first, but as I pulled out my books, I'm fairly certain I convinced her with drawings and tales from my home.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to distract you from your spell," Darkness says, smiling slightly as I finish telling her about the knights of Embereth and the eternal tournament being held there.

"I don't mind, you helped me learn about this world and I'm hoping you'll continue to do so," I say, making her smile at me.

"Of course, feel free to ask me as much as you'd like," Darkness says as I reopen my spellbook. "May I ask what spell you're reading? I'm pretty unfamiliar with magic myself."

"I'm studying an Enchantment spell called 'Command'. Enchantment is my speciality, though I intend to study magic in all its majesty, not limit myself to one school. One of my mentors, Gadwick, taught me the value of information and secrets. A wizard should never stop seeking the secrets of the arcane," I say, making her chuckle slightly at my small rant. "A-anyway, the spell allows me to weave my magic into a single word, and attempt to force my target to obey. Although any command that would result in direct self-harm will almost always be resisted, the survival instinct is powerful indeed I suppose. This means you need to be pretty creative about what commands you use."

"Are you planning on testing it?" Darkness asked, with a strange tone as I turned and looked at her.

"No, not yet anyway. I need a test subject for that, it's not a spell I can throw at a target to practise with," I say, making her perk up.

"Then why don't you try it on me? Though I'll warn you, Crusaders like me have a high resistance to magical effects," Darkness offers, her tone not quite right as I turn to her.

"Are you sure? Being mind controlled isn't usually particularly pleasant," I ask, making her smile at me.

"I am, really I don't mind," Darkness offers, making me stare at her even as I open my spellbook again, going over the details once more.

Nodding to myself, I turn to Darkness as she straightens up and smiles.

"Thank you, Darkness, please try to resist my spell, it'll be more helpful to know how hard it is for someone to resist. Now be a dear and kneel," I say, the final word reverberating through the air as Darkness stiffens up, her knees buckling as she tries to resist, shaking her head as she overcomes the effect with a pant.

"I said, Kneel!" I say again, making her seize up before her knees hit the dirt, falling to her knees before me as she looks up at me with flushed cheeks. "Interesting," I say, summoning my magical quill and making some notes.

The quill is a trick I learnt from Lord Gadwick, from a branch of magic he created. It's all about the importance of your spellbook, but this is just the first stop.

It's a simple enough trick, forming a quill out of my magic, which never needs ink and can write in whatever colour I desire. It's hardly groundbreaking but it's still very useful. Plus, I can erase anything I write by waving the quill over it.

"How hard would you say that was to resist?" I ask, making her slowly rise to her feet. It doesn't last long but perhaps it's because she completed my command?

"It was somewhat manageable to resist it at first, but once you cast it a second time I just couldn't ignore it," Darkness says, shaking her head. "It was odd, once you cast it again I just felt like I had to kneel, it wasn't my body moving on my own, I knelt even knowing it was a spell."

"Hm, repeated castings increase the effectiveness. Interesting. May I?" I ask, making her nod calmly. "Grovel, worm."

Does working the word into a sentence increase the effectiveness? Would 'Grovel' be the same as 'Grovel, worm?'

She resists it again, her knees buckling slightly before she straightens up again. Hm.

"Cower," I say, this one barely has any effect making me scowl.

"Oh, don't feel bad. Crusaders are almost immune to any attempt to magically frighten us. We have good resistance to a lot of mental effects," Darkness reassured me, making me pull out one of my blank notebooks, starting a encyclopaedia of sorts on classes.

"Interesting, we have Paladins who share some similarities. Do you learn any magic?" I ask, watching her shake her head. "Paladins gain powers through their Oaths."

"We gain some skills, like the ability to draw monsters to attack us, but no magic. We also gain a lot of resistances to most types of damage. Powerful Crusaders are said to be almost immune to physical damage," Darkness explains as I continue writing. "You don't need to worry about your spell not working, Crusader is an advanced class, and a fairly rare one at that. I'm the only Crusader I know of in Axel."

"Don't worry, I didn't expect it to work on you consistently after you mentioned being resistant to magic. So, you're the defender in the party then, taking the attention while the others do the majority of the damage?" I ask, pausing as she blushes.

"Y-yes, something like that," Darkness says, making me pause and stare at her for a moment. "What about you, you're obviously a talented mage, what type of spells do you use to fight with?"

"Enchantment magic, anything involving the mind. Obviously, I study magic in all its wonders but magic affecting the mind is my speciality, and I've also been trained to use a sword, dagger, and bow," I say, shifting my cloak slightly to reveal the long Elven dagger at my hip. "Outside of combat, I've extensively studied plants and animals. I can sing, paint, draw, and play the lute or violin. I had a lot of time to spare growing up, so I learnt quite a few talents to pass the time," I brag somewhat, making her smile.

"Impressive. I never learnt any of the arts myself," Darkness admits, accidentally reinforcing my suspicion that she's a noble.

"Well, when you have time to spare you should grovel," I say, her eyes widening as she drops to her knees, pushing her head against the dirt at my feet. "My apologies, I wanted to test if it was more effective when you're not expecting it," I say, making more notes as she slowly rises, dirt on her face as she pants slightly, blushing.

"I-it's fine, I'm happy to help," Darkness says as I rise up, placing my hand on her cheek and using Prestidigitation to remove the dirt from her.

"And I thank you for it. I've learnt enough for now, so I'll stop for the night," I say, giving her a smile as I sit back down and grab my backpack, opening it up and rummaging around, grabbing the whip Carah gifted me.

"Why do you have a whip?" Darkness asks immediately, interest clear in her tone.

"Don't worry, I won't test this one on you. It's a magical artefact. I was planning on attuning my magic to it and seeing if I can figure out exactly what it does," I say. Embarrassingly, I never learnt Identify because everything I was given before had already been identified by my mother.

As part of her decision to stop me from being so reliant on her, she identified this and then gave it to me when she was convinced it wasn't too dangerous. It's dangerous of course, it's a magical weapon, it would defeat the point if it was safe.

"Do you know how to use a whip?" Darkness asked, making me chuckle.

"I do, actually. Though admittedly using one in combat is new, so I'll need some practice," I say, spotting the growing blush on her cheeks, confirming my suspicions.

She's been way too interested in me since she spotted me spanking Megumin, and I am almost certain she's a masochist. I'll test my theory later, I don't want to ruin our growing friendship on the slim chance I'm wrong.

Casting Detect Magic, I frown as I sense necromancy, draconic magic and something I don't recognise.

Standing up, I push my magic into it and feel it accept me, and immediately knowledge floods my brain. I almost drop the whip in surprise as thousands of words and their meaning become known to me, staring at the whip in shock and confusion.

How, and why, did claiming this weapon just teach me two entire languages? I've never heard of a weapon that can grant this kind of knowledge, though I do remember hearing of a tome that was rumoured to grant the reader the ability to speak and read in every language.

I recognise Draconic, as I've had to read some texts written in the language of the dragons, but what exactly is Abyssal?

Looking down at the whip, I shake my head and put it back away, the knowledge staying. I'm still connected to it, just putting it in a bag isn't going to break that.

"Hm, on second thought I'll come back to that," I say, watching Darkness's eyes widen as I pause, coughing awkwardly. "That wasn't in Common, was it?" I ask, making her shake her head. "My apologies, attuning to this granted me two new languages. I'll come back to it, the sudden influx has given me quite the headache," I say, easily.

"You sounded… terrifying," Darkness admits as I laugh.

"Quite fitting for a language called 'Abyssal', but I digress. I'm going to turn in for the night. Sleep well, Darkness." I say as I grab my nightgown and get changed, uncaring of Darkness watching me.

Kazuma is facing away from us, which I bet he's regretting right now. I'm sure he can hear the rustling of clothes, but he can't turn around without revealing that he's been awake this entire time.

Consider it my revenge for eavesdropping, because if he tries to peep I'll have to discipline him.

I'm not shy nor do I particularly mind casual nudity, but I dislike peeping. It might seem odd, but it's just how I am. If you see me naked because I decided not to wear anything, that's fine, if you see me naked because you spied on me, I'm going to hurt you.

Still, he shouldn't feel that put out, since my sleepwear is rather revealing, and as long as he wakes up easy enough he should be able to get a good look.

The nightgown is almost entirely see through, meaning anyone who sees me in it can easily see my breasts and nipples. The flimsy white silk provides exactly no cover and my smallclothes really aren't any better, tiny little things that barely cover my pussy with a thin strap that is devoured by my ass.

It's made to enhance and appeal, not to conceal.

Mostly because I'm a tease, and I enjoy feeling sexy. I'm sure I've caused a lot of frustration on the servants in the castle.

Getting into my bedroll, I watch as Darkness also moves to her bedroll, and use my magic to make the interior of the tiny hut darker.

It doesn't take me long to fall to sleep, despite 'roughing it' , since the hut makes this as comfortable as possible.

— Kazuma Satou — Next Morning —

He'd never needed that much sleep, a fact for which he blamed his gaming habits as he was used to pulling all-nighters or staying up late into the morning so he could grind.

Was it healthy? Absolutely not, but it did mean he tended to wake up earlier than Aqua, and apparently Darkness and Megumin as well, spotting the masochist crusader and the useless mage both still curled up in their bedrolls.

A part of him wanted to just go back to sleep, the sun had barely started to rise after all, but the real reason he woke up made him shake his head and sit up, he really needed to pee.

He might wake up faster than Aqua, but clearly not Noire as he spotted her looking at him, a graceful smile on her face as his cheeks turned red.

Her smile was so beautiful that he almost didn't notice what she was wearing, before his eyes gained a mind of their own and lowered to her small but incredibly perky chest, the flimsy white nightie she was wearing doing nothing to cover her up as she sat on the log, book in hand.

The see-through cloth barely covered her breasts, with two pink ribbons on each of the thin straps going over her shoulder, and it split in the centre just under her cleavage, leaving her midriff exposed to the cold morning air. Even her panties barely provided any actual concealment, not quite see-through but enough to give him an idea of what was hidden beneath. He could almost see through it but it was just blurry enough to leave the rest up to his imagination.

He immediately felt his tracksuit bottoms grow tight as his eyes fixated on the tiny pink nipples he could see, the first pair of (almost) naked breasts he'd ever seen in person.

"Good morning, Kazuma. Did I wake you?" Noire asked, her tone soft and soothing even as he pulled his gaze away from her magnificent bosom.

Some men would prefer a larger pair like on Darkness or Aqua, and maybe he'd have been the same before, but he promptly decided that any size did indeed make his wood rise.

"N-no, I woke up on my own," Kazuma said quickly, hating his stutter. Talking to Noire felt far different than talking to Aqua or the others, maybe it was the fact that if she had a bizarre quirk he hadn't seen it yet, or maybe it was the fact that he could clearly see her boobs.

It was probably the second.

"Ah, good. I've always been an early riser myself," Noire said softly, going back to writing- No, drawing in her book as he tried not to stare.

He really wanted to, he could admit that, but in truth he was scared of chasing Noire away from the party. She was the closest thing he'd found that passed as competent so far, and he didn't want to lose this opportunity to get a talented party member.

"Have you been up long?" He asked, moving closer as she patted the log next to her, sitting down and looking down at her book.

His eyes widened as he looked down at the incredibly detailed pencil drawing of the monster they found her fighting.

"An hour or so ago, I was actually considering doing a little hunting but I didn't want to leave without warning anyone," Noire said, closing her book as she stood up.

"Hunting? You don't have a quest-"

"Ah, sorry. I mean hunting animals, for food to be exact. There are some fairly recent deer tracks nearby, and I'd like to make my rations last," Noire said with an easy smile. "But I should get dressed first, I can hardly hunt with my breasts on display," Noire said playfully, his eyes betraying him as he looked down at the aforementioned breasts again.

"You could- I mean, sorry! I'll let you get changed," Kazuma squeaked, hearing her light giggling again as she grabbed her travelling clothes, once again using that spell to clean them.

Pulling her nightie off, she placed it back in her bag, dressed in nothing but her tiny thong before she pulled her leather trousers on, the tight clothes clinging to her hips as she paused and looked up at him.

"Do you mind?" Noire asked as he spun around, shouting an apology (waking up the rest of the party in the process).

"…Trashuma," Megumin said simply, immediately catching on as he felt his cheeks flush.

"Oi, don't call me that, you failure of an arch wizard," Kazuma shouted back, watching as Megumin stood up and grabbed her robe again, heading into the tent to get changed.

"Sorry, Scumuma," Megumin replied, making him glare as he turned to her with his hand outstretched.

She wanted Trashuma? So be it.

Holding out his hand towards her, he realised his mistake at the very least second, as the last syllable of Steal was leaving his mouth.

Noire had also moved to the tent, saying something to the awakening Aqua, but in the process, she'd moved between him and Megumin who was entering the tent.

Seeing the flash of light, he froze as Noire straightened up and turned to him, now dressed in her travelling outfit and cloak.

"Kazuma, please explain what that was," Noire said, her tone entirely calm and collected as his hand opened, a tiny white piece of cloth dangling from one of his fingers as he gulped.

"Trashuma's class is 'sexual harasser', that's his skill, panty thief," Aqua immediately replied, yawning as she looked at him, sticking her tongue out as Noire looked back at him.

"I see. I'd like that back, Kazuma," Noire said as she walked up to him, holding her hand out as he quickly placed her panties into it. "And why exactly do you have a skill to steal undergarments?"

"I don't! It's called Steal, it's supposed to steal a random piece of equipment from the target, it just- always ends up being panties for some reason," Kazuma admitted, going quieter and quieter as Noire's eyes narrowed, not in anger but in thought.

Chris claimed it was his stupidly high luck that was making him steal panties because luck apparently valued their panties more than whatever else they had.

"I see, and why exactly are you using it on me?" Noire asked, crossing her arms as she gave him a stern glare.

"I was aiming for Megumin-"

"That isn't better, you shouldn't be using that kind of skill on your party members. I think you should grovel," Noire said, watching as his knees immediately buckled and hit the ground, pressing his face against the ground at her feet as Megumin laughed. "Apologise to both of us, and promise not to do it again, or I'll show you just how embarrassing some spells can be."

"I'm sorry Lady Noire! I'm sorry Megumin, I'll never use Steal on a party member again!" Kazuma immediately folded, looking up into her unamused stare.

"Excellent, now get up," Noire ordered as he scrambled to his feet. "You want to make it up to me, don't you?" she asked sweetly, making him nod rapidly.

He'd quickly decided that angry Noire was a terrifying person, he'd almost prefer it if she was screaming. Don't piss off the mind controlling super mage, lesson learnt.

"Good, then to make it up to me… I want you to use Steal on me again," Noire said, making them all freeze in confusion. "What? It's a new skill I've never seen before, I want to see if I can work it out. The abilities of this world are odd to me," Noire said calmly, moving back to her log and sitting back down as she put her thong in her bag.

"I- okay?"

If this was a trap, it was one he was about to jump into because disobeying her might bring angry Noire back, so casting it again he looked at her shirt in his hand as she gave him a raised eyebrow, picking up her book again and writing some notes down.

She was topless under her cloak, and he still hasn't gone soft from the earlier show.

Putting her book down, she gestured for him to continue again, making him almost shudder as he looked at her trousers.

This repeated until he'd taken almost everything, a pile of her clothes and various belongings she kept in her pockets around him.

He tried not to think about how naked she was under her cloak, but it wasn't working.

"Curious, you couldn't take my Bracers, Ring or Cloak. Is it because they're magical, or because I'm attuned to them? Is my connection allowing my magic to resist your attempt?" Noire asked, clearly talking to herself as she wrote down more in her book. "Are you all in a rush to return to Axel? If not, I'd like to spend some more time outside the city."

"There's no rush, if you keep the hut up we could spend all day hanging around here," Aqua said immediately, speaking for the party as she sat down cross-legged on Noire's bedroll.

Aqua was enjoying having Noire around, mostly because Noire hadn't realised how utterly useless she was yet.

Seeing no objections, Noire smiled happily.

"Excellent, thank you," Noire said, immediately going back to her writing as she clicked her fingers, casting something as things started to move around by themselves. "My unseen servant will set up a fire, and I've sent Nátt to look around the area. Once I'm done with this, I intend to do a little hunting. Some cooked venison sounds like a better meal than dry rations."

A part of him wondered if he should say something about how Noire had basically taken over as the unspoken leader, but with the concept of meeting Angry Noire again, he promptly decided to let the incredibly sexy elven princess (who could mind control him) do whatever she wanted. His introverted virgin heart couldn't take it.

After getting dressed in the tent, Noire sat back down and started writing, occasionally casting a spell or stopping to think.

It was actually quite nice, camping out when they didn't have to hunt some incredibly dangerous monster for pay that was barely worth it, and it wasn't like any of them had places to be.

Noire was obviously focused as she spent what seemed like hours writing and casting before she smiled.

"Kazuma, can you come here for a second," Noire asked, making him jump at her, finally finishing whatever it was she was doing.

"Sure, what's up?" Kazuma asked, still cautious around her as she held her hand out at him.

"Steal," Noire said simply, the weight at his hip disappearing as his eyes widened, spotting his cheap sword held in her outstretched hand.

"Wait, you don't have the Thief or Adventurer class, how did you-"

"It's not your skill, though I don't blame you for your confusion. I've recreated your ability as a spell, that's all," Noire said, before smirking. "Well, I didn't make an exact copy. Is that your coin purse at your hip?" Noire asked, dropping his sword and moving her hand again as his coin purse appeared inside it. "I didn't want the random nature of your ability, plus it's rather flashy for a thief skill."

…this woman was actually borderline terrifying.

— Noire Virvaris —

Lord Gadwick once explained the nature of spells to me, because the Order of Scribes which my Magical Quill comes from has a focus on modifying spells and my fathers Grimoire has an opening section on spell creation.

I'm no expert, my new spell is rather draining because of how inefficient it is, but I can improve on that later. It's a simple enough conjuration spell, similar in nature to a lot of teleportation spells, and all I'm doing is teleporting a specific item to my hand.

But it's a start, proof that I can make my own spells.

My version isn't as flashy, because it doesn't make sense for a thief skill to attract so much attention, and it may fail if I target items that are equipped, but the point is that I was able to make it from scratch.

And so my life of crime begins, mwahaha.

Obviously I'm joking, I don't even know what I'm going to do with this spell but the fact is I was able to recreate a 'Thief' ability with magic.

This is what an Arch Wizard should be, not casting the same spell every day and being satisfied just because it makes a big boom. I pried the details out of Darkness easily enough, and Megumin disappoints me.

All that potential and she just wants to watch things blow up?

"Well, with that done I think it's time I found our lunch. Nátt spotted the deer herd whose last tracks I noticed, and they're not far from here," I say, pulling out my bow and quiver with a smile.

"Would you like any company?" Darkness asked,eager to please.

"No offence, but in that armour you'd just give my position away. Still I shouldn't go alone, Kazuma you will come with me. We shouldn't be long and I'll leave Nátt here since I can pass messages through him if anything goes wrong," I say, pulling out a box of chocolates and passing them to Megumin. "Here, you three can enjoy these while we're gone."

"Wait, can I have-" Kazuma starts, pausing as I turn to him.

"Since you stole my underwear, and attempted to steal Megumin's? No. Come among," I order, making him wince

Kazuma is laughably easy to handle, between his growing crush on me and his fear of my magic and anger, I can control him easily.

I can hear the others giggling even as they open up the box, Oohing and ahhing at the contents, before they descend into squabbles over who gets what.

Kazuma trudges behind me until we reach the edge of a far more pleasant looking forest, making me turn to him with a smile.

"Darkness told me that adventurers, while weak, can learn almost any skill. I'd like to test that, if you don't mind. Do you know how to use a bow?" I ask, making him pause midstep.

"Not really, the only skills I've learnt so far are Steal, Lurk, and Enemy Detection," Kazuma admits as I smile at him.

"Well, would you like to try?" I ask, holding out my bow. I have two bows, a shortbow and a longbow, both of elven design of course.

I'm a longbow girl myself, but short bows are better for beginners. Longbows are far harder to use, and require a level of strength that I barely possess, but I prefer them for their distance and power.

As he takes it slowly, I give him a beaming smile, enjoying the light blush on his cheeks.

"Let's start simple, with a stationary target. How about… that large tree over there," I say, pointing to a thick oak tree a distance away from us.

"I don't know how to-" he starts before I move behind him, 'incidentally' pushing my breasts against his back as I manoeuvre him into the correct posture.

"It's easy, I'll teach you," I say, almost whispering as I draw an arrow and place it on the bowstring.

I spend a little time explaining the basics before he takes his first shot, missing by a metre or so as he frowns.

"Don't worry, it wasn't a bad first shot. You need to steady your breathing, your heart is racing," I whisper, hiding my smile as I correct his posture again.

He misses again, and again, but after a while he pulls out a card, pressing his finger against it as my eyes narrow. Darkness showed me here Adventurer's card, did he just acquire the Archery skill? This world is strange indeed.

Taking aim again, he hits the tree almost dead centre this time, making me smile as he turns to me.

"See! You're a quick learner, well done," I say, giving him a light hug. Motivation is an important step in the learning process. "Let's see if you can repeat it."

He's still far worse than me, but the fact that he was able to hit anything at all in such a short time is impressive. The Adventurer class certainly has a lot of potential.

— Kazuma Satou —

As he started to hit the tree consistently, they'd moved onto a thinner tree further away, and surprisingly he'd been able to hit that one as well when he'd gotten the hang of it.

Maybe he was a little reckless spending his last remaining skill points to get the Archery skill to impress Noire but they needed a ranged fighter anyway. That was his excuse and he was sticking to it.

Every time he'd hit a harder target, Noire would hug him proudly, praising him.

Nobody had praised him since he arrived here, except Aqua when she wanted something from him, and Aqua was about as sincere as she was useful.

Hell, when was the last time anyone praised him ever? It felt good.

"Okay, you've picked this up surprisingly quickly… So how about a final test?" Noire asked, kneeling and gesturing for him to join her as she brushed some foliage aside to show a hoof print.

"Wait, you want me to be the one to hunt the deer?" Kazuma asked, making her smile.

"I do, we're downwind of our prey, and if you miss I'll handle the rest," Noire said, casting a spell as a large hound appeared by her side. "Come on, I'll teach you how to move through the forest like an elf," Noire said, stepping silently as she started to speak in his head, telling him which foliage wouldn't make noise when he stood on it, and what to watch out for.

He had Lurk for stealth, but that only worked in dark places and it didn't help him not make any noise.

He was still louder than Noire, who didn't even seem to disturb the forest as she moved through it with incredible grace, never making a sound as her hound followed behind.

Even her hound didn't make much sound as it sniffed the ground, following the trial.

'There, by the stream. That's good, the running water will cover the sound of your steps somewhat.' Noire added, gesturing forwards at a large male deer that was drinking from the stream. 'Now, like I taught you. Slow and steady, it doesn't know we're here. If you make the shot, I'll even give you a special prize.'

His cock twitched as she said prize in that sultry voice of hers, his mind jumping to all the wrong places as he shook his head and tried to focus, pulling back the arrow and taking aim.

He didn't want to miss and look like a fool in front of Noire, so taking a deep breath, he calmed himself and focused on the target. Noire has told him where he needed to aim for a clean kill, and his new skill helped him make sure his arrow would go where he needed it to.

Letting the arrow go, he watched it fly through the air in what seemed like slow motion before his eyes widened, hearing the deer's cry of pain and surprise as the arrow pierced it's body.

She'd told him where to aim, and if he wasn't wrong he'd just hit it in the lung.

It went to run, but Noire was faster as she took the bow back and immediately pulled back another arrow, and unlike her warnings to go slow and take your time, she fired immediately as the arrow soared through the air, making a whistling sound before it pierced the deer's body.

The second the arrow hit, the deer collapsed to the ground, unmoving as his eyes widened.

"There, great shot! Sorry for stealing the glory but I didn't want it to suffer any more than necessary," Noire said calmly as they approached it. "If you're hunting animals, you should always try and make the kill as cleanly as possible. But your aim was magnificent, look," Noire said, kneeling by the body as she pulled the arrow out. "You hit a lung, it would have fallen within the next couple of minutes. So congratulations, you're now officially a hunter," Noire cheered, wiping the arrow clean and putting it back in the quiver.

"So what's my prize?" Kazuma asked, before pausing as she smiled at him playfully.

"Hmm, well how about a favour? I owe you one favour, no questions asked," Noire offered, his body betraying him again as it demonstrated its enjoyment at the concept.

"Deal," Kazuma answered immediately as he watched her cast a new spell, a hovering blue disk of energy appearing as Noire got him to help put the heavy deer onto it.

"Now let's get back to the others, I'll have my unseen servant handle the skinning and butchering back at camp. Well done today, Kazuma," Noire said calmly, walking back the way they came as the disk floated behind her.

— Noire Virvaris —

I'm not too worried about the favour, Kazuma doesn't seem bold enough to demand too much for it, and if he is the type to ask for my body as his prize, I'll give it to him.

Of course, I'll immediately ruin him afterwards, but the point still stands. I said I'd do him a favour, no questions asked, and I will.

Consider it a test of the kind of man he is, one he doesn't want to fail. Is he smart enough to not go for the short term gratification dangling in front of him?

If I'm to travel with these people, I intend to know everything about them.

Still, I did blatantly cheat in the hunt.

I have an enchantment spell that allows me to dominate the mind of beasts, it doesn't work on sentient creatures or magical monsters but a regular deer never stood a chance.

The deer wouldn't have run even if we walked up and started throwing rocks at it, but Kazuma doesn't need to know that.

He did really well, such a quick learner. I'm so proud. Men like being praised by attractive women, that's just a fact of life.

We return to the camp easily, and my unseen servant immediately starts the unpleasant process of skinning and carving the meat from our prey.

"You're quite the huntress, Lady Noire," Darkness says, looking over our trophy as I laugh.

"Please, if we're going to be travelling together you can all just call me Noire. And while I won't deny my skill, this particular prey belongs to Kazuma. He's quite the quick learner, and picked up archery incredibly fast," I praise, patting Kazuma on the back with a proud smile.

The others seem somewhat impressed, Darkness suggesting Kazuma buy a bow when he's back in the city.

"So, if there are no objections I was planning on using our prey to cook some lunch, I'm far from a royal chef, but I'm decent, and have a nice section of spices. After dinner, we can continue onto the city itself. I'd like to register at the guild before they close tonight," I say, using my 'royal' voice.

It's essentially a copy of my mothers own tone that she uses when she's dealing with royal business, and it just screams 'do as I say', without me needing to be domineering. I've found it's a good way of making people so as I wish.

"With the horses we'll get there with time to spare," Darkness agrees, Aqua already drooling at the thought of a hearty meal. I saw their 'rations', it looked like it was mostly hardtack and tough jerky.

Provides everything you need to keep going, with exactly zero flavour and the texture of worn boots. It's also extremely cheap which is why it's used by the army and clearly some less fortunate adventurers. I tried it once when I heard the soldiers ate it on long marches.

I would quite literally rather eat my mud-caked boots, in fact, they'd probably taste better. I actually spent some time convincing my mother and the higher ups in Locthwain's military to improve the rations, people fighting and dying for our kingdom deserve better than that.

It doesn't take me that long to cook up the meat with the help of my unseen servant, the party watching like a pack of starving animals, drooling as I try to make the best out of the situation.

It's not the royal kitchens, and my ingredients aren't exactly worthy of a princess let alone a goddess, but I do the best I can with such limited resources and soon the spiced meat is served up.

They descend on the plates like vultures fighting over a particularly juicy corpse, and while my cooking isn't up to the standards I'm used to, causing me to eat my portion at a much more sedate pace, it's a damn sight better than their rations which explains their reaction.

Is Megumin crying? Wait, so is Aqua. It's just a piece of roast venison and some spices.

They're all thankful of course as we finish up, doubly so when my unseen servant takes the dishes and I easily clean them with predestination, the most versatile spell that every wizard should know.

Mounting up again, I feel Kazuma pressing himself against me as we set off, the camp packed away and the fire put out, of course, and I slowly feel the return of the hard length pressing against my lower back and rolling my eyes.

In his defence, the ride isn't that smooth and I am bouncing against him a bit, but as long as his hands don't wander from where they are wrapped around my waist, I'll permit it.

Perhaps I accidentally move back a little too much on occasion, rubbing my ass against his crotch, but that's just part of his test because I can tell that he's almost ready to burst already, his arms tightening around my waist. I enjoy teasing people like Kazuma a little too much, to be perfectly honest. He basically radiates a 'virgin' aura.

It isn't long before I see the massive city walls in the distance, which makes sense if your land is full of monsters and your castle can't fly.

I expected more security to be honest, but seeing us approach the gates are opened to allow us entry. So if we're humanoid that's enough to be allowed in?

How lax. Even the villages of Locthwain have better security measures.

Dismounting, I carefully ignore the harrowed look on Kazuma's face, and the tent in his trousers.

"So, this is Axel?" I ask as I dismiss the phantom steeds, realising we are gathering quite a bit of attention as we start to move through the town, following behind Aqua as Kazuma slinks to the back to try and subtly fix his issue. From what I've felt pressed against me for the entire ride here, he doesn't really have anything to be ashamed of, but I don't think he's got anything to be proud of either. Well, it's not the size but how you use it, and I'd be a hypocrite to judge him for his average manhood with breasts like mine.

"It is, it's a big place but the Adventurers Guild isn't far from here. We can turn in our quest and you can sign up. Oh right, you won't have the right currency for the signup fee. I'll cover you, as thanks for the meal," Darkness explains, making me smile gratefully.

"I intend to solve my financial situation soon, but you have my thanks," I say, following behind her. "Do you have homes in the city, or do you use inns?"

"Oh, me and Kazuma sleep in a stable," Aqua admitted easily, making me blink and look back at Kazuma.

"We're broke, and we need to save up for better gear. Also Aqua spends all her money on booze," Kazuma immediately replies defensively. "And most of mine as well, now that I think about it."

"No complaining! It's your fault I'm stuck here," Aqua replied immediately, pointing her finger at him as he grumbled.

I'll add 'get a home appropriate to my station' to my list of things to do.

Megumin is noticeably evasive and looks equally embarrassed. From what I pried from Kazuma, her refusal to learn any other magic has resulted in every other party kicking her out. She can only cast one big spell, after which she is left incapacitated and has to be carried, so she can't adventure alone either.

Essentially, she's basically jobless and since Darkness told me Crimson Demons usually live in a village far from here she's probably equally homeless.

Darkness doesn't seem like she wants to answer, but I suspect I already know the reason for that. My guess is that she ran from her noble home to become an adventurer, though I can only speculate as to the reason why. That said, she definitely doesn't seem to have financial issues given her armour and weapon.

Reaching the Adventurers Guild, I just take the place in as they turn in their quest and get paid with golden coins not dissimilar to those used in Eldraine.

Kazuma mentioned that they took a quest so far away because it paid better, and now they had four members to split the pot with, but the pay still seems remarkably low.

"And who is your new friend?" the buxom blonde woman behind the desk asks as she turns to me.

She's a rather attractive woman, perhaps five years or so older than me, dressed in a low cut top revealing a vast amount of her bountiful cleavage, and a very small pair of shorts.

"This is Noire, she's here to register as an adventurer," Darkness explains as I nod to the receptionist. "Noire, this is Luna, she's the receptionist of this branch of the Adventurers Guild.

"Oh, another new adventurer? Wonderful! With the rise in monster attacks, we'll need all the people we can get," Luna said happily accepting the registration fee from Darkness as she pulled out a card. "Now, please place your hand over the crystal, it will check your stats and determine which classes you have available."

I know those cards somehow track your skills and the monsters you slay, Darkness explained quite a bit to me on the way here, so I'm curious to see them in action.

"Oh, a magical artefact to check one's talents and potential? Interesting," I say as I hold my hand over the large glowing blue crystal surrounded by strange moving bronze metal pieces. I don't know much about magical artificing yet, so how it works is a mystery to me.

It does something to the card she's placed down, making me glance over as the crystal stops glowing, the metal pieces going still as Luna picks the card back up.

"Yes, thank you very much. Now, Noire Virvaris is it? Let's see…" Luna trails off as she starts to read, her eyes going wide.

"Is there a problem?" I ask, making her shake her head rapidly.

"Of course not! My apologies, Noire. It's just been quite some time since I've seen stats like this, your stats are even better than Aqua's," Luna says, looking back down at the card. "Your intelligence is… the highest I've ever seen, maybe the highest the Guild has ever seen, and while your strength is only slightly above average the rest of your stats are all well above average. You could take almost any class with stats like these, except strength-based classes like Barbarian."

Hm, it makes sense. My lineage is almost perfect, royal blood on one side and divinity on the other, and I've trained all my life.

"I'm a spellcaster at heart, is there any class you'd recommend?" I ask, ignoring the attention we're attracting. Talented people always stand out, and I am certainly not shy.

"Well, Arch Wizard is the most versatile and possibly the strongest of the magic classes-" Luna starts before I freeze for a moment, then shake my head.

I am not an Arch Wizard, yes I know it's not the same in this world but as much as I love the idea of being Arch Wizard Noire, it would ring hollow.

I will become an Arch Wizard, but certainly not because of some random guild in a different world.

"Oh? Well then- huh," Luna starts, making me raise an eyebrow. "You have access to a class called 'Great Sage', but if I'm being honest I've never even heard of it. It has an incredibly high intelligence requirement. Even you barely meet it."

The whispering increases a dozen fold as she says that, and her shock and awe is clear to see. It appears new classes aren't discovered very often, it's nice to know I'm so special.

"Hmm, that will suffice," I say after a moment of thought. Sages are the ultimate scholars and mentors who eternally seek knowledge, and it fits me well enough.

Still, to have Great be in my class name? Isn't that rather conceited?

"Of course, Lady Noire. On behalf of the Adventurers Guild, it's a pleasure to have you with us. I am afraid I will have to report your class and any skills it gives you to the Guild, I'm sure you understand why they'd be so curious about a new discovery," Luna says apologetically as I wave her off.

"That's fine, I don't mind," I say as she looks at the new skills that appeared when she marked down my class. "Can you read them aloud please? If they're going to become public knowledge soon there's no reason to play coy."

"The Great Sage's Teachings: Sages are mentors above all else, and you have mastered the art of teaching others, sharing your skills and experience with those lucky few you deem worthy of your lessons. By mentoring others, you increase their experience gain, allow them to gain new skills and skill points, and in rare occasions even allow them to gain an entire level." Luna reads out, frowning slightly in confusion. "That's odd, skill descriptions are often much shorter than that. Still, I can only imagine how popular this skill will make you, Lady Noire."

I can hear gasps and whispers from the adventurers as they stare at me in well-deserved awe, a smile growing on my face. How fitting.

As Luna continues reading her face turns slowly red, my own eyes widening as her voice gets quieter.

"The Tantric Touch. You've learnt the ancient art of tantric massages, allowing your touch to grant bonuses to those you practice your art on. Through massages or more intimate means, you can grant long-lasting buffs, permanent stat increases, and other bonuses." Luna reads out, her face burning as my eyes widen. "O-oh my!"

What does that have to do with being a Sage?!

The whispers increase massively as I look at the crowd, seeing the awe turn to a mixture of confusion, greed and lust.

"I'm sorry," Luna whispers as I wave her off.

"They'd have found out in time anyway, secrets never stay hidden forever," I say calmly, trying to ignore how my own cheeks are burning. Somehow, I can't help but feel my father is responsible for this.

I have no idea what this has to do with being a sage, but embarrassment aside I can definitely see the benefits of it. This 'class' seems to be based around enhancing those around you, making your allies power your own.

I can work with this. Skill points are limited and levels are hard to gain once you get out of the lower levels, so I imagine I'll have no end of powerful people wanting my aid, seeking my teachings and touch. I can definitely work with that.

As the future queen of Locthwain, I need to think about the long term as much as the short term. How many people could I convince to serve my realm in exchange for a boost to their power? I could use it to make the knights of Locthwain the envy of the land. No, this is perfect.

Perhaps the method is a little undignified, but that doesn't matter to me. It's all about the end, not the means.

— Kuro Tepes —

With the formation of the Guild, I've been unpleasantly busy once again. It took a while to get Gray and Shiro on board, as neither of them are that fond of giving other people power after all.

Kuro Jr was down, but that's because he understands how much fun it could be to have more gamers, and we've limited them to make sure they never reach our level, so it's not like there's any risk.

The first system I made, a very barebones system with a lot of potential, has gone to Noire because she deserves it. My other daughters got far more than her while they were growing up because I utterly spoiled my girls, but I can't deny Ayara is right… a lot of them are brats.

They're my brats, but they're still brats and Noire is far more responsible and hard-working than most of them.

But they could be worse…

Groaning, I look down into my secretary's icy blue glare as she obediently bobs her head, deepthroating my shaft like the good little sex slave she is.

Lucille glares back up at me as I place a hand in her long white hair and force her head down as I cum, Shiro's rebellious daughter swallowing my seed as I groan, my cum flooding her gullet.

Letting go, she pulls back with a cough as she wipes at her chin, cleaning up some of the cum that leaked out of her mouth as she glares at me.

"Will that be all, sir," Lucille asks as she stands, making me chuckle. Shiro's daughters are far worse than mine.

It's hard to believe she almost killed me once, and with the formation of the Guild she almost managed to steal one of the systems we prepared for the first wave of new Gamers, planning both Shiro's and my deaths.

I wanted her dead since she tried to kill one of my daughters to get the system meant for her, but Shiro didn't want his daughter being killed. I don't know why he gave her her power back after the first attempt, but we came to an agreement.

Lucille would be given to me, and I am not allowed to torture or kill her, but that's my only limit. So now my one time killer is my secretary, and plaything.

"Bend over the desk and lift that tiny little skirt of yours," I order, making her scowl as she obeys, slowly pulling up the miniskirt of her slutty secretary outfit, revealing her pale ass and the black buttplug she's been wearing all day, pulling it out I rise and line myself up, smirking as she glowers over her shoulder at me as she feels the lubricated tip of my shaft pressing against her slightly stretched asshole.

Thrusting forwards, I chuckle as a pleasured moan leaves her mouth, going back to what I was doing.

I like Konosuba, it's a great world to play around in but it's just not dangerous enough for Noire to really grow, she's the type of girl to grow from challenges and I, being the wonderful father I am, want to see her grow.

I've already expanded the Demon King's army, added a lot more powerful monsters and raid bosses to the world, and added a few different threats or opportunities depending on how she treats them, a thieves guild here, an assassins guild there.

But I'm sure I can do a little more than that, right?

New Abilities

Spell Creation

You have become familiar enough with magic to design and modify spells to suit your needs.

Great Sage

The Great Sage's Teachings

Sages are mentors above all else, and you have mastered the art of teaching others, sharing your skills and experience with those lucky few you deem worthy of your lessons. By mentoring others, you increase their experience gain, allow them to gain new skills and skill points and on rare occasions even allow them to gain an entire level.

The Tantric Touch

You've learnt the ancient art of tantric massages, allowing your touch to grant bonuses to those you practice your art on. Through massages or more intimate means, you can grant long-lasting buffs, permanent stat increases, and other bonuses.

New Spells

Tenser's Floating Disk

This spell creates a circular, horizontal plane of force above the ground. The disk is immobile while you are nearby. If you move away from it, the disk follows you. It can move across uneven terrain, up or downstairs, slopes, and the like. It can hold an impressive amount of weight.

Noire's Subtle Steal

Targeting an object on the target, you teleport the item to your hand. The larger and heavier the item, the more draining it is to teleport. Items that are equipped have a chance to fail. This spell does not require verbal casting and has no visual effects.

I have a discord server (technically someone else’s but my name is on the server so it’s basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

I also have a bad P word that FF doesn’t like, what’s on it? Right now, nothing that you can’t find elsewhere and I don’t know if that will change to be honest, I don’t like the idea of paywalling content but I also like money to fund my pizza and games addiction, so here’s the link for that as well: Pat reon . com/TheDarkWolfShiro

Author's Note: A virgin neet like Kazuma never really stood a chance against a professional enchantress like Noire. She knows how to lure in her prey, but at least he’s enjoying getting tied up on her web.

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