
The Hunt is On

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain and TheDonFluffles

The Guild of Gamers: The Operative

Chapter 03: The Hunt is On

Aria placed some guards to stop people from getting into (or out of) the quarantine zone, but realistically some half-asleep turian was never going to be able to stop me from going where I pleased.

I haven't actually been back to this part of Omega since I… paid a visit to a certain batarian preacher who spent all his days calling humanity a plague.

I could say I killed him because his rantings were increasing tensions between the humans and the rest of the races on Omega, but really he just got in my face and decided to call the heavily armed, notoriously brutal bounty hunter a 'festering blight on the galaxy' so I shot him. People with so little self preservation don't deserve the air they breathe.

Aria's men are better-trained than the usual Omega thugs, but they're far from professionals, so the guard didn't even notice me slip by him and into the quarantine zone.

They do have some legitimate concerns about the plague spreading if people come and go, but I know a thing or two about decontamination.

This isn't my first time dealing with a bio-weapon, and the more I look into the plague the more convinced I am that this is a bio-weapon.

I probably should have paid more attention to it when it started, but I was focusing on the pirates and didn't give it a second thought.

That was a mistake, an unfortunately common one as well. I get hyper-focused on a task and ignore anything that doesn't seem related to it.

Shit, there's even a serial killer on Omega that I'm vaguely aware of, leaving drained corpses, but because it didn't affect me I never looked into it beyond listening to the rumours. I should get better about that flaw of mine.

I've contacted an old… friend? Rival? Let's go with frenemy, who is in the quarantine zone and he agrees that it's a bioweapon, and while me and Mordin have had our differences, he's the expert here.

He's a former member of the STG, the salarian equivalent of Section Seven, a genius scientist whose idea of retirement is running a clinic in one of the most corrupt and dangerous places in the galaxy.

We met before he retired after he caught me blackmailing a corrupt salarian official, because he was planning to assassinate the same official. The salarians don't fuck around when it comes to traitors, and he 'won' that encounter since the official ended up having an accident and I had to retreat.

Still, no hard feelings, and he's patched me up a couple of times since he opened his clinic. Mordin is convinced that this is a bioweapon, but he's not sure of the origin.

It doesn't affect humans so Cerberus comes to mind, especially given the fact that they just arrived on Omega, but I don't think they're responsible.

I think they're on Omega for me, given their attempt to get into my apartment, and was that Shepard I saw?

I thought the saviour of the Citadel was dead, but it definitely looked like her. What would a Spectre be doing with a terrorist organisation like Cerberus?

I'm missing something, and that annoys me, but I also saw Miranda and her pet soldier Jacob with potential-Shepard, and I doubt Miranda has forgiven me for my little prank so I'll assume they're hostile for now.

…which is why I've planted so many explosives behind me, to make sure anyone else following me into the quarantine zone gets an unpleasant surprise. It's surprisingly easy to get the components for bombs on Omega, Harrot has decent wares and doesn't ask questions.

On the bright side, the Cerberus squad and the Shadow Broker's mercs got into a fight, which works for me.

Maybe Cerberus is trying to pass off some fake as Shepard, a bit of reconstructive surgery could explain the looks (though this new Shepard has scars across her face), and I wouldn't put it past them to try and capitalise on her fame.

But the Alliance and the Council wouldn't buy that, especially not with her flying around in a ship that's flying Cerberus colours. Plus, whoever she is, she's good, she took apart the Shadow Broker's mercs like it was nothing, even after getting caught in my trap. I don't want to fight her in a fair fight.

No, I'm definitely missing something.

If they come into the quarantine zone, I'll make a plan to deal with them, maybe I'll just distract them and kidnap Miranda, if nothing else it'll be funny to get another victory over her.

The Perfect Perfectionist really doesn't take failure well.

But for now, I need to focus on my current task, tracking down my target. The 'optional objective' is to kill this Zreek without ever alerting his men, which changes my plans.

I was just going to blow him up, explosives are an efficient way of dealing with vorcha since they tend to come in such large quantities.

…also I do enjoy causing explosions, everyone needs a hobby and in this line of work you find the fun where you can.

Given the new parameters on my mission, I don't bother fighting my way through the Blue Suns who are still active in the quarantine zone, slipping past them without them ever realising I was there.

My armour has an in-built cloak, but I don't use it often. It can only last a certain amount of time since it consumes a lot of power, so it's better to rely on my own skills to stay under the radar and save the cloak for when I actually need it.

Plus, the Blue Suns will serve as an additional layer of unknowing defences between me and anyone chasing after me.

Zreek's last known location is deep in the quarantine zone, so I stop by Mordin's clinic as I go, attracting some attention and nervous looks thanks to my intimidating black armour, but I ignore them as I enter, spotting Mordin hard at work as ever.

He's always been a busybody. I think it's a salarian thing, they don't tend to like taking things slowly.

"Ah, Max, good that you are here. I'mcalling in my favour," Mordin says immediately, not even turning to face me as I enter the room where he's working.

As I said, Mordin's patched me up a time or two, so I do owe him.

"Let me guess, you're roping me into helping with this plague?" I ask, making him nod.

"Simple enough task, cure has already been synthesised, simply need you to take it to the air control facility, use the ventilation system to spread it through the quarantine zone," Mordin says, not bothering to wait for a reply as he hands me the synthesised cure. "Warning, Blood Pack controls that section of the quarantine zone, took it from the Blue Suns when the plague started, expect resistance."

I don't complain, he's a useful contact with his medical talents and STG training, and it's a simple enough task to make us even.

"It's all good, I'm heading that way anyway. One of the Blood Pack has had a bounty put on his head, a vorcha named Zreek," I admit, making Mordin pause briefly.

"I know him, attempted to eat me, thought it would make him smarter. I set him on fire, but vorcha are surprisingly resilient to immolation and he ran away, didn't bother chasing him," Mordin says easily. He might look weak at first glance but the man has more blood on his hands than people who have been in this line of work for decades longer than him.

Salarians have a much shorter lifespan than most species, only living for forty or so years (if they're lucky), and Mordin is probably in his late thirties. I don't know how long he worked in the Salarian Task Group, but he's done more than I have in both lives put together.

"Huh, so that's why he has those burns, at least it'll be easy to identify him, all vorcha look the same to me," I admit, making Mordin nod.

"Little physical differentiation between vorcha, easier to identify them by their war paint, clan markings," Mordin agrees, pausing as he glances at a screen showing some medical information I barely understand. "Pleasure to see you again, but busy. Need to see to my patients, another time."

"I'm sure I'll need patching up again sooner or later," I say, not offended at the dismissal. Mordin hasn't changed much. "I'll handle the cure, it shouldn't take long."

"Of course, always welcome here, professional courtesy," Mordin agrees, going back to his work as I turn and head out of the clinic.

Hm, I should be able to handle both of these with relative ease. Vorcha are basically attack dogs, barely civilised beasts the Blood Pack use as cannon fodder.

They're notoriously dumb, but also brutal and resilient, I can probably slip past them all and put the cure in the ventilation system without them even realising.

Hm, vorcha are basically immune to plagues, but they're far too stupid to actually create one. From what I've heard, the Blood Pack have been pushing the Blue Suns hard, if I didn't know any better I'd say they were expecting this.

Eh, not my business. Thugs killing thugs only makes my job easier in the long run, I'm not here to solve every problem in the galaxy.

— Later —

Watching the vorcha from the shadows, I spot Zreek easily enough. The burns and his higher-end armour make identifying him easy (not that burnt vorcha is a particularly rare sight, since they have a fondness for flamethrowers).

I was right about being able to get past them and put the cure in the ventilation system, but they obviously know something is wrong.

Unfortunately, dumb as they may be, it doesn't take long before they decide to fix the problem by turning off the ventilation for this entire station section.

Even vorcha need air to breathe, they'd suffocate along with everyone else but they're not smart enough to work that part out.

So now I need to turn it back on, because while I don't care if some gangs kill each other, I'm not going to stand by while everyone in this area suffocates because the vorcha don't understand how oxygen works.

But that leads to another problem, my mission says not to alert his men, but he's not leaving the controls and I can't turn them back on without drawing their attention.

Looks like I'm going to have to do this the hard way, because I won't alert his men if there is no one left to alert.

Pulling out my blade, I look over the dozen or so vorcha wandering the air control station with narrowed eyes.

The stragglers I pick off easily, shields don't do much to stop a knife to the throat, and these guys don't even wear helmets. It'd be harder if they'd did, but most armour has a weak spot or two where you can slip a blade.

Zreek is too busy pretending he knows how to use the controls to notice as the eleven men he has nearby is reduced to six, each body hidden (or just tossed into one of the many pits around here, where do the pits go? Hell if I know.)

Despite their numbers, this entire mission is pathetically easy, a distraction here or there to split up the ones who are together and before long it's just me and Zreek.

I wish I'd had a cloaking device in my last life, it would have made life so much easier, but ah well, I can't change what happened now so there's no point in thinking about it.

Zreek isn't quite as stupid as I expected, finally noticing that his men have disappeared as he stops fiddling with the controls, looking around with his heavy flamethrower in hand.

"No more hiding, come out!" Zreek demands, occasionally letting off a burst of flames in random directions, snarling as his leathery lips peel back to reveal the sharp, pin-like teeth.

He doesn't notice me, because nobody actually looks up, nor does he hear me land behind him over the sound of his M-451 Firestorm.

Vorcha are actually rather unique in how adaptive they are, for instance if a Vorcha is burnt, it will grow a thicker skin, and Zreek seems like he's seen a lot of combat, but no matter how thick his skin may be, it's not thick enough to stop my vibroblade as I calmly remove his head.

I take a picture and send it to the BBA, normally I'd take the body back so they can confirm it's really him, but Zreek isn't going to show up on any medical records, so they're just going to have to take my word for it. Thankfully, my reputation is enough that they don't doubt me and I get the confirmation message from them mere moments later.

Mission Complete

Please select a class

[Analyst] [Cyber Operative] [Engineer] [Quartermaster] [Smooth Operator] [Shadow]

Well, that's new.

I can sense that my current 'skills' have already been sorted into classes, Cold Reading is a Smooth Operator skill, Demolitions Mastery is an Engineer skill and Cyber Supremacy is obviously a Cyber Operative skill so clearly I'm not limited to one 'class'.

I can more or less guess what each class does, and after a moment I make my decision. After all, I don't currently have a Quartermaster since Section Seven has gone to shit, so being able to handle things myself would be useful.

A good agent doesn't need fancy gear to do his job, but I can't deny it helps a lot.

Hideout Gained

[Quartermaster's Workshop] has been added to your hideout

My pocket suddenly feels heavier, a small device that opens a portal to my 'hideout' appearing in it as I pause.

Skill Gained

[Poison Tinker]

You have the ability to design and craft poisons of all kinds, only limited by your imagination and ingredients. In addition, your workshop has gained the equipment you need to work your magic. Comes with a free PHD in Chemistry]

Bonus Objective complete

[Greenhouse] has been added to your hideout, along with a set of seeds which can be cultivated and used in poison-making.

Ideas fill my mind, I've always been good with poison-, it's an occupational necessity after all- but I tend to buy my poisons instead of making them.

With my new power, I'm almost disgusted at the quality of the poisons I've used, they're just so… crude. I can make them better, more deadly, more subtle, or absolutely less subtle as the plans for a poison that would cause the victim to vomit up his entrails flash through my mind.

When it said it came with a PhD in Chemistry, I thought thought it would just give me the knowledge but I somehow know that in my hideout there's paperwork for a legitimate PhD, that I got on Earth, anyone who looks into my background hard enough will find that I got it legitimately, even if I fast-tracked through it. I'm Dr Maxim Russ now, which is a bizarre feeling.

I was always well educated, but I never actually went to university in my past life because I joined the army instead, getting a more private education when I became an agent, but now I remember my time in university, classes, hanging out with classmates, fucking the cute girl who sat in front of me, beating up her boyfriend when he found out, the usual university things.

But I shake my head and focus, remembering that I'm in Blood Pack territory at the moment as I turn the ventilation back on, kicking Zreek's body into one of Omega's many mystery pits.

I really should work out where they go if I'm going to be booting bodies into them, but oh well, honestly I could have done this mission in my sleep, but the hunt was never the point of this. Checking my omni-tool, I watch the Cerberus team make their way through the quarantine zone, with far less subtlety than I did, as they fight basically everything they see.

Omega doesn't have many cameras for me to hack, but I set up some wireless cameras as I made my way into the quarantine zone.

If they keep going this way, they'll end up at Mordin's clinic. This should be interesting.

— Jane Shepard —

Finishing the final Blue Suns merc, she put away her shotgun with a grin, feeling the adrenaline of battle pumping through her veins.

The ventilation had come back on while they were fighting, which was a relief, since she was used to problems requiring her to fix them herself.

"That's Doctor Solus' clinic, looks like Max came through this way," Miranda said, making Jane smirk slightly at her clipped tone.

Max had apparently known he would be followed, and they'd been walking on tiptoes to avoid the many traps he'd left in his wake.

On the bright side, the mercs hadn't been so careful, and it made their job easier when one of them stood on a particular well-hidden landline and took out two of his friends.

Of course, they triggered a few as well and she had to thank whatever deity was listening that she had such a strong barrier.

Max was incredibly sneaky, if they weren't careful he'd blow them up long before they caught up with him and convinced him they didn't mean any harm. It was embarrassing, but Miranda had saved her from stepping on several tripwires and disguised mines, maybe she was a little too used to rushing in.

You'd think that dying would make her a little more cautious, but you'd also be wrong.

Tracking Max was proving annoying, but hopefully the doctor would be an easier recruitment.

Oh who was she kidding, he definitely had some dangerous mission he'd need her to do before he joined up.

— Later —

"Wait, just like that?" Jane asked, blinking at Mordin's easy agreement to join up with them on a literal suicide mission with a group of extremists.

"Yes, grown bored of the clinic, assistant can handle things in my stead. Collectors are mostly an unknown, should prove any interesting challenge. Plague has been dealt with, nothing else to do here," Mordin said easily, making her blink. He talked way too fast.

"If the plague's been dealt with, why is the zone still on lockdown?" Miranda asked, making Mordin turn to her.

"Very recent, sent an associate to place the cure in the ventilation system, confirmed that he succeeded," Mordin explained. "Briefly concerned when the ventilation turned off, but it was clearly handled."

"…would your associate happen to be called Max?" Jane asked, making Mordin pause.

"Ah, another target you wish to recruit? Skills could be useful on this mission. Cerberus has tried before, with no success. Hoping you'll have more success?" Mordin asked, seeming amused as he glanced at Miranda, her scowl growing.

"I'm hoping he sees the importance of our mission," Jane said, making Mordin nod.

"Fits his usual patterns, collectors are targeting humans exclusively, it would be interesting to work with him," Mordin agreed, his eyes briefly flickering behind her.

She turned to see what he was looking at, only seeing medical displays she didn't understand.

"Do you know where he is? Are you expecting him to come back to the clinic?" Miranda asked, making Mordin shake his head.

"Was here to track down a bounty, called in an old favour to have him assist with the plagues dispersal, has no reason to return, will probably return to the bounty station in Afterlife," Mordin reasoned, making her nod in thanks. "Will gather my equipment, shouldn't take long, looking forward to working with you."

Well, one down was a good start. Now she just needed to get Max and Archangel and she was done with Omega. She hadn't been here long but she certainly wouldn't miss this place.

Saying goodbye to the doctor, she left him to gather his things, curious why he seemed so amused.

— Max —

"That was mean," I say simply as Shepard leaves and I decloak, making Mordin chuckle.

"Thought they'd notice you, cloaking isn't perfect after all. Shepard hyper focuses, common issue, will have to correct it," Mordin said with a smile. "No issues on your end?"

"The vorcha were responsible for the plague, which is curious because they're definitely not smart enough to pull it off themselves and I doubt it was the Blood Pack since it hit krogans as well. They got in the way but… they're still vorcha," I say, making Mordin nod.

"Limited intelligence, no real challenge, interesting. Collectors?" Mordin says, making me pause.

"Maybe, they use other species as their agents when acting, and they've certainly got the tech for it. I just don't see what they get out of this, unless they're just using this as a testing ground for their plague?" I theorise, making him nod.

"Logical testing ground, wide array of species, why target human colonies but make a plague that only leaves humans untouched? Might require humans for something, would explain the abductions, plan to wipe out other species and capture humans?" Mordin mumbles, talking more to himself than to me.

"Or it's just a proof of concept, a plague that can kill basically every race while excluding one is a deadly weapon. I know people who'd pay good money for that, Cerberus included, but I doubt the collectors are getting into the arms trade," I say, making him nod. "Guess you'll have to try and find out while you're playing hero with Shepard."

"You don't plan to join her?" Mordin asks, making me shrug.

"I've got a major mission already, though I can't say I'm not concerned about the collectors targeting human colonies," I admit, honestly if she'd showed up a week ago I'd have joined up even with my issues with Cerberus.

But joining now would just bring the Shadow Brokers' attention down on Shepard, and while I find the idea of setting Cerberus and the Broker against each other amusing, Shepard's mission sounds important.

What was it she was talking about before she died? Reapers?

Word spread fast when humanity's first Spectre started talking about a literal robot apocalypse that wiped out the protheans and was coming back for us, no matter how much the Alliance and Council tried to squash it.

I didn't give it much thought, I was busy myself at the time, but if she's right (or more importantly thinks she's right) it'd explain why the Alliance's golden girl is working with a terrorist organisation when the Alliance itself doesn't believe her. Especially if she thinks they're behind the collectors…

I do believe she's using them, clever girl. Shepard seems to have a good head on her shoulders, hopefully enough to handle the Illusive Man's attempts to manipulate her.

Seriously, who calls themselves 'The Illusive Man' and expects to be trusted? That should be an immediate red flag.

It's one of the things that amuses me so much about Miranda, she's so fucking smart while still being a gullible idiot. She's drunk a little too much of the Cerberus kool-aid.

It's a shame, if she weren't such a Cerberus cheerleader, I'd really like her. She's smart, skilled, and very beautiful.

She's also TIM's right hand woman, his most trusted agent, which isn't saying much because Timmy doesn't trust anyone, but if she's here then Shepard has Tim's full attention.

I can take on Cerberus, I can take on the Shadow Broker, I can't take them both on at the same time.

Plus, the collectors are a bigger concern than Cerberus right now, and while I could leave this up to Shepard and this crew she's gathering… I'm a pessimist and frankly I assume everyone other than me will fail.

I didn't even trust the other Section Seven agents, so while Shepard is undeniably talented, with Miranda and Mordin by her side, I still don't trust that they'll take out the collectors without me babysitting them

Ugh, this is an annoying position to be in.

Then again, I don't have any real leads to hunt down the Shadow Broker, I'm playing defence in this little war of ours. I could go hunt down some confirmed agents, but I highly doubt any of them know who or where their boss is, shit most of them probably don't even know they're working for the Broker, let alone his identity.

Cerberus has definitely looked into the Shadow Broker, there's no way Tim is willing to accept another mysterious asshole pulling strings while hiding behind an edgy name. They're too alike and I doubt either enjoy it, and it's not like I haven't used Cerberus' resources myself before.

Besides, tricking Miranda once was a pleasure, but getting her twice, with the exact same plan, will be an honour.

— Miranda Lawson —

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jane asked, making Miranda nod. "I don't like the idea of any of my crew working alone."

Predictably, Max was nowhere to be found in Afterlife, but after arriving back to the ship, she'd received a message from the asshole himself, inviting her to a one on one meeting.

In Afterlife, which she'd just left. The bastard had been there, he'd even taken a picture of them leaving, just to rub it in that they'd missed him.

"If Max was planning to kill me, he wouldn't have chosen such a public place. I'll meet with him while you deal with Archangel," Miranda said, scowling slightly at how easily he'd run circles around them.

"Take Zaeed with you, even if he's not a part of the meeting I want you to have some backup," Jane ordered, making her pause before she nodded.

"Very well, Commander," Miranda agreed, Max didn't say to come alone, but she had her own reasons for not wanting Shepard to join her.

She had a perfect record, in her time with Cerberus she had never failed the Illusive Man, not once… until Max played her for a fool. He was an ugly blemish on an otherwise pristine record, and if she could recruit him to their cause without Shepard it was a blemish she could finally remove.

The worst part was that the Illusive Man seemed to find how Max tricked her funny, he'd been clearly amused when she'd had to report how Max escaped her (taking a considerable amount of Cerberus resources with him).

It would have been better if the Illusive Man had been angry or disappointed, but Max had made her a joke, the perfect operative who got sweet-talked into her target's bed, got drugged and then robbed to add insult to injury.

She knew she wasn't overly popular with the other Cerberus agents, she didn't usually care about them talking behind her back, but Max gave them enough material to mock her for years, and their words stung more when they had more than just petty jealousy behind them.

As Shepard left to go and recruit Archangel, she headed towards Afterlife, Zaeed following behind. She wasn't sure what she thought of the mercenary herself, he was crude and blunt but his reputation claimed he was very reliable, he better be for what they were paying him.

Though if he made another comment about her skintight suit, she might just shoot him herself.

Arriving at Aria's bar, she headed for the private booth Max said he'd be in, pausing slightly as she considered how she was going to approach this.

Spotting Max, she scowled at his cocky grin, he wasn't wearing armour having swapped it out for a high-end suit, a drink in his hand as he watched her approach.

She knew why he'd picked this place, if it turned into a fight, she'd be in trouble. Aria's guards wouldn't like her causing trouble and there were plenty of bounty hunters who would probably join the fight on the side of one of their own.

"Miranda, been a while," Max said simply as she reached his table, seeing he'd already ordered her a drink.

Wine, a very expensive asari wine no less, her favourite brand. She'd be grateful for it if it wasn't the exact same drink he drugged those years ago. He always did think he was funny, but she wouldn't let him see that it got to her.

"And Zaeed, guess you've been recruited into Shepard's little mission?" Max said- did they know each other? It would make sense, they were both bounty hunters and the BBA had a strange kind of comradeship between its hunters.

"For the money Cerberus is throwing around? You're goddamn right," Zaeed said, making Max laugh as she sat opposite him, taking a sip of the wine. "One last mission, then I'll have enough to retire to some fancy garden world."

"You'd get bored of peaceful retirement in a week," Max laughed, making Zaeed grunt, not disagreeing.

"Max, were the explosives really necessary?" Miranda asked, making him smile.

"Considering who I've pissed off? Definitely," Max agreed, making her sigh.

"The Shadow Broker. How did you manage to cross them?" Miranda asked. "Did you join them then immediately stab them in the back?"

"Nothing so complicated, they were funding pirates to attack human merchant ships, bringing goods to the colonies. I managed to hack their system for a brief moment when I was following a lead, and the Broker really didn't like that," Max said, making her immediately pause.

The Shadow Broker was targeting humanity? That didn't bode well, she'd have to report this to the Illusive Man.

She actually respected Max a lot, even if she was pissed off at him, he did the dirty work to keep humanity safe, the same as Cerberus did even if he didn't quite see it that way.

"But the Broker isn't the only problem the colonies are facing, are they? So, I'm curious, did you put my name forward for Shepherd's little squad?" Max asked, making her scowl.

"No, the Illusive Man picked the dossiers himself. I thought you were a poor selection due to your untrustworthy nature," Miranda admitted, making him grin.

"You're not still upset about that, are you? It really was nothing personal, if you didn't work for a group of extremists I'd even say I like you," Max said, making her scowl deepen.

"I've seen the Section Seven records on your missions, you are in no position to call anyone out for being too extreme," Miranda shot back.

"Normally, I'd agree, but I've seen far too many of Cerberus' operations to believe that, luring Alliance troops into thresher maw lairs, assassinating competent and respected Admirals, all while claiming to be doing it for the good of the same people you're fucking over? And don't try to feed me that bullshit about rogue sects," Max scoffed, making her shuffle uncomfortably in her seat.

The Illusive Man said they were rogue, but Max obviously wouldn't believe that, and she couldn't deny that some of their operations had gotten out of hand. It was the issue with having operations with basically no real oversight.

But then, Max was also running around with no oversight, doing whatever he felt was needed to protect the Alliance's interests.

"Whatever you think of Cerberus' past actions, you can't deny that the collectors need to be stopped and the Alliance hasn't even started really investigating the attacks yet," Miranda pointed out, making him nod.

"You're not wrong, the Alliance has always been too slow to act, bound by miles of red tape. Who's in charge of this op?" Max asked, making her scowl ever-so briefly.

"Commander Shepard," Miranda said, seeing his amusement.

"You never did take not being in charge very well," Max said in amusement, making her sigh.

"I can't deny I'd prefer to take charge myself, but the Illusive Man insisted. I'm to assist her in her mission, not take charge myself," Miranda admitted.

"And spy on her to make sure she doesn't turn on your precious Cerberus, of course," Max said bluntly, smirking as she rolled her eyes.

Of course, that was a given, considering how much time and resources Cerberus had put into Shepard.

"Of course," Miranda agreed, hating how his cocky smirk did certain things to her.

Unfortunately, Max was exactly her type, and he was unlikely to get romantically attached. Basically, the perfect man for a meaningless fling, she did have her own needs after all.

Despite rumours, she wasn't trying to honeypot him nor did she get seduced, it had just been a fling to celebrate their successful mission, unfortunately she hadn't realised Max was planning to betray her and handed him the perfect opportunity.

"What do you want, Max? No games, you wouldn't have arranged a meeting if you didn't want something from us," Miranda said, making him nod.

"I want whatever Cerberus has on the Shadow Broker," Max replied easily, making her pause. "In exchange, I'll lend Shepard my services for this little collector problem."

"Like you wanted our resources to deal with the slavers?" Miranda asked, making him smirk.

"Not quite, I'm not promising to join Cerberus. I'll help with the collectors, I'm concerned about the abductions myself, but after that I'm gone," Max said simply, making her frown as she stared him down.

He seemed to be telling the truth, but Max was also an amazing liar.

"I swear to God, if you're lying, again, I'll hurt you," Miranda mumbled, making him chuckle.

"Promises, promises. Just remember, my safeword is Pineapple," Max said easily. "So, do we have a deal?"

"I'll need to speak with the Illusive Man, but if the Shadow Broker is truly attacking human ships, I can't see him disagreeing. We're fighting for the same cause, after all," Miranda said with a deep sigh.

Max was too skilled to let him slip through their fingers, if she declined he'd probably vanish completely. They could try and track him down, but with their current mission they just wouldn't have the time to chase Max through the Galaxy.

"Excellent, I'm sure it'll be a pleasure to work with you again," Max said cheerfully, his eyes roaming over her outfit.

"I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" Miranda sighed, making him chuckle.

— Later —

Sitting in her office on the Normandy, she typed quickly as she created the file for Max, she wasn't dumb enough to just give him free access to Cerberus' systems.

Walking in without even bothering to knock, Max gave her a cheerful smile as he walked towards her.

"The file isn't ready yet," Miranda said immediately, making him chuckle.

"That's not why I'm here. Come on. Miri, can you really say that you haven't missed me at all?" Max asked, giving her a grin as she rolled her eyes.

"Last time I saw you, you left me drugged and naked in hutt cartel territory, with no weapon, money or ship to escape," Miranda said bluntly, making him laugh.

"I had to slow you down a little, don't pretend it took you more than an hour to escape, you're too good at your job to have been more than mildly inconvenienced," Max said, making her momentarily flustered.

Because while she enjoyed the faith he apparently had in her skills, it had taken her an entire day to get off that shithole of a planet.

"That doesn't mean I'm happy with you," Miranda said with a glare, going back to typing as he moved around her desk, standing behind her.

"You're stressed, you really aren't taking Shepard being put in charge well, are you?" Max asked, his hands gently starting to rub her shoulders as she sighed.

As she went to reply, he happened to hit a particularly tense spot, a quiet moan slipping out of her as she glared at him over her shoulder.

"Max, I know what you want and it's not going to happen," Miranda said bluntly, not showing how good his massage felt.

She wasn't letting him talk his way into her panties a second time.

— Bonus Scene — Jane Shepard

Garrus was back, and that alone made her feel so much better about this entire mission.

Of course, he was also not the same Garrus she remembered, he'd clearly been through a lot while she'd been dead (something she still wasn't used to saying), but he was here and alive.

"EDI, is Miranda back yet?" Jane asked, walking away from the medbay, Doctor Chakwas would make sure the stubborn turian got the medical attention he needed from taking a fucking missile to the face.

She needed to know how Miranda's part in this had gone.

"Operative Lawson is currently in her office, with Maxim Russ," EDI replied immediately, making her eyes widen.

Today was going very well apparently, three targets recruited in one day, some damn good progress.

Heading towards Miranda's office, she had to admit she was interested in meeting Max herself, his record was undeniably impressive and more importantly she wanted to get a better idea of what he was like, she didn't plan to join Miranda and get the wool pulled over her eyes.

Opening the door, she froze as she made eye contact with Miranda, the Illusive Man's oh-so-perfect right hand woman freezing… mid-bounce, her perfect breasts bouncing with her as she rode Max's impressive cock.

Huh, Miranda might just be perfect now that she was seeing her out of her uniform, physically at least, even as Miranda scrambled off the bed, grabbing her bodysuit and pulling it in front of her body.

"Commander, I-" Miranda started, stuttering slightly as she tried to come up with an explanation.

Meanwhile, Max casually got off the bed, unashamed of his nudity as he walked towards her, a long, thick cock swinging between his legs, still glistening with Miranda's juices.

"Ah, the famous Commander Shepard. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Max said, offering his hand, which she took and shook by sheer instinct. "I look forward to working with you," he said with a smile, his posh accent reminding her of some old spy movies.

"Hi?" Jane half-asked, her eyes running over his flawless body.

"Commander, I- this is-" Miranda started, going to get dressed.

"Don't get dressed, Miri, you know I never leave a job half-finished," Max said, giving Miranda a slap on her perfect booty, making her yelp and glare at him.

Really, there was only one thing that she could say with such a sight in front of her.

"I should go."

But she really wished she didn't have to, because these two were far too hot.

"Don't leave on our account, I don't mind an audience," Max said easily. "Or an extra participant. I'm very good at multitasking."

Giving her body a slow once over, he smirked at her as she blushed slightly, backing out of the room.

"I'll leave you to it."

Normally, she was the one who did the flirting, and as the door closed behind her, she heard Miranda saying something before her words were cut off, quickly followed by muffled moans.

Max was dangerous.

Author’s Note: This chapter was delayed because 2023 decided to kick me in the balls at the very start by making me sick. Thanks 2023, very cool.

That combined with just a lack of motivation has fucked me over this past two weeks, hopefully next chapter should be faster.

Also, while I was sick I read just about every celestial forge fic, and I’m considering having Max subclass into tinker to really fuck over the Reapers down the line. Also tinkertech would make the salarians heads explode.

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review and I’ll probably write faster.

I have a discord server (technically someone else’s but my name is on the server so it’s basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

I also have a bad P word that FF doesn’t like, what’s on it? Right now, nothing that you can’t find elsewhere and I don’t know if that will change to be honest, I don’t like the idea of paywalling content but I also like money to fund my pizza and games addiction, so here’s the link for that as well: Pat reon . com/TheDarkWolfShiro

DarkWolfShirocreators' thoughts