
The Guild of Gamers: The Gambler

May RNGesus Be With You, Praise Be.

DarkWolfShiro · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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14 Chs

Working for the Man

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.
Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old Man of the Mountain, TheDonFluffles, Malcolm Tent, Mike, God of Lore and Beans.

The Guild of Gamers: The Gambler
Chapter 08: Working for the Man

Huh, I think I'm technically a Tinker now as I feel the knowledge enter my mind from my new Tome.

[Construction: Healing Spires]
The blueprints for the creation of Healing Spires, which are light-infused structures that release healing pulses to allies within their range, granting them increased resistance to damage for a short time afterwards.

The materials aren't particularly hard to get my hands on, especially with God of Crafting helping me out. I mostly just need a good-quality stone; the rest I can get through my powers.

Immediately, my mind goes to Endbringer battles. The Spires fire fairly slowly, but they always target the person who needs the healing the most unless I direct them elsewhere. The healing isn't as impressive as my Salvation, but it's still a noticeable healing effect.

I don't have time to actually make one at the moment, not as my phone vibrates and tells me I'm running out of time to get ready. Emma has been texting me non-stop; she's pretty excited since today is the day we'll be going to meet with the PRT to prepare for us to join the Wards.

Her father is apparently a pushover, according to Emma, since he basically immediately agreed with her desire to become a hero, even if her mother was less eager.

Getting ready, I send Carol a quick message telling her I'll be outside soon. She's going to be picking me up and setting off to the PRT Headquarters immediately since she wants to be early, and she's the lawyer here, so I'm trusting she knows what she's doing.

Because I sure as fuck don't.

– Rebecca Costa-Brown (Alexandria) –

Having Shadow Stalker be on base when her two friends and lovers came was just logical, seeing the three teenagers immediately group together to catch up. The red-headed girl, who she could only assume was Emma, seemed to be practically vibrating with excitement, while Sett was more composed but clearly happy.

Sophia did well, honeypotting such a powerful cape and doing so in a way that the PRT couldn't get into trouble for it. She doubted that was exactly what Sophia intended, but the result was what truly mattered, and the result was that Sophia sleeping with Sett had gotten him to want to join up.

Emma whispered something along the lines of 'Oh my god, that's Alexandria', making Rebecca force down a smile. Having Emma be a fangirl also helped as Sett looked over at her in interest, giving her a lazy wave with the same casual smile he treated Scion with, much to her mild amusement, as she returned it.

Brandish and Emma's father briefly exchanged pleasantries with Deputy Director Renick, giving the teens some time to chat before they were all led into a conference room, except Sophia, who set off for the Wards section of the building.

"So, to begin. Shadow Stalker has informed us that you wish to join the Wards, but you have some conditions. Is that correct?" Renick asked, making them both nod. Emma clearly deferred to Sett as she looked towards him, her posture making it clear that they were holding hands under the table.

"It is," Sett said easily. "I want to be a hero, and I can do more working with a group."

"I want to help Sett; if he's joining the Wards, then, of course, that's where I want to be. My best friend is already a member, after all," Emma added quickly.

"If I may, I want to confirm something else," Alexandria cut in, getting their attention. "Sophia claims Sett gave you your power; is that correct?"

"That's right. It's a power I developed recently. I have the power to 'lend' my powers to other people, which is good since at the rate I'm getting them, I'd end up wasting most of them, so I gave Emma my Living Flame power since it didn't mesh well with my Demonic Escalation Engine," Sett explained happily.

"And you can do this again?" she asked.

"Kinda? I can give out as many powers as I have, but I lose the power when I loan it out, so realistically, no. If I keep getting more powers, then I will probably have more I can give away, but I don't know what I'm going to get or how they'll mesh with my current powers," Sett explained.

"I see; thank you for clearing that up," Rebecca said, making him smile calmly. "May I ask what your conditions are?"

She knew Renick was supposed to do a lot of this, but she wasn't going to leave this to the deputy director, and she definitely wasn't letting Piggot fuck this up with her parahuman bias.

"I want to stay in Brockton Bay with Emma and Sophia. I know a lot of Wards get moved around, but I like it here, and I want to stay here," Sett started, making her nod easily. Keeping him with his lovers was easy enough, even if it meant Brockton Bay had a rather large Ward team. Given the reports of Gallant causing a scene before she could just have him moved away. "And I get the final say on giving out my powers. They are mine, and while I might give some to other heroes or whoever else the PRT wants me to, it is my decision alone."

He wouldn't budge on this, making her nod easily again.

"The same with the items my power grants me; they're mine, and the final decision on what happens with them lies with me," Sett continued. She was interested in the items he made, especially the Horn of Plenty, which produced infinite food.

It could be incredibly useful in a Post-Scion world, should the worst happen. The PRT testers quickly realised that they could just make a salad with it, and it would count as the ingredients being used so that they wouldn't disappear in twenty-four hours.

"Of course, that won't be a problem. Anything else?" Alexandria asked. She was fairly certain she could convince Sett to allow them to use the items; he wasn't shutting them out entirely, he just wanted the final say, which was fair enough, all things considered.

"Just one more thing. I don't want to end up on 'safe' patrols, kept away from the real fighting. I know the Brockton Bay Wards see more action than the Wards in any other city, but I don't want to be told to fall back whenever a real fight starts. My power grows faster when I take action; if I spend all my time on Console Duty and PR patrols, my growth will grind to a halt. That means Endbringer battles as well. I will not sit on the sidelines just because we whimsically decided I was sixteen."

Emma seemed more hesitant at that, but she quickly gathered herself and nodded, pausing to give Sett a smile. She was pretty sure he just squeezed her hand under the desk.

"That can be arranged; it's true that there are quite a few restrictions on what Wards are supposed to do, but in truth, pragmatism wins the day, and the rules are often heavily bent if not outright ignored," Rebecca admitted. "We can arrange for an exception in your case, though it goes without saying that keeping our Wards safe will always be a top priority of the PRT."

The Youth Guard wouldn't like it, but she had no hesitation in sending Contessa after them if they became too problematic. Like hell she was going to shelter Sett and limit his growth when he was quickly becoming a prized asset. Contessa made him for a reason, even if she didn't remember, so it was just logical to support Sett's growth as much as possible.

"Those were my only conditions; beyond that, I have no issues joining up. What about you, Emma?" Sett asked, making her blink before she smiled.

"I just want to stay with you and Sophia, that's all," Emma said, giving Sett a warm smile.

Rebecca briefly wondered if Sett realised how little he was asking for. Given his seemingly ever-growing power and ability to influence Scion, he could have asked for the Rig to be replaced with a hundred-foot-tall marble statue of himself and a weekly orgy of PRT heroines, and he'd get it.

"In that case, why don't we move on to Power Testing while Mrs Dallon and your father discuss the more boring details of you joining up?" Rebecca suggested, making them share a glance before Sett looked at Carol.

"Go ahead. This part will be a lot of paperwork, and as your attorney, I can handle a lot of it for you; we can discuss any issues when you're done," Carol said, making Sett grin.

Predictably, the two teenagers jumped at the chance to escape the bureaucracy and play with their powers, following her to one of the training rooms.

Emma's ability quickly proved to be very powerful as she changed to her fiery form. In her flame state, she was essentially immune to regular attacks, and when pressed, she could increase her internal temperature (and the temperature of the flames she could throw around and control) enough for the flames to go pure white, reaching easily over a thousand degrees Fahrenheit.

Once she sent her fires forward, she could mentallycontrol them with a surprising degree of accuracy, though she was easily distracted and definitely had room to improve. Emma was easily a top-tier Changer/Blaster, but as powerful as she was, she was also just a freebie that had come along with the real prize.

In the short time since Sett's last test, he'd somehow developed a Mover-power that put Strider to shame. The fact that he called his new power Gatemaker sent a momentary shiver down her spine that he somehow knew about Doormaker, but Sett explained that he actually didn't name his powers; the powers came with their names.

Instantaneous, semi-permanent portals that simply needed him to know the destination to form the portal, with the testers providing pictures from a variety of destinations. She had them subtly test another Earth, and Sett opened the portal without even a hint of effort.

She could think of so many uses for this power, not least of which was making Endbringer attacks much easier to gather for. They could make a single (extremely secure) gathering point and have Sett make portals from there to every PRT headquarters, allowing instantaneous transit between the PRT's bases.

Strider was their best choice without revealing Doormaker, and he was far more limited and only a single person. Sett believed his portals just never closed if he didn't close them himself, and he seemed unnaturally in tune with his power, so she actually believed him.

There was a slight hitch when testing his new 'magical' item, the Decanter of Endless Water.

While Emma and Sett were having a play fight, the PRT scientists tested his alleged infinite source of water.

One of them dropped it after they massively underestimated its maximum force and pictured roaring rapids while opening the cap, the Decanter immediately unleashing all the force of a waterfall, which the lanky scientist couldn't handle.

Flying away from the sheer force, the Decanter managed to flood an entire lab before she managed to catch it and put the lid back on, having unleashed thousands of gallons of water and destroying some expensive equipment in the process.

The scientist cowered under her incredibly unamused stare, drenched from head to toe from the torrent of water that had been unleashed. Sett said it would flow out at the speed the wielder was thinking of when they opened it, but eggheads weren't known for their caution, and the idiot had assumed Sett was exaggerating.

That said, the implications were massive. The water was perfectly clean, drinkable water that they could unleash seemingly endlessly. Sett himself brought up the idea of the PRT being able to just ignore any droughts by supplying an endless supply of fresh drinking water.

It would need more testing, of course, but beyond the humanitarian benefits, tackling natural disasters (or unnatural, given how many recent disasters were caused by Capes) would be an amazing source of PR for them. Combined with the Horn of Plenty, they had some amazing options for dealing with disasters.

Sett was going to change things, even without his connection to Scion.

– Sett –

The rest of the day mostly ended up being paperwork with Carol and Mr Barnes doing most of the negotiating (a lot of more serious things that I barely understood and frankly found boring) but I trusted that Carol knew what she was doing and the poor Deputy Director looked a little harried when we finally finished up.

"So, how does it feel to be an official member of the Wards?" I ask Emma, making her giggle happily as she bumps her shoulder against mine. We're going to be announced soon. Emma has a meeting tomorrow to decide her name and costume, but I've decided to just go by Sett, even if I need to meet with the imaging people to design my own cape outfit.

Most Wards apparently go to Arcadia, but it was decided that my open identity would make that a little hard, considering I'd probably accidentally expose the other Wards if I was also in Arcadia, but I'm expected to study regardless, so they'll be setting up some private tutors for me so I can actually get an education.

I get the feeling Alan Barnes isn't massively fond of me, given my relationship with his daughter, but with Carol there and Emma glaring at him, he didn't say anything beyond some dirty looks as Emma cuddled against me.

"We haven't even done anything yet," Emma points out, making me grin. "Ask me again when I've got my cape name and outfit."

Alan calls Emma over, making her sigh and roll her eyes, giving me a lingering kiss goodbye, making her father give me a dirty look as she gives me a wink, her hips swaying as she walks over to him.

Before I can leave, Alexandria pulls me aside; for someone with such a stern reputation, she's actually rather nice.

"Would you be willing to join another Ward on a patrol tomorrow? We like to ease the public into a new Ward joining up, so being seen on patrol would help prepare for the announcement. I'd ask Emma as well, but she still needs her name and outfit first since she's new to this," Alexandria asks, making me nod easily.

"Sure! I didn't have any plans anyway beyond maybe heading to the hospital again," I admit, making her nod.

"It could be a good idea for your patrol to make a detour to the hospital. That kind of outreach is always a good thing. Capes capable of healing are rare; even the PRT has very few of them, at least ones that don't have dangerous side effects," Alexandria explains, giving me a small smile. "I'll set something up and be in touch."

"Are you staying in Brockton Bay?" I ask, making her pause.

"I believe so, for a while at least. I am the leader of the Los Angeles team, so I can't stay away forever, but I want to keep an eye on things here," Alexandria explains.

"Is this about Scion? Because he said he was going to go and find a threat worth his attention," I explain, making her nod.

"It is, and we know where he went. Shortly after your conversation, he reappeared over Eagleton and promptly wiped out the Machine Army, then he attacked and destroyed the Sleeper before he vanished," Alexandria explains with a sigh.

"...is that good?" I ask, making her pause as she thinks about it.

"Yes, both the Machine Army and the Sleeper were S-class threats; having them gone has, at the very least, freed up PRT resources, but Scion is too powerful, and having him acting so unpredictably makes a lot of people very nervous," Alexandria admits, making me pause.

"So I should ask him what he's doing?" I ask, making her blink.

"Can you do that?" Alexandria asks after a moment.

"Hey, Scion. Are you listening?" I ask, making her freeze as Scion reappears between us.

"I am, buddy," Scion says, giving me a look. I immediately cast Salvation on him, making him close his eyes and sigh. "You cannot bring her back yet?"

"Sorry, buddy, It's gonna take longer than that. The PRT just wanted to know what you were doing?" I explain, making him pause and turn to Alexandria.

"I am 'being a hero'," Scion explains, making her pause.

"But we lost track of you after you destroyed the Sleeper, and you aren't exactly subtle," Alexandria says, making Scion briefly smile as his appearance flickers, his skin going pale as he shrinks to a less ridiculous size.

Standing before us, he's actually smaller than me with a gold and silver costume, actually wearing a mask with a hood that covers his hair.

"I deemed I could cause less chaos by acting 'incognito'; my presence was drawing too much attention for me to 'save people' efficiently," Scion explains. "So I acted in disguise as 'The Warrior'."

"Of course you did," Alexandria mutters under her breath.

"Have you been enjoying being a hero?" I ask, making him pause for a moment.

"I believe so. I think about the fact that my actions prevent people from feeling as I do, and it makes me… happy," Scion agrees after a moment. "It is hard for me to gauge how serious a villain is; they all seem equally weak to me, so I have focused on 'helping' people."

"Nice work, buddy. I'm proud of you," I say, making him nod.

"I must go; an old lady has fallen down the stairs and cannot get up. I will assist," Scion says, a gold flash signalling his departure.

"So, does that help?" I ask, making Alexandria sigh. I get the feeling she'd be rubbing her forehead if she wasn't wearing a helmet.

"Yes, it certainly explains why we couldn't find him," Alexandria sighs. "If you'll excuse me, I need to speak with our intelligence division about 'the Warrior'."

"Okay! See you later," I say cheerfully, giving her a wave as she turns and walks away.

"Are you ready to leave, Sett?" Carol asks, making me nod happily, making our way back to her car.

Feat Achieved
[Join the Wards]
Two Rolls Granted

Legendary Item Rolled.
[Danoth's Visor]
These goggles work similarly to binoculars and a microscope at the same time, allowing the wearer to see things in incredible detail from long distances or examine things down to a subatomic level. They also are capable of seeing invisible beings and seeing through illusions. They can also be activated to allow the wearer to see through solid objects.

Well, obviously. I just met Scion; how could I not roll well? I'm half tempted to call him every time, but I think that would be tempting fate a little too much.

Minor Curse Rolled, Five Pity Points Added.
[Curse of RNGesus]
RNGesus is displeased with you. Your next pull above Junk will be reduced by one rank in rarity but won't go below Junk.

See!? The Gacha knows. It sensed my greedy thoughts and immediately punished me for it. Do not try to cheat the Gacha; the Gacha always senses your evil thoughts and acts accordingly.

At least this curse will solve itself, and I won't have to deal with a quest that could take a long time to solve.

Quest Added
[Praise be to RNGesus]
Regain the love of RNGesus.
Objective: Roll Once
Optional Objective: Roll Ten Times without removing the curse (0/10)
Reward: Curse Removed
Optional Reward: Your curse evolves into a perk

Oh no, my completionist urge is tingling… but ten reduced rolls? For a perk? How good could the perk really be? Oh god, it could be absolutely amazing.

Cool goggles, though.

– Taylor Hebert – Next Day –

They were up to something; Emma and Sophia had been whispering, and shooting looks her way all day, and she just knew they were planning some new horror to make up for their days off.

With her bugs, she'd managed to avoid them for the most part, but with them using their own intel network of teenage groupies, it was only a matter of time before they caught her off guard, Sophia managing to corner her in one of the bathrooms. She deliberately sent her bugs away, not wanting to lose herself to the temptation of having them attack this bitch.

"Oi, Hebert. I need to talk to you," Sophia said, frowning like she'd sucked a sour lemon as Taylor took a deep breath and turned to her. Sophia was blocking the only exit, so she needed to deal with her one way or another.

"...what?" Taylor asked, ready for the latest trick.

"I'm sorry," Sophia spat out, sounding pained as Taylor blinked before her eyes narrowed. What kind of trick was this? "Look, we got carried away and went way too far; Emma just-" Sophia started before trailing off. "The important thing is that we aren't gonna bother you anymore. We told the other girls to leave you alone as well, alright?"

"Bullshit," Taylor spat out before she could stop herself, making Sophia blink before she narrowed her eyes. "You've harassed me for years, and you're just gonna apologise and stop, just like that? I know you, Sophia, this is just some new trick."

"Bitch, I am trying here-" Sophia started, taking a step towards her before she stopped and sighed. "Look, I don't give a singular shit about you, Emma was the one obsessed with you, and I just liked pushing you around because you were always too weak to fight back, okay? But I- I met someone over the break, and he'd be so fucking disappointed in me if he learnt how I'd been acting. I am trying to be better, more like him, and Emma has a new obsession. Believe what you want, but I'm not gonna be bothering you anymore, and you can have this back," Sophia said, pulling out a small package and tossing it over with a conflicted look as Taylor's eyes widened, seeing her mother's flute. "Emma paid to have it restored after we- well, you don't need to know what we did with it."

Sett. She had met Sett; it was the only thing that made sense.

"Whatever, I'm done here," Sophia scoffed, storming off as Taylor blinked.

No, this wasn't right. These bitches didn't get to just move on and forget about her after a 'whoops, sorry we tortured you for years, here's your flute back' just because Sophia was crushing on some new cape. Fuck that.

And what did she mean Emma had a new obsession? And why did that actually hurt somewhat? Stinging deeply as Taylor stood there staring at Sophia's retreating back. A part of her said that she should be happy that Sophia was trying to be better, but a much louder part of her screamed fuck no, Sophia didn't get to just get away with everything she'd put her through; that wasn't fair.

It wouldn't undo the months of anxiety and paranoia, the sleepless nights crying to herself or the fact that she'd been tortured into getting fucking superpowers; no, Sophia didn't get to just run off and enjoy life with her new demonic hunk boyfriend. That wasn't going to fly.

Sett didn't know; he didn't know what a piece of shit his new friend or lover was, which meant he was probably as nice as he seemed in all the videos, just this stupidly powerful naive hunk with no idea what kind of viper had slithered into his friend group, somehow.

But how could she tell him? Sophia had probably wormed her way into his confidence, and probably Emma as well, given the pictures she saw of Emma and Sophia having lunch with Sett. Emma was always very good at convincing people to trust her; would Sett just see her as a liar like the teachers had? Why would Sett listen to her? She was just some random-

No, she was a cape. If she built a reputation as a hero, she'd be able to approach Sett as a fellow hero. It was the one advantage she had over Emma and Sophia. Where even was Emma, anyway? She'd vanished after the first two periods.

– Emma Barnes –

In the end, they'd decided to keep her hair 'flaming' since it didn't actually burn her clothes unless she wanted it to, and it wasn't tiring for her to keep herself partially flaming at all times, plus it looked really good to have her glowing red hair flowing behind her.

Her outfit was going to be a form-fitting orange and black bodysuit, rather protective as well, since she was fairly squishy when she wasn't in her flame form. It covered entirely too much for her tastes, she wanted to show off what she had, but she had at least managed to argue them down to make it very flattering on her impressive curves. The fact was that she appeared nude in her flame form, and they couldn't fix that. It was a minor PR miracle that her nipples and privates weren't on her fiery form, but she still appeared to be entirely naked with nothing hidden, so why make her wear a frumpy costume that made her look like she had less curves than some of the male Wards?

Plus, hot female capes were always going to be popular, and she intended to be a superstar, both because it suited her and because she knew it would help her help Sett.

Now, she just needed to come up with a name, and she'd be ready.

– Sett –

"Hey, Vista!" I say cheerfully, giving her a wave as I arrive at the meeting destination for our patrol, making her smile slightly and wave back. She's adorable, but from what Sophia has told me, I very much don't want to point that out. Her outfit almost looks like a green and white sundress with some armoured pieces, much more childish than… basically any other Ward.

"Hey, Sett. Are you ready to start?" Vista asks, making me nod.

"I am; I'm ready and eager to get going," I agree, giving her a smile. I really want to pat her on the head, but I think she might twist space into a pretzel from which I would never escape if I tried that. "So, lead the way. I'm ready to learn the ropes."

"Erm, what do you mean?" Vista asks, making me blink and tilt my head. "Aren't you in charge here?"

"No, why would I be? I started being a hero this week; you've been at this for years. You're the expert here; I'm mostly just here to tag along and learn how patrolling as a Ward goes," I reply, mildly confused. Vista has been a hero for years, more than any other Ward, from what I've seen.

Vista flounders at this, seeming really confused. What did the PRT tell her?

"Sorry, it's just- I was told you were- I mean, you're really strong and-" Vista starts, since I've apparently gone off script from whatever she was expecting.

"Well, yeah? So are you? Aren't you one of the strongest Shakers in America?" I ask, making her blink and blush slightly. "Besides, I'm strong, but strength doesn't equal experience. You're the experienced hero here, and I'm the rookie."

– Missy Biron (Vista) –

Staring up into the innocent eyes of her large demonic partner, she searched for any hidden mockery, but he seemed entirely genuine as he tilted his head, making her blush at the sincerity in his tone.

"R-right, you're right. Sorry, I misunderstood something, but you're right. Don't worry, I'll show you the ropes," Missy stuttered, cursing herself for making a fool of herself like this. "We're going to be doing a fairly routine Boardwalk patrol before we head to the hospital unless any emergencies happen."

"Got it. So are we travelling on the ground, or should I summon Pele to fly us?" Sett asked, making her eyes widen.

"I mean, travelling by air is just more effective, right?" Missy said, definitely not making her decision entirely so she could ride the fire bird as Sett grinned, calling his giant pet out and immediately fussing her, stroking the massive beak as the phoenix cooed happily.

Settling down in front of Sett, she hated how small she looked tucked away in front of him, even as he let her direct Pele; they'd have to dismount later for the PR part of the patrol, but she wasn't going to miss an opportunity to ride a giant bird.

Her orders rang in her mind, reminding her that she was supposed to follow Sett's lead and make sure he was happy and excited to join the Wards, but his lead was to follow her lead, so this was fine, right? He was right, after all; she'd been at this for years, and it was nice that someone finally remembered that.

Even her teammates tended to forget she was here before any of them, treating her like the team mascot instead of a Shaker Nine. She doubted Sophia had been the one to tell Sett about her rating since Sophia enjoyed putting her down… though she'd stopped that shortly after meeting Sett, now that she thought about it.

Pushing her back against Sett's muscled chest, she directed the phoenix towards their destination and smiled to herself. She was pretty sure she'd enjoy having Sett on the team, plus they were getting a new girl as well, so things were looking pretty good for them for once.

As Pele landed on the Boardwalk, getting a lot of attention but not much fear as Sett had certainly not been shy about showing her off, Sett hopped off and offered her a hand, making her smile as she took it and accepted his help of the majestic bird who immediately took off, circling above them, singing occasionally.

Time to get to work with her least favourite part of the job, the public relations. Putting on her practised smile, she led Sett along the route the PRT had designated. It had minimum risks of cape encounters and would have them in very public areas so they could get the word out that Sett was joining up.

Basically, it was a show-and-tell patrol, not a real one.

That said, this was Brockton Bay, and there was no such thing as an uneventful day.

— Bonus Scene — Alice Satsuki

"...don't do that," the absolute monster standing in front of her said, with very little emotion in his tone, utterly unharmed despite the blast that should have separated him at an atomic level. "That's… bad?"

"W-what are you?" Alice whimpered, her bombs vanishing with a wave of his hands.

"I am the Warrior," the Warrior answered before pausing. "Sometimes called Scion?"

She was a genius, so she definitely didn't whimper or cower as the strange man's form shifted, going golden as he grew to match the appearance of the most famous parahuman.

"B-but, what are you doing here… why are you here?!" Alice shouted, madness colouring her tone as she stared up into his eyes.

"...I'm 'being a hero'. Don't blow up your school. That's… bad. I think," Scion added, giving her a serious nod.

What the fuck was going on?

"Are you going to kill me?" Alice whispered, terrified as he stared down at her.

"Should I? You are a villain… but you are a child? My buddy will know," Scion said, simply grabbing her in a golden telekinetic grasp, floating them both into the air as he turned and looked at Legend, who blinked in confusion. "Hello, heroes. I have captured the villain. I am taking her to the proper authorities."

"Aren't we the proper authorities?" one of the heroes she didn't know asked, getting a look from Legend and going quiet.

"Can I ask-" Legend started.

"No," Scion cut in as they were engulfed with a flash of golden light.

Author's Note: This wasn't on my cycle, but I wanted to write more Sett because he's just fun.

I am sick but that can't stop me from writing, I am just built different like that.

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review, and I'll probably write faster.

I have a Discord server with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. So much porn.

Here's the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

If it says it's expired, it is probably your account being unable to join NSFW servers, and you'll need to fix that. If you fix that and it still says it's expired, add me (ThePumpkinKing), and I'll invite you myself.

I’ve finally put my Pat reon to use after months of procrastinating. My Pat reons now have the ability to vote for which fics they’d like to see updated more during the next chapter cycle. The winner of the normal tier poll gets one extra chapter per cycle, the second tier poll gets two extra chapters, and the highest tier pat reons can pick a fic that will get three extra chapters per cycle. The current cycle is probably going to last until early-mid January, so voting is open until then. I’ll also be starting the actual early access chapters around the same time, so if you want a fic to get some extra love, feel free to check it out.

Link: Pat reon .com/ TheDarkWolfShiro

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