
Flame On!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain, TheDonFluffles, Malcolm Tent and Mike, God of Lore

The Guild of Gamers: The Gambler

Chapter 06: Flame On

Leaving Emma's house, I leave the two girls to… recover from round three. I offered to heal Emma who took the brunt of it (and doesn't have Sophia's fitness) but she seems to be proud of her soreness.

Sophia is fitter, but Emma likes it rougher.

Wait, can Case 53s knock up regular human girls? Hm, I should look that up because I didn't pull out once.

Ah well, it is what it is.

Heading into my Astral Plane for the first time, I look around my palace for a while, admiring the place.

It's a lot of marble and silk, and I've realised something. I can control how fast time passes here, which means I suddenly have much more time to study my magic, and practise my skills.

I also place my Pet Rock in a place of honour, on a velvet pillow placed atop a small marble pedestal.

There's nothing 'outside' the palace but an endless void. I guess I need more astral upgrades to actually have an 'outside'.

There's also a well-equipped kitchen, because gluttony is a pleasure as well, and I guess it's time to try out my new divine skill as I start baking.

The first thing I notice is the fact that most of the ingredients I need just appear out of thin air, appearing in a golden shimmer as long as I have a third of what I need, which is easy thanks to the Horn of Plenty.

Next is how quickly I can make things, even the actual baking takes a fraction of the time and I know the exact second I need to take them out for them to be perfect.

I look upon the greatest cookies in this world, examining them carefully before I take a bite.

Note to self, divine crafting, mythical level cooking and the palace of infinite pleasure combined is dangerous.

I don't think I'm ever going to be able to enjoy food I don't make myself again, because the explosion of taste that floods my every sense is almost more enjoyable than the threesome I just had.

I know the palace is enhancing my pleasure, but holy shit.

…I'm gonna leave these in the Dallon house and see what happens.

Actually no, I'm going to eat all of these and make some more which I'll leave for the Dallons.

I suppose I could move into the palace but I think the pleasure enhancing effect is a little much to have on all the time.

Still, I'll need to be careful about who I cook for. Unless I'm trying to stop it, my food gives permanent buffs to those who eat it.

It's a tiny buff, not even a 1% increase per full meal, but it's going to have an effect over time.

These chocolate chip cookies are brain food, increasing the consumer's intelligence ever so slightly, but it will certainly add up over time.

Feat Achieved


Pull Granted

Again, what does that even mean?


Result: Legendary Perk

[A Hero's Reward] - Legendary

While active, this will cause people to feel a need to repay you for your help with sexual favours, either directly or with a female family member. The magnitude of your help affects how much they repay you, helping with the chores could get you a handjob, while saving a family from certain doom could find the mother and daughter offering themselves as your personal cum-dumps. No one will find this unusual, seeing the repayment as natural.

I… that's a very sus perk, and I almost immediately turn it off before I pause.

This synchronises really well with my Greed curse, because it guarantees a reward for my deeds.

I turn it off, for now, but I might need to use it occasionally to keep my greed under control. The knowledge that a reward is guaranteed actually helps soothe my curse already.

My lust curse whispers that the women wouldn't even feel weird about it, seeing it as just ordinary, my greed demands payment for my services, in goods or flesh.

Hm, I definitely need to think about this.

— Later —

Back at the Dallon house, I watch the family scoff down the meal I made with very little self-control, which does make me proud of myself.

"You've truly outdone yourself with this, Sett," Carol says, wiping her mouth with some embarrassment, making me beam at her.

Feat Achieved

[Make a girl cum with no physical contact]

Roll Granted


I glance around the table, Carol looks embarrassed but that's because of how little self-control she displayed, Vicky is shamelessly devouring her food, Amy… is blushing slightly and decidedly not making eye contact with anyone.


Result: Uncommon Summon, Pet

[Dog: Tibetan Mastiff]

That is a very fluffy (and large) dog. I love it. Thank you, Amy, for being so sensitive that you'll cum over good food alone. I will make you the coffee of the gods, grumpy healer.

Even Mark seems to be enjoying it. I don't know if Carol has spoken to him yet but I don't intend to be the one to bring it up.

"I can't believe you made this from stuff in our cupboards," Vicky says, making Carol briefly scold her for eating so messily.

"Well, my Horn of Plenty can supply most of what I need, and I got a new power that allows me to create some of the materials when I'm crafting, and cooking counts," I explain, making Carol blink.

"You have cooking powers? That makes entirely too much sense, and yet still seems nonsensical," Carol sighs, giving me a fond but exasperated look. "I suppose it makes as much sense as everything else you can do."

"Pretty sure Eidolon doesn't get any super cooking powers, does that make you better or worse than him?" Vicky asks, making me pause before I shrug.

"Different? As far as I know he's stuck with a few powers at a time, so I suppose we'll have to wait and see if I cap out or just keep growing," I say, shrugging. "My power doesn't seem to think it has a cap on how many abilities I can get."

"Have I mentioned how odd it is that you seem to be able to get answers from your power?" Vicky added, making me shrug again.

"Odd is the nicest way to describe anything about me," I admit.

"Odd or not, you're on cooking duty forever, you're so much better than mom," Vicky says, making Carol roll her eyes.

"Sett is on cooking duty for as long as he wants to be, you don't need to listen to her," Carol says, giving Vicky a stern look, which she returns unrepentantly. "I won't deny you're far better than me, however. You're truly an artist in the kitchen."

"Thanks, and I don't mind cooking, partially because I like my cooking too and making food for multiple people really isn't that much more effort," I say happily, and despite her words I can see Carol brighten up at that.

"In that case, thank you. It's certainly more healthy than our former… reliance on takeaway," Carol admits, looking a little embarrassed. "What do you have planned for the rest of the day?"

"I need to walk my dog, then I'm going to do some reading," I say, making her go to speak before she sighs.

"Your power gave you a dog, didn't it?" Carol asks, already knowing the answer as I summon my dog for the first time, her eyes widening at its sheer size.

He's a biiiig boi, covered in fluffy dark brown hair which almost seems to give him a mane, the massive dog panting happily as Vicky quickly moves forwards, cuddling the giant ball of floof.

Smooching her face into his fur, she mumbles something nobody can understand as I pause. I wanted to do that first.

Amy hesitates before she mutters 'fuck it' and joins Vicky in cuddling the dog that's almost bigger than she is, who panting happily at the attention.

"Is it dangerous?" Carol asks, watching her daughters coo over the large mastiff. Mark snorts in what sounds like amusement as he watches my dog simply flop onto Amy, the grumpy girl vanishing beneath a mountain of floof.

"He's a massive dog with equally large teeth," I deadpan. "He doesn't have powers, he's just a normal, but very obedient, dog."

I certainly don't plan to take him into battle, even if he could probably take down a wolf.

Wait, I have an idea!

I will make you the greatest dog food and treats, you will become a god amongst canines. The Dog God.

You shall be God Dog.

"I can keep him in stasis, don't worry I'm not gonna have him leave fur everywhere," I say, before a voice cuts in.

"Absolutely not, you can't just stuff this adorable baby in your weird pocket dimension, he can stay in my room if you're gonna toss him away like that," Amy says angrily with a glare, which loses some of its impact with how she's still rubbing her face against his fur.

God (name pending) ruins the image even more by licking her, leaving a large trail of saliva along the left side of her face.

Carol goes to speak before she noticeably stops herself, sighing.

"He is adorable, as long as you clean up after him I have no issues with him staying. He's certainly easier to handle than your other pet," Carol says, and I briefly wonder how she knows about my rock, before I remember that Pele is my pet as well.

It's kinda hard to see the giant firebird as a pet.

"What's his name?" Vicky asks, making me pause. Don't say God.

"I haven't thought of one yet, I only got him five minutes ago," I admit, gathering the empty plates. Carol goes to order the girls to clean them before I cast a spell, the plates and cutlery floating over to the sink and cleaning themselves, putting themselves away once they're clean and dry.

[Utility Spell: Unseen Servant]

Source: Tome of Household Spells

This spell creates an invisible, mindless, shapeless, force that performs simple tasks at your command. The servant can perform simple tasks that a human servant could do.

"Girls, I expect one of you two to marry Sett. Clearly, we can't let him slip away," Carol finally says, making Vicky snort and Amy blush, naturally glaring at me as well.

"Oh, that reminds me, you're going to the hospital after school tomorrow, right Amy?" I ask, making her nod with a suspicious look.

"Yeah, why?" Amy asks in a confrontational tone.

"I wanted to ask if I could tag along, I'm not as good at it as you, but I figure if I'm going to do this whole healer thing I might as well get some experience with a professional there to make sure I don't fuck up," I say, making her glare lessen.

"Tch, fine. Give me your number, I'll message you when I get there. Actually, you have bullshit portals, so you can pick me up after school," Amy finally says.

"Sure! It'll be fun," I reply.

"Ha, that's cute. Trust me, it won't be," Amy promises darkly.

She's fun.

"Also, bring me coffee and a muffin. That's my price for babysitting you," Amy orders, making me beam at her.


Vicky gives me a knowing look, nodding her head towards her sister. I think Vicky might have Amy-tinted glasses because Amy definitely doesn't have a crush on me.

— Amy Dallon (Panacea) —

Damn that stupid sexy demon, changing her life. Things were perfectly fine before he showed up.

Alright, they were okay, things were manageable. They were shit but she could handle it.

Now she had to take breaks, and her mom actually acted like a mom, and she got to eat really nice food, and got to cuddle the fluffiest dog that didn't trigger her power. The bastard.

At least he was going to help her heal instead of just wandering around looking hot, the dumb himbo satan.

His coffee better be as good as his meals (who was she kidding, she knew it would be because he was just soooo perfect, and then she'd be spoiled and her normal coffee would taste like even worse shit than usual), because she just knew he was going to cause a scene at the hospital.

— Sett —

I'm not sure if it's God Dog or me that's attracting so much attention as we wander the streets, following the directions towards a park that's apparently good for walking dogs.

Or as good as anywhere. Dogs aren't allowed in the park we went to earlier today (also Hookwolf might kidnap your dog and make it fight in his pits. Note to self: feed Hookwolf to Pele) but there's a decent one on the edge of Merchant territory (and I want to pay them a visit anyway to remind those drug-addled fuckers that I'm around, and I've not forgotten Skidmarks terrible, terrible crimes).

My handsome gud boi gets lots of admiration as he struts by my side without a leash. I bought him a collar but I still don't have a proper name for him yet.

I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be on a leash, but people seem oddly hesitant to tell the devil that, leaving me to wander the streets, occasionally stopping for autographs and people who want to stroke the floof.

God enjoys their admiration from what I can tell, posing for pictures and happily soaking anyone who kneels down enough in saliva as he grants upon them licks (which isn't that far, considering he reaches my waist on all fours), so I don't mind letting him bask in the public's admirations.

I'm sure this is already on PHO, people love animal pics.

As we reach the park, I frown at how messy and rundown the place is, gang tags and trash everywhere, but summoning an unseen servant I set it to work cleaning the place, before adding another and another.

The grass isn't as green as I'd like, and I could probably learn how to fix that with nature, but for now I'll settle for getting rid of the needles and broken glass (taking a detour to get a bunch of bags for the rubbish).

Once a large section is clear enough, I let God loose as he runs around in the grassy fields, my unseen servants spreading out as I start cleaning the filth the merchants have left behind.

Pulling out the tome of roots, I let him spend some time running around and just generally doing dog things for the first real time.

I do notice some rough looking guys angrily shouting about the tags on the side of the toilet building being gone, before they freeze on seeing me.

One of them reaches for their waist, before his smarter friend saves both them a world of pain, grabbing his arm and pulling him away.

A shadow passes over them, making them look up and freeze as Pele stares down at them, circling above them looking very much like a bird of prey, hungry for a meal.

They find other places to be, and Pele vanishes in a blast of fire (high enough not to hurt anyone), but she's proven that she's around and I doubt those idiots will be back.

Reading about the method of creating an Entwined Thrall, I think this is one ritual I won't be using.

I thought the Thralls were beings made entirely of wood, they aren't. They're humans who have been infested with parasitic vines and made into puppets, trapped inside their own enslaved body, forced to tend to the groves forever.

It was used on people who hurt nature, lumberjacks who deforested sacred groves, hunters who trespassed in the wrong forest or chased the wrong quarry, forced to spend the rest of their extended life serving the forest.

Nature doesn't fuck around.

I learn how to do it, because I need to learn every spell in this book for me to have mastered it, but thankfully actually using it is optional.

[Ritual: Create Entwined Thrall]

Source: Tome of Roots

The ritual to create one of the entwined, infesting someone with parasitic vines which dominate their body and turn them into puppets to serve the forest's interests.

Nasty stuff, I hope I never find myself in a position to need it. It would take something truly horrific for me to put someone through an eternity of agonising servitude like this.

My attention gets drawn to some barking, God watching a girl around my age (or a little older) walking three dogs, one of which is barking aggressively at God as it pulls on its leash, the girl frowning as she clicks her tongue.

She's probably the most muscular woman I've seen. Sophia is fit, but she's fit in a slim way that doesn't damage her femininity, while this new girl is much more butch, a muscular build that's she's clearly put work into as she easily yanks the lead back and pulls the barking dog back as it tries to go for God.

It's not a big dog, a small terrier that's seen some shit, given the way it's missing an eye, the scars littering its body making me frown, noticing the same thing on the two much better behaved dogs.

God doesn't seem particularly intimidated as he walks back to me, passing in front of the angry dog as it snaps, God giving out a loud, deep woof, which makes the smaller dog back off so quickly it falls onto its back, God huffing as it walks past uncaring and returns to my side.

"Angelica, heel," the girl says gruffly, giving God a look as he sits in front of me, looking as regal as he is.

Her other two dogs are much better-behaved, but they're also clearly nervous about the size difference between them and my beast of a dog. One is a Rottweiler and the other seems to be some kind of mutt, I can't tell a specific breed.

"Sorry," she finally says to me, eyes narrowing as she finally takes me in, having been focused on God instead. Angelica seems to have gotten the message, no longer pulling against her lead. "He's yours?"

"He is," I say, patting his head as he pants happily, my hand sinking into the fur.

"He's handsome, can I stroke him?" she asks, giving her dogs a stern glare.

For a moment I consider whether I think she's a part of Hookwolf's little dog fighting operations, but her dogs don't seem scared of her at all, just well trained.


"Sure, I don't mind," I say, watching as she moves forwards, cautious of God's large size and massive fangs before she sees how calm my boi is, kneeling down to stroke his fur.

Moments later I'm pretty sure she's forgotten I'm here, examining him carefully, with the skills of a trained veterinarian as she makes sure he's in good health, before nodding approvingly, immediately showering him in headpats and scratches.

She doesn't seem to care that her examination has resulted in a considerable amount of drool all over her face and clothes.

As she stands back up, the two well behaved dogs cautiously approach, sniffing carefully as God stares at them sternly before he gives them a commanding boof, sniffing them.

Soon enough the three of them are running off the leash. I guess Angelica isn't trusted off the leash yet as it briefly bares its fangs at me, the girl immediately scolding it as she pauses before sitting down.

"What's his name?" she asks, making me smile.

"I don't have one yet, I only got him recently," I admit, making her nod.

"Names are hard," she agrees, before pausing. "Mine is Rachel."

"And I'm Sett, what are those two called?" I ask, nodding to the dogs currently running around with God.

"Judas and Brutus," Rachel says, making me blink. Interesting names. "This one is Angelica, she's still in training."

"You seem to know what you're doing, given how well behaved those two are," I praise, making her grunt.

"They're smart, they know they can't take on your dog. Some type of mastiff right?" Rachel asks, making me nod.

"He's a Tibetan Mastiff," I agree, and I get the feeling she has no idea what Tibetan means but she tries to hide it with a brief embarrassed scowl. I get the feeling she isn't happy to not know something dog related.

"Where'd you get him? Not seen one like that around here," Rachel asks, making me smile.

"My power can grant me creatures, he's one of my newest," I say, making her pause before her thick brows furrow.

"He's real, right?" Rachel asks, making me nod. "Yeah, don't matter then. A dogs a dog."

"Indeed," I agree, her philosophical statement resonating with me.

Our conversation trails off, I get the feeling she's not much of a talker and I don't mind a fairly comfortable silence as we watch the dogs run around, but there's one thing I do mind.

Hurt dogs.

"Do you want me to heal Angelica? I can probably return her eye and heal those scars," I offer, making her turn to me, eyes widening before they narrow suspiciously.

"What do you want?" Rachel asks, her body tensing up. "I don't have money, spend it looking after my dogs, so what'd you want?"

My greed cries out but hurt dogs take priority and my greed can fuck off this time.

"I don't like it when animals are hurt, I don't want anything except to help Angelica," I say, she relaxes slightly before she tenses up more.

She half looks like she's about to throw hands, and Angelica notices her mistress's tension as she starts to growl quietly.

"Everyone wants something, you trying to trick me?" Rachel asks distrustingly. "You want something, so what the fuck is it?"

I could try and calm her down, but I get the feeling that she's not exactly a trusting person.

"I don't, but if you want to make this a trade, how about this? You seem like a dog expert, and I could use some help looking after my new dog, so I'll heal Angelica in exchange for being able to get your help with any issues I have with my dog," I offer, making her pause as she thinks it over before she relaxes.

"Do it," Rachel says, watching me very carefully as I kneel down, Angelica growling until she makes a clicking sound with her tongue, making Angelica go quiet as I reach a hand out slowly, not agitating the clearly-abused dog.

Rachel never takes her eyes off me, one hand in the pocket of her denim jacket, and I think I see the outline of something against the denim, a pocket knife maybe?

Casting Sanctuary, we both watch as the dog is briefly lit up by a golden glow, the closed and scarred eye opening up to reveal a restored eyeball as the scars fade.

The fur doesn't regrow instantly, leaving clear spots where the scars once were, which Rachel examines carefully, her face brightening up as Angelica looks around in confusion, not understanding it's regained sight.

After Rachel fusses over Angelica for a time, she stands up and looks at me, pulling out her phone.

"Gimme your phone," Rachel demands, doing so as I watch her type her number in, very slowly as she frequently checks to make sure she's getting it right, putting her name in last.

I could offer to help given that she types at about one letter every five seconds, but I get the feeling she wouldn't enjoy that so much, so I stay quiet and don't mention that she spelt her name Rachal.

In all caps.

Giving me my phone back, she pauses.

"There's other hurt dogs, what do you want to heal them?" Rachel finally asks, staring at me cautiously.

I get the feeling I could ask for her on a leash, wearing nothing but a collar, and she'd accept it to help the dogs.

Feat Achieved

[Befriend Bitch]

Roll Granted

Bitch? That's rude-

Oh, Hellhound, of the Undersiders. Rachel Lindt, whose name is publicly known because she murdered someone before she was even a cape.

She's a villain, and yet I genuinely think she just really loves dogs. Can a dog lover truly be evil? Perhaps a cat person, those who prefer the adorable personifications of evil, but dogs are always good dogs and people who love dogs have to be good too.

Hm, there's more going on here, my animal lover sense can tell.

"It takes a bit out of me to cast that, but if there's more dogs that need healing I'm open to helping, where do you get the dogs?" I ask.

"From fighting rings and bad owners, all my money goes to the shelter I keep them at," Rachel admits with no shame or hesitation.

That would explain the state Angelica was in, but I can't say I disapprove.

"I'm open to healing more dogs, but that can wait, I need to look into something first," I say, making her frown and furrow her brows again. "If there are any missing limbs, text me later and I can arrange a time to fix them, we can work out how you'll repay me then."

"Fine," Rachel finally says, turning back to the field, before she goes back to fussing over the less aggressive Angelica.


Result: Legendary Power

[Living Flame]

You can shift into a form of living fire, able to control your temperature ranging from regular fire to much, much hotter. You can choose to turn specific parts of your body to flames, such as your hair, and control it. You also heal when burnt, no longer vulnerable to fire at all.

Due to gaining more than three Powers, you have gained 'Power Lending'.

[Power Lending]

You can now lend powers to other people, losing access to them and granting them to another person. This power can be recalled at any time but once recalled remains inactive for one week before reactivating.

Huh, that's useful. I get it, eventually I'll get so many powers that most will go ignored, so it makes it more valuable this way if I can grant my powers to other people.

Well, I did say I'd make Emma a cape. I might need to be careful since Sophia might get jealous, I think she was a little threatened by the idea of Emma becoming a cape as well.

It doesn't blend well with my escalation, I can already tell that, even fully escalated I wouldn't be any more dangerous in flame form.

"It was a pleasure to meet you Rachel, but I have places to be. Do let me know if there are any dogs in need of urgent medical attention," I say, making her nod, whistling as her dogs return to her.

"Bye," Rachel says simply, putting her dogs back on their leashes before she starts to walk away. Not a woman of many words but I can vibe with that.

As the bestest boi returns, I give him an approving nod. He helped me befriend Rachel and more importantly get a roll, he did damn good.

"You shall be named King, to match your regal posture," I declare, ignoring the way he's drooling all over my shoes.


"It is settled, onwards King, let's see what else this park has to offer," I say, watching him wander off and following behind him.

He knows what he's doing.


— Later —

The advantage to being able to make portals is that you never need to worry about getting completely lost, following a dog on an adventure through Merchant territory.

As it turns out, as regal as he may be, King is not the best at picking directions, and I'm pretty sure we just spent the last two hours wandering in circles, but he was enjoying himself.

He got to pee on a merchant who thought a knife was good enough to take me on while we were waiting for the police, so that was fun.

Pulling out my phone as I sit on the messy beach we found ourselves at, I send a quick text off as I stroke King's fur.

'Hey Emma, you free?'

'Yup, just had dinner, I can make an excuse to head to my bedroom. My parents are home thou so u have to be quiet and I'm still kinda sore down there so take it easy on me this time lol'

…she replied immediately, like holy shit was she glued to her phone?

'Ha, not what I'm texting for, this isn't a booty call. You ready to be a cape?'

'R u being serious? I thought u said it'd take time?'

'It did, like half a day. Yeah, my powers are bullshit, I know. We doing this or not?"

'Fuck yeh we are, I'm in my room now. When are we doing this?'

Opening a portal, Emma immediately brightens up as she hops through it, probably causing her family some concern if they check on her as the portal closes.

"Hey," I say with a wave, which she returns before she briefly gets distracted with the cutest boi around, but even King's regal presence can't delay her desire to be powerful.

"Are you seriously going to make me a cape? Right now?" Emma asks, making me nod. "I don't mind if it's not a strong power, I just want to be able to defend my-"

She cuts off as I snort.

"It's a strong power, on par with my current strongest combat power actually," I say, making her eyes widen, genuine worship in her gaze as I beckon her closer, deciding to be dramatic as I lean forwards and kiss her, making her gasp as the feeling of true power enters her body, her body temperature heating up massively before it cools again.

We're in an abandoned part of the town, no cameras as far as I can tell, but I still think it's best we don't stick around here since I know she's about to test it, taking her hand and leading her through another portal.

I send King back into his stasis as we do, I definitely need to get a bigger astral plane, maybe some forests for him to explore while he's not with me.

Standing somewhere in the Himalayas, thanks to some pictures I found, now we're truly out of sight as I give Emma a nod, seeing her growing anticipation.

I half-expect to have to guide her, but the moment I give her my permission she ignites, her hair starting to float as it turns to flame, followed by the rest of her body in short order.

She retains a clearly female humanoid form as she hovers in the air, a couple of feet above ground level, her facial features still distinguishable as she starts to laugh, genuine joy as she flies around in circles for a moment.

Her 'legs' have been replaced by swirling flames, but her upper body is mostly intact, appearing as a naked (but nippleless) feminine red figure, her 'hair' made out of lighter-yellow flames.

"I'm a cape, I'm a powerful cape!" Emma says, her voice still clear.

"I know it's the last thing you want to do, but for test purposes can you shift back?" I ask, watching her focus for a moment, the flames receding.

Landing on her two feet, except her hair which continues to 'burn', she gives me a look that seems to be a mixture of joy, adoration and actual genuine worship.

Her clothes didn't even get burnt by the transformation, because powers are bullshit. She also doesn't seem bothered by the cold. We aren't that high up but we are standing in snow but she's not even shivering a little.

Before I can speak, she lunges towards me, her lips meeting mine roughly, her hands roaming my body for a moment before she breaks the kiss.

"Sett, I want you to know that I will do anything for you. I don't care what you do, what goals you have, I am yours. Forever," Emma swears, the zeal in her voice making me truly believe her.

Feat Achieved

[Gain your first true worshipper]

Roll Granted

Yup, she means it.

"I take back what I said, I don't want you to be gentle at all," Emma says hotly, her hand moving down. "I want to limp into school tomorrow with your cum still leaking out of me."

"Tempting as that is, I have a better idea first," I say, stepping back as my wings flap, taking me into the air. "Up for a race?"

Emma pauses before her smile goes from horny to joyful, shifting forms again as she takes to the air.

— Later —

Cuddling together as we watch the skies above us, much clearer up here and away from the city. It's actually early morning here thanks to timezones, so we actually got to watch a sunrise from the top of Everest.

…or the one I think is Everest, we just went to the biggest one.

Yes, we had sex.

Several times. Once in midair, flying while you fuck is actually an exercise in control. God I hope nobody with a telescope was paying too much attention.

I'm definitely in the mile high club now, heh.


Result: Legendary Perk

[Master of Consumables]

You get the most out of your consumables, making all consumables respawn faster.

Huh, neat. All my consumables are uncommon, and they now respawn in one day instead of three.

Could be useful, I haven't used them yet but that doesn't mean I never will, especially if I continue equipping my 'followers' with powers and gear.

As we cuddle, I've actually been thinking about what I want to do with my new life, and I think I've made a decision.

"I think I'm going to join the Wards," I say, making Emma look at me curiously. "Do you want to join me?"

"Of course, me, you and Sophia being on the same team would be amazing," Emma says, unsurprisingly as I give her a light kiss.

It's only two years, and that's nothing in the grand scheme of things. If I don't like it I can just do the bare minimum (or just do what I want because the PRT are too desperate for powerful capes to really try and punish me).

Two years of getting experience as a hero, building a reputation to use for whatever I want.

I'll need to get some concessions from them first, not least of which is that me, Emma and Sophia stay together and don't get sent to different cities.

I also want to make sure I'm not kept out of the fighting, I know Brockton Bay isn't nearly as bad about that as other places (or good depending on how you look at it), but I'm not spending two years on non-dangerous patrols.

And I want to make it clear that my stuff is mine, they can't take my things off me or tell me which powers I can or can't use. I decide which powers I give away and to who, not them.

If they refuse even a single demand, I say fuck it and either join New Wave or make my own group. They lose both me and Emma, and they'll want us both.

I have too much potential, and Emma is both powerful and very PR friendly. She's too attractive to not be. Vista is treated like a child and Sophia is the edgy anti-hero.

Emma is both very hot (in multiple ways) and also very socially talented, so she'll have the public wrapped around her finger by the time she gets announced.

I want to talk to the PRT anyway, so I can set up a portal system to help with Endbringer attacks.

Being able to reinforce any city that comes under attack much faster should help things, and the Endbringers are a problem. Regardless of what I do about the PRT, I'm too strong to not join those fights.

Maybe it's arrogant, letting people call me the next Eidolon go to my head, but this world is dying and I was put here for a reason.

Even if I can't beat them, if I can make one less person die in an attack, I should be there.

"You'll have to tell your parents that you're a cape," I say, making her nod. "You can tell them I gave you your new powers."

"They already know about Sophia, dad is her lawyer and he can't keep secrets from mom, it'll be fine," Emma says confidently, I'm not so sure they'll be thrilled that Emma has become a cape but it's what she wants.

"Talk to them tomorrow, I'm going to set up a meeting with the PRT soon, between the two of us they'll be salivating for us to join them," I say cockily, making her grin as I stand up, picking her up in a princess carry, making her giggle.

Opening a portal, I step through and gently place her down on her own bed, us both listening for any movement but it's late here already, and it seems like her parents have turned in for the night.

Giving her one last gentle kiss, I go to leave before she grabs my hand, giving me a naughty look as she pulls me onto the bed with her.

Well, I suppose I have nowhere to be in a hurry.

— Zoe Barnes —

She'd only gotten up for a glass of water, frozen by her youngest daughter's door as she strained her ears.

The sound of a bed creaking, quiet desperate moans and whispers she couldn't work out were audible through the thin door, making Zoe freeze in indecision.

She figured Emma had a boyfriend (or girlfriend, since she still suspected her daughter was at least bisexual), from the way she lit up when she got a text after dinner.

But did she sneak her lover into the house? Honestly Emma…

Opening the door ever so slightly, she pressed an eye against the slit, widening as she saw the figure currently pounding her daughter into her bed, watching a massive red cock sink into Emma again and again, Emma's legs wrapped around his waist tightly as she begged for more.

She wasn't entirely up to date on the Cape scene, they lived in a nice part of town so she didn't need to worry about villains so much, but even she'd heard of Sett.

How Emma met the newest powerhouse, she could only guess, probably through Sophia, but she couldn't have known him for more than a couple of days at most, and yet she was letting the new cape fuck her.

Her first thought was that he was a Master, her knowledge of powers questionable at best, but she knew of the most terrifying type.

But why Emma? Sett was apparently the next triumvirate level cape according to that talk show she watched, so why would he spend his time mind-controlling a teenage girl?

She should stop this, but the idea that Sett could be a master froze her, not wanting to get caught as she watched her daughter get well and truly fucked, begging for more.

They switched positions, fortunately not facing the door as Emma moved into her hands and knees, giving Zoe a side profile as Sett gripped her daughters hair roughly as his hips clapped against her booty, occasionally spanking her.

Emma didn't take offence to this rough treatment, moaning louder as she tried to cover her mouth with one hand.

"Quiet, you naughty little slut, do you want to get caught?" Sett said quietly, a smirk on his lips. "Do you want your parents to hear you? To find out that daddy's little princess is such a slutty minx?"

"Fuck them," Emma moaned. "And fuck me harder, I'm your baby girl now, so fuck me daddy."

"Heh, you're such a freak," Sett said in both surprise and fondness as he gripped her head and pushed her face into the sheets.

She barely made out a muffled 'harder, daddy' from Emma as Sett started to truly fuck her, defiling her daughter with faster and faster thrusts.

Face down, ass up, Emma took a pounding harder than Zoe had experienced since her college years with surprising ease, her hips moving back in time with Sett's thrusts until Sett gripped them and sheathed himself inside her, groaning as he pumped his seed into Emma.

Grunting, he gave a few final thrusts before he pulled out, Emma falling onto her side, unknowingly giving Zoe a clear view of her daughter's freshly-creamed pussy.

"Thanks, daddy~" Emma said in a sultry tone, giving Sett an adoring kiss before she guided him to sit on the edge of the bed, falling to her knees between his legs. "Now let your little princess take care of you."

Emma's head immediately started to bob as Sett stroked her hair, giving her a fond smile, and Zoe backed away, very slowly closing the door.

Was her daughter mastered? She didn't know, and she couldn't accuse Sett without proof, how bad would it be if she accused a hero of raping her daughter and it turned out Emma was just sluttier than she thought?

She'd need to talk to Emma, try and find out what was truly going on…

As she snuck away, the sounds of Emma worshipping that fat red cock drifted away, and Zoe blushed at the feeling of a dampness between her thighs.

— Bonus Scene — Lisa Wilbourn (Tattletale)

Some people said that Thinkers weren't truly smart, that they cheated by having their powers give them the answer.

But while she hated that implication that she wasn't one of the smartest people around, she couldn't deny that it held some weight.

That said, there were some things that she didn't need her powers for.

Angelica has her eye back

Yes, thank you power. She had in fact noticed that Angelica had both eyes and no scars.

"Rachel, anything you want to tell us?" Lisa asked, making Rachel blink and stop fussing over her dogs.

"…no?" Rachel said, making her sigh.

Rachel had serious social issues and while she'd grown to accept the Undersiders as her 'pack', she was still hard to deal with.

"You met Sett, didn't you?" Lisa said, making Brian freeze. Brian wasn't happy with the friendly neighbourhood Satan, hearing his sister obsess over him, claiming that Sett had made his mother change.

Brian didn't trust it, Celia could become a nun and Brian would be convinced the nunnery was a secret drug lab or brothel, and the fact that Aisha had told him she wanted to stay with Celia just made things worse, it had led to one hell of an argument between them.

"Yeah," Rachel said, pausing. "He's got a nice dog."

Rachel likes Sett's dog, thinks he's a good owner.

Her power struggled a little with Rachel, and her different mindset.

"And he healed Angelica?" Lisa prompted, trying to pull information out of the quiet girl.

"Yeah," Rachel helpfully agreed. "Doesn't like seeing hurt dogs, wants my help looking after his dog."

Rachel didn't trust that Sett would help her for free, doesn't trust people to do things that don't benefit them.

Ah, Sett, the himbo hero from hell, couldn't resist trying to help, but Rachel didn't trust him. He had to make up something he 'wanted' to get Rachel to trust him.

"You told him about your other injured dogs, didn't you?" Lisa said, not needing her powers to know that Rachel would do anything to see her dogs healed.

"Yeah," Rachel said again, not saying anything else.

Rachel is trying to find a way to pay Sett to heal them, and doesn't know what Sett would want.

Rachel was tense, and Lisa decided to stop pushing for information for now as she sat back, sharing a look with Brian.

Rachel's first loyalty would always be to her dogs, Sett could probably get her to ditch the Undersiders if he wanted to 'redeem her', assuming he even knew who she was.

Hm, wouldn't that inconvenience Coil a bit?

She'd have to think about this.

Author's Note: Did I give Emma a power that hard counters Skitter because I thought it was funny?


I genuinely don't dislike Taylor, I actually have plans for her in this, but I couldn't resist.

I've decided fuck it, rolls forever in this. I'll probably do another Gacha fic where the odds are less ridiculous and the rolls rarer, maybe in Rwby, DC or Marvel, who knows. For this fic, fuck it Sett is clearly blessed.


Special Omake Roll

84, Kejmur

Banana Man

59, 7, 2 (Uncommon Pet)

Killer Clown

89, 6 (Legendary Power)


88, 3 (was Legendary Knowledge, author bullshitted it to Perk)

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review and I'll probably write faster.

I have a discord server (technically someone else's but my name is on the server so it's basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here's the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

If it says it's expired, add my (The Pumpkin King#1234) and I'll invite you myself.

I've finally started to use my pat reon for something, mostly I've just added some discord integration so that my pat reons can read early previews of chapters. This won't affect regular posting, but if you wanna read my works a day or two early then consider checking it out

Link: Pat reon. com/TheDarkWolfShiro