
The Guide of Unserious Immortal Cultivation

In the Nine Continents World, players full of resentment gather together, taking a blood oath, vowing to rip the big demon head to shreds. For a moment, support poured in from all directions, momentum building like a storm. Everyone saw a bright future. Everyone, except Lu Bei. He is that so-called demon head. "Call me a demon head, blame me for your pitfalls, but how is it possible for me, a mere NPC, to trick you all! This is just the way of the cultivation world!"

Mocking Phoenix · Huyền huyễn
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917 Chs

Chapter 9: I Can't Believe You're This Kind of Senior Sister

"You usually wouldn't show up even once in three to five years, but these past few days, you've been more frequent than my own husband. Especially today. I just saw you off, and before I had a chance to sit down and rest, here you are again."

The beautiful woman teased a few times, her bright eyes shifting to Lu Bei and instantly brightening: "If I'm not mistaken, this must be Mr. Lu, am I right?"

"Lu Bei, pleased to meet you, Mrs. Zhu." Lu Bei responded politely.

Bai Jin had already explained the identity of this beautiful woman to Lu Bei during their walk. Her name was Zhu Yan, the wife of We Mao, the magistrate of the Great Victory Pass, and a former disciple of the Lingxiao Sword Sect alongside Bai Jin, both followers of the sect's leader's wife.

The difference was, Bai Jin was an indoor apprentice, fully learned in Lingxiao Sword Sect's authentic teachings, while Zhu Yan was an external student. After studying for ten years, she returned home to get married.

Zhu Yan's surname, Zhu, is the same as that of the Wu Zhou Zhu Clan, indicating she was an imperial descendant. Instead of joining the Imperial Sect to cultivate, she chose to casually study at the Lingxiao Sword Sect, as per the preferences of her elders.

After eight hundred years of Wu Zhou's establishment, the number of imperial princes and grandsons was overwhelming.

A large forest is home to all kinds of birds;

But when the crowd grows large, both the forest and birds disappear.

Among the princes and grandsons of the Zhu Clan, there was no lack of ambitious individuals dreaming of inheriting the throne, some of whom did indeed have the potential to compete for it.

Those without any potential wouldn't dare to dream. Fearful of the turbulent undercurrents, they voluntarily withdrew from the center of power struggles.

Over time, there was an unwritten rule within the Zhu Clan: any future generations who gave up their official title would be considered as renouncing their ancestral grace. Henceforth, they would not be included in the Zhu Family Tree.

Faithfully receive the eternal, shine brightly, cultivate scholars and learn doctrines, be diligent and always replenish.

Establish ambitious goals, dedicate to the good, be mindful of duty and filial piety, extend distant charters.

Keep the pure contributions, esteem goodness like a pine, fix laws and respect the teachings, harmonize the world and prosper.

Appreciate poetry and rites, praise achievement and fragrance, value Dao and sustain, propagate virtues and flourish.

The list of official titles in the Zhu family tree as described above; it was clear to the naked eye that Zhu Yan did not adhere to any. Her name didn't contain a single title, and she had chosen to follow the Lingxiao Sword Sect instead of the Imperial Sect, which clearly stated everything.

Of course, renouncing is one thing, but she could not wash away her Zhu Clan bloodline. Despite Zhu Yan having married and not originating from the Imperial Sect, she held a position in the Great Victory Pass of the Imperial Sect, thanks to her surname.

In her words, it was always better to have a leisure job that could pay a monthly salary, making it easier for her and her daughter to afford cosmetics during the holidays.

By the way, her daughter was also an apprentice at the Lingxiao Sword Sect, with Bai Jin as her mentor.

Zhu Yan and Bai Jin shared many years of friendship, without any complex polymers involved. All the running around Bai Jin did for Lu Bei involved seeking Zhu Yan's help in the Great Victory Pass.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Lu. What a handsome face you have, my, my… Please have a seat and make yourself at home."

Zhu Yan circled around Lu Bei a couple of times, making appreciative noises all the while. Then she grabbed Bai Jin's wrist and led her away, lowering their voices to whisper to each other.

The two women whispered secretly; Lu Bei curiously listened and picked up three keywords.

Uncle Mo, Sect Leader, Mentor.

Seeing Bai Jin engaging more and more in the conversation and occasionally chuckling, Lu Bei found it a stark contrast to her usually aloof demeanor. He had thought she was an ethereal fairy, but now discovered her unexpected down-to-earth qualities.

I didn't expect you to be this kind of mentor.

Keep it up, please!

Having a hobby is a good thing. There is nothing wrong with enjoying gossip. Compared to an aloof mentor who is detached from the mundane world, Lu Bei felt the current one was more down-to-earth.

Not only does gossip bring joy, but it also enhances interpersonal relationships. It is the foundation of trust between people and a stepping stone for human civilization's progress…

Zhu Yan started getting excited as they gossiped more and more. After exchanging some made-up storied with Bai Jin, she was still not satisfied. She decided to open a private room and have a long, heart-to-heart talk with her dear mentor.

Lu Bei was led to the guest room by a servant. After Bai Jin considered it for a while, she decided to stay overnight as it wouldn't delay their journey too much if they left early the next morning. So, she readily accepted Zhu Yan's invitation and stayed over at We Mansion.

As for We Mao, the male host of the We family, he was busy with official duties and did not return home until late at night. Lu Bei only got to meet him at noon the following day.


The next day, Bai Jin went back on her word. Instead of hurrying away early in the morning, she decided to stay another night.

The last night.

Lu Bei wasn't particularly interested in the gossip about the two senior sisters. Contemplating to step out and take up a task, he decided to use sightseeing as an excuse, which was promptly vetoed by Bai Jin, keeping him confined to the bookroom.

The outside world was dangerous, what if he bumped and got his superior cultivation mind hurt?

The bookroom was safer, reading more was beneficial and harmless!

Lu Bei knew that he could not outwit his senior sister, so he resorted to rummaging the bookroom. We Mao and Zhu Yan both had cultivation skills, hence it was highly likely for them to possess unparalleled secret books. With his luck, he might stumble upon one on the bookshelf.

Unable to find the unparalleled secret books, a book on elixirs caught Lu Bei's attention. The book contained recipes and manufacturing processes of around ten different elixirs along with notes written in two separate handwritings.

This time, Lu Bei decided to be smart and didn't try to test his skills. Instead, he opened his personal panel to check the new messages.

[You have come across the recipe of the [Spirit Awakening Elixir], do you want to spend 10 skill points to learn it?]

[You have come across the recipe of the [Blood-supplementing Elixir], do you want to spend 20 skill points to learn it?]

[You have come across the recipe of the [Qi-Keeping Elixir], do you want to spend 20 skill points to learn it?]

[You have come across the recipe of the [Hemostatic Elixir], do you want to...


"This elixir recipe..."

Lu Bei raised his brows, seemingly thinking of a possibility, "If I remember correctly, Mrs. Zhu's duty at the Great Victory Pass was to manage the accounts of the elixir workshop. Although her position wasn't high, she had quite a few connections."

The sound of footsteps approached. Lu Bei turned around to see a middle-aged man in light armor entering the bookroom.

He had a tanned complexion, a straight back, and his rugged features hinted at a handsome younger self.

We Mao.

We Mao was the Commissioner of the Great Victory Pass, a military officer responsible for its defence.

Owing to its geographical location and historical significance, the pass was heavily fortified. Holding the position of Commissioner there implied a promising future.

"Mr. Lu?"

"Indeed, I am Lu Bei. May I address you as my brother-in-law?"

"It is very kind of you, Mr. Lu. You can address me as brother."



Men's conversation was brief and to the point. Seeing Lu Bei engrossed in the book about elixirs, We Mao allowed him to continue undisturbed and left the bookroom.

As the head of the household, he had just happened to drop by to greet the guest after hearing from Zhu Yan, just to familiarize the faces.

Now that he was done with it, he was free.

"No wonder Mrs. Zhu gave up her comfortable life to take up a job at the pass. Brother is quite a bore..."

Lu Bei muttered to himself. If he hadn't been upright himself, he would have already planned several ways to gain some benefits.

Nevertheless, thinking about the thrill of seducing a beautiful and graceful princess (approximately speaking), who had both a husband and a daughter, was exciting.

Lu Bei didn't dwell on that thought. Firstly, because he was honest, secondly, his ability forced his honesty, he concentrated all his attention on the elixir recipe instead.

Following his former train of thought, Zhu Yan managed the accounts of the elixir workshop at the Great Victory Pass. It wouldn't be too difficult to sneak into the elixir workshop as an intern alchemist with her help.

"If I could make it, even if I can't accept tasks like other players, my leveling speed could still be considerably sped up." Lu Bei closed his eyes slightly, imagining a massive amount of experience rushing towards him.

But before that, he needed to flatter Zhu Yan a bit to seek her help.

Lu Bei wasn't close to Zhu Yan, so suddenly doing so wouldn't be appropriate. To prevent any misunderstanding from We Mao, he decided to find Bai Jin.

He wasn't boasting, but he was close to these two senior sisters, who wouldn't resist his coaxing.