
The Guardians of the Rose

William has always felt like a girl trapped in a mans body. Little does he know that is exactly what his soul is, and more than this, he and a group of other people are magical super heroes meant to save the world. Insanity ensues when you find out you have magic and become a woman all in one day.

ShaziahRose · LGBT+
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6 Chs



Shaziah walked into the hallway and was met with a gruesome scene. People even children shot and killed or terribly injured with knives. A little girl lay on the ground bleeding and crying. Shaziah knelt by her and wrapped her in her arms. Sobs began to wrack her newly awakened body. So much death and sorrow all surrounding her coming to bare. It was almost more than she could bare. She looked to the heavens through her tears.

"Mother Rose, keeper of the sacred gardens, please lend me your power, please save these people, please at least save this one."

But she looked down and the child was gone. It was not that her prayer went unanswered, it was that it was too late to activate any kind of hope for the young girl. Police made their way to her and found her sobbing. One knelt beside her. His brown-red hair was parted nicely, and he had a kind smile. He touched her hand gently.

"Everything is going to be okay now. We are going to take you to a crisis counsellor so they can help you, okay?"

Shaziah nodded. She was despondent. In her heart, she was breaking. So much death so much turmoil and for what? Nothing. This senseless destruction made no sense. Children even babies were not spared, who were these new monsters after her to do such a thing? She stood up with her fists clenched. This would be answered. This would be answered for.


Shaziah/William turned. Inside two minds were slowly merging. Memories were being shared, and ideas became one. Which was empowering them both, but this left the same issue as before. What was she going to say to explain going in with heart failure and coming out a woman?

"I. I…I can't."

"It's okay, she will come to you."

Something about this young man made her feel totally safe, but she was not safe. Supernatural assassins were after her, and she did not know why. How long had she slumbered inside various humans never waking, now she woke, and what year was it anyway? 2020!? A pandemic, industrial revolutions, computers, nuclear bombs. What was wrong with people. At some point feeling all this, she was led to the bathroom per her request, and then things got really weird. She transformed back into William! Now, this would complicate things. How would he explain this!?

Somewhere else in the hospital…

Not every part of the hospital had been hit, but the places where a woman of childbearing years would most likely be. What they had not counted on was that this woman was not only in a man's body, but also had heart failure. So, they trashed the whole damn hospital to get to Shaziah. Officer Brad Benton was not privy to this information, but it certainly was a blood bath everywhere he turned. That's when a man walked out of the bathroom. What the hell was going on. Benton drew his gun.

"Who are you and where is the girl!?"

"Calm down, she came in and I forgot to lock the door. She escaped through the window."

"Why didn't you stop her!?"

"I thought the shooters were still out there and she was escaping. Besides we are on the fourth floor."

Officer Benton ran to the bathroom window to look down for the body, but there was none. Where the fuck had she gone? He turned to question the man further only to find he too had vanished. Shaziah ran down the flights of stairs like her life depended on it, and in many ways it did. She was always like this, she had just never been able to let it show. She had grown up in a somewhat conservative home. They would have never accepted her as transfeminine if she had come out, so what was she going to do about this?

The crowds outside were gigantic, people had gathered around the hospital waiting to hear and see about loved ones. Shaziah used this time to slip away. A hospital gown showed his lovely hairy ass, but this was not the ass he/she they wanted to show. This was not them. Running into the house he was greeted by his mother who was just about to walk out the door.

"Billy! You're alive thank God!"

Billy's mother was not the mother of the year, but he could tell she genuinely was worried. His fathered scurried around the corner as did his cat. They all hugged for a moment, but then Billy sat down.

"Guys, the gun people killed so many people!"

This is when the reality of the blood all over Billy's shirt began to sink into them. In fact, he was not wearing a shirt at all, he was still in a gown, with an ivy on his arm. He had come straight from the hospital. What was he doing here without being checked out first?

"Son! You can't just leave the hospital when you have heart failure!"

"Mom! People were dying outside my door! It is not like I was going to wait there any longer. I heard a pause in the shooting and ran for it. I don't know where the shooters went, but they definitely killed a lot of people."

Shaziah began to shake again, thinking of the young girl she held while she died. Billy stood up and slammed his firsthand the table. Anger, pain, rage, confusion, exhaustion, but most of all the desire to be able to be him/herself was overwhelming. Having seen all that death, and experienced that magic, and all the past life memories merging with the current life memories, and everything. It was too much. Billy collapsed to the floor out cold.

Meanwhile deep within Mars…

"Hmmm, it seems we were too late, she has awakened, in some sense or another. Our watchers said they go back and forth between his human form William Elder, and Shaziah. This is his weakness. If we can get to him before they fully merge and become one, then we can destroy Shaziah once and for all."

The seven generals all stood at attention as the Dark Lord turned. He eyed each one and then eyed them again.

"Shaziah is far from weak, and if any of the others awaken while we wait you will have even greater problems to deal with than we thought. You Cygnus, you will go for her. Go now and be swift."

Cygnus stepped from among the ranks, bowed, and in a puff of purple smoke was gone. Iradonus stepped into the centre. He was the Dark Lord's second in command, as well as, his son.

"This will be a great test for our dear Cygnus, my twin. She has been reluctant until now to serve you in this role, but my great Dark Lord, now her intense evil shall shine like never before!"

The two cackled. Cygnus watched from the rafters. She did not really wish to do this, but she knew for her safety and the safety of her child, she had to embark on a journey into the family business, of being evil. Her skills were shadow magics and assassination. She was trained by her mother, a devout head of household of the Obsidian Rose. Her powers were not to be underestimated by anyone, including her bumbling brother. Whatever her father saw in him, she could not tell. Moments later she was teleported to Earth.

Back on Earth and Several Days later…

During the day at the hospital, Shaziah had re-emerged right before Billy's parent's eyes. Everyone totally freaked. All the while he was in a coma along with Shaziah. They had no idea they were rapidly shifting back and forth between his body and hers before the very eyes of all the people gathered in the room. They had blocked off the area, no one would believe it anyway, but someone changing sex as if by magic would be a big problem if that got out. People would react unpredictably, and that would not be good after just having had a hospital shooting.

At the Highschool…

Rayne, who was younger than Billy, was still a high school student. They had met when he was a senior and she was a first-year student. Despite the few years of age difference, they hit it off great and had a wonderful connection. She was the only person who knew about Billy's secret, of not just "struggling" with same-sex attraction, but also struggling with the very identity of being male or female. She was not being allowed to see him and something was definitely up. She sat down in front of the candle in her bedroom.

"Sacred from which the universe was born. The sacred explosion of creative force, know my plight and will as I call to thee. Grant me sight beyond sight, that I may see and know the truth without being deceived."

From within the candles, energy began to pulse. Then a steady stream of it began to flow into Rayne. She had called upon the most primordial and ancient form of the great balance, the Singularity, from where all of existence in all universes and timelines sprang forth, and where they would all eventually end and began. It was the Cosmic Cauldron of creation at the centre of the Universe, and only a few were brave enough, powerful enough, or even aware enough to reach for the Source of all Things, the All-Make. Then the vision began.

"Hello Rayne, you have questions we have answers to."

Rayne turned around, and there inside seven cases were the loveliest roses of different colours made from crystal and precious gems. They glowed with a light from within, and each rose was surrounded by an aura of what type of energy is protected. There were seven cases, but only six roses. She stepped forward.

"One rose has awakened, their heart now beats within a human body. The others must also awaken, you must awaken."

"Me? I like dark things, and evil, and things like that."

"Who is the you that no one else can see, the lonely one afraid to lost and without friends. You hide all the pain you keep inside, your tears falling silently telling the story of your truth, does anything hear you when you cry? Yes, I know your name, every prayer you pray, I'm the one who called you to this place, the voice who sings to you, the hands that cling to you, oh my child, I have always known your name."

Rayne felt a familiar presence, unlike anything she could describe. It was like when you get the best hug, and all that love from the person hugging you just radiates into your being. For that brief moment, all the pain and darkness and sorrow fall away, and you begin to heal. Then the black rose of Darkness pulsed. Rayne looked at it.

"What do I do?"

"If you truly wish to follow the path of the rose, and become a Rose Guardian, you must take the heart of the black rose within yourself. Your past life will awaken, and your two lives will combine. You will know everything this rose knows and has and does feel, and it will know the same, and then you will become one."

Rayne reached out and touched the rose. It became energy and flowed up her arm into her heart region. A heart shape crystal formed before her made of black crystal. It glowed a deep purple colour as the light of the same colour slowly filled her body from within her Rose Heart."

There was a rushing wind and moments later she awakened back in her room. She was covered in sweat. What a vivid vision! And what did it mean? Then she looked down at her hand, the crystal rose was still there! She sat up with a start. She needed to see Billy, but how was she going to do that?