

            In the end, Zaos and the others decided to head toward the same direction where Drannor and his army were heading. In the worst-case scenario, they will end up finding a village, but then they will have the chance to ask the villagers where the demons were concentrated… even if they have to use force.

            Since both armies didn't have the chance to cover much ground, Zaos imagined that they would meet up again pretty soon, but that never happened that day. In fact, Zaos and the others didn't find any enemy either… only vicious animals that were killed and turned into food for the army.

"It seems the group Drannor found had attacked the eastern side of the region for whatever reason…" Zaos said.

"Given the recent actions of the demons, I imagined that they would be clustered in a single place trying to prevent any interference in the ritual to bring back the demon god," Cohnal said.