
The Guardian of Dawn and Twilight Dungeon

Argom. World of sword and magic, but also tyranny and injustice. Humans, Hybrids, Demons, Devas, Spirits. So many races are living in this world, yet waged wars many times each other without concern of the consequences. No race even has unity, and Goddesses have almost lost hope for them. Yet, there is one who changed the rules. One who died with some regrets in his life, yet got a second chance in Argom. Prophecy called him "Destroyer". People called him "Evil","Liar" but some called him just... Jack, ...or Teach.

BurakuMoonKurvin · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

2. Guardian's deal

Looking at the three-men group, Kate knows that if she really wants a way out, she has to present a gift at the altar.

But what?

The two children have nothing but their clothes on them, and she doesn't think those rags will please the guardian.

('Maybe... blood?')

Kate remembers the stories of the village's others inhabitants, about Dungeons being in fact alive, and eating people to grow bigger. Most of them are full of traps, and Mamonos. Sometimes, there are Demons, higher-level Mamonos races. The World's plague. Absolute Evil.

Trembling, Kate asks herself.

('Was it a good idea to come here?')

But she remembers. She remembers that it wasn't Demons, or Mamonos who raided her village in the middle of the night.

It was Humans.

It's true her village was attacked by some beasts sometimes, but adult people always could defend it, because beasts are simple-minded creatures. Humans are different. In many ways. The fact they are capable of doing such cruel things to their own kind puts them lower than beasts.

('Rather than being caught by those monsters, I will...')

Looking at his little brother, Kate turns him so he can face her.

"Jul, I'm sorry. I have to leave you."

"Eh? What do you mean, Big Sister?"

"We have to give a offering at the altar, or the bad guys will take us. I can give just one thing, but to do that, I'm going to leave you."

Jul, even if he's only seven years old, he still can see in his big sister's eyes her resignation to do something hurtful. And he knows it will be because of him.

"N-no ! Big sister, stay with me. We can stay together and wait for Dad and Mom."

Hearing her little brother's words, Kate bites her lips. She knew she would have to tell him. She just wished it wasn't like that.

"... They wont come."

" Eh?"

"Th-they... they are... gone."

Jul seems like stricken by lightning. Slowly, he asks Kate.

"...Gone?... Like Grandma?"

One year ago, Kate and Jul's grandma died, due to illness. The last harvest wasn't good enough, and yet, the food tax goes up. So, they hadn't enough grains to sell, and couldn't find some priest to heal her.

Jul loved his grandma very much. She always had marvelous stories for him at bedtime. He was sad for a long time after her death, and now, he has lost his parents too.

Tears flowing on her cheeks, Kate slowly nods. That simple nod lets the despair of his little brother overflow.

"...Hic...Hic... Uwwwaaaaah...Mom.. Uwwaaah... Dad..."

Hugging Jul, Kate silently cries with his brother. Why do they have to live this? Why do they have to suffer like this? She doesn't know. Even now, Jul will lose her too. She doesn't want to leave him all by himself. She wants to comfort him longer, live longer, but the Voice reminds her the choice she just made to save him.

["You have two minutes to make your offering. Beyond this time, your group will be kicked out."]

Meanwhile, two of the three men were sitting a few meters away the altar's platform. Dan was exploring the room. After all, it's his first time in a Dungeon, and into a such atypical one. In fact, if one didn't know, one would believe being inside a palace room. The floor is steady and clean, the walls are straight and decorated. There's dragon head statue where flows out some water who falls in a suspended channel running around the room. With a few plants, it will be like a beautiful garden.

Hearing the children's cries, Matt clicks his tongue, petting his dog.

" Tch, that's why I don't like to deal with children. They always cry, thinking something gonna change if they do. Sigh, I hope we can go back to the others in time. They must be enjoying a good meal, good drinks, after the hard work, don' they, Jeff?"

Jeff, instead answering his friend, looks the altar intently.

"? Bro Jeff? What's wrong?"

"... Maybe we should stay a bit longer."


"You heard it too, right? By making a offering, you can obtain something in return."

"Yeah, I heard it. But you don't know what we can get, right?"

"Anything you can get from a Dungeon, always will be good shit."

Like Jeff pretends, everything one could find in a Dungeon will be a treasure for everyone outside of it. Many Dungeon explorers have found some rare minerals, unknown plants, magic weapons or armors, even grimoires or mysterious artifacts. The bigger the Dungeon you explore, the better the treasures you can find inside of it.

Of course, the bigger it is, the more dangerous it is too. Not anyone can explore the Dungeons and come back alive with fortune. And that's why Jeff understand the real value of a Dungeon like this one. And Matt just needed more time to understand that too.

" ! Y-you mean..."

"Look, think about it. Thanks to this weakling and those snotted-nose brats, we found this place, and more importantly.... we are the only ones who know where it is."

" I see what you mean. But, so what? We still have to return. And this newbie probably will report about this."

"Yeah, he can do that. If he returns, that is."

Even if Jeff is a member of a raider band since more than ten years , he doesn't like the idea to keep living as a subordinate there. He thinks the only reason why he's living as one, is because he lacks good opportunities. Opportunities like this one. And if he wants to take full avantage of it, he needs as few people as possible know about here. Matt is a long time pal, so he doesn't really care about team up with him. At least, he knows Matt being as ambitious as him. Concerning Dan, he is just a spineless awkward boy. Avoiding suspicion requires distraction. Dan will be this distraction. For the sake of his bright future.

"So we kill him? What about explaining his death to the boss?"

"Quite simple. Runaway children has been devoured by some beasts, so he has received the proper sentence for his wrongs he coudn't get right."

"He he he, that's why I like you, Bro Jeff. I have more chances to rise by following you... So, no need to keep the brats alive, right?"

Jeff smiles at the Matt's question.

"Hmph, no need of course."

The two decide to wait for exit the Dungeon before killing the useless witnesses. They will have to fing some beasts to help tearing the children's bodies apart. Just killing them won't be enough. The raiders' boss won't be stupid enough for not noticing the wounds made by weapons. Even the others will know something is fishy. When Matt hears the little boy calling his big sister, he turns his attention again to the altar's zone, where he sees a strange situation.

"Hmm? What is this girl doing?"


["You have one minute to make your offering. Beyond this time, your group will be kicked out."]

Kate, after pushing away his brother, climbs on the altar and lies down on it. Nervously, she says.

"I-I offer myself to the Guardian. I-in exchange, please save my brother."

"Big Sister !"

But, unlike her expectations, the Voice responds.

["Your offering can't be accepted."]


Dazed, Kate doesn't understand why her idea of offering herself won't be valid here.

"Why? Why not? This a Dungeon, right? This is a place which eats people, right? Why won't you eat me?"

Is she unworthy? How? Why? Kate feels a undescribable surge of anger and despair swelling inside. All these feeling she always kept locked. After all, even if she complained about her life, about her family's suffering, will it change anything? No, of course not. It could be even worse. But, now, NOW, nothing can be worse.

["Your offering can't be accepted"]

So, she lost her temper.


["The Guardian won't accept living humanoid sacrifices. This is against the Dawn and Twilight Dungeon's Golden Rule."]

"G-Golden Rule? What is it?"

["Except rogues ones, no guest will be killed in the Dungeon."]


Maybe if the situation wasn't so oppressing for the two orphans, Kate would be grateful about the Golden Rule. However, now she has no chance to escape Jeff, Matt and Dan.

("No...no... what am I supposed to do now? What can I do?")

Unlike her, Jul was relieved knowing his last family member won't be taken from him. Climbing the altar, he hugs Kate.

"It's okay, Big Sister. As long as we are together, we will be fine. So please, don't leave me alone."


Seeing Jul like that, her despair and anger decrease a little. She calmed down, hugging his brother back.

["You have thirty seconds to make your offering. Beyond this time, your group will be kicked out."]

But the girl really, really hoped, they will escape their parents' murderers.

["You will be kicked out in ten... nine... eight..."]

Closing her eyes, Kate knows she can only beg.

"Please help us."

Beg for help. Because, if she can't even give her life up for Jul , what can she possibly give to the Guardian?


"We will do anything, ...so please help us."




While the children were waiting for the end, and the men ready to catch their prey, a voice is heard in one direction. At his order, the feminine voice responds.

["Understood, Master."]

If everyone wasn't focused on the voice, maybe someone would have noticed the arrival of a boy in the floor, by one magical circle.

The boy is young, almost younger than Jul. A dark-brown skin, like he lived on a sunny island. But the strangest traits are his silver gray hair and golden eyes.

Even the raiders Jeff and Matt haven't seen hair like that. It's not like it is impossible to have that hair color, it's just very rare. With his heart face, he will grow into a handsome man.

Concerning his eyes, the strange part of it, is they're glowing like some kind of energy is flowing through them. Like they're seeing through things, and people.

His clothes are very simple. Just a gray shirt and black pants. But his foot wear two small iron coated boots.


Upon his arrival, Bolpa has been growling, becoming louder in the passing time, while the child starts to walk to the altar. It's like Bolpa is waiting just for his master's order. However, when the silver-haired child stares the dog,


Bolpa hides himself behind his master, with trembling legs. What makes Matt more vigilant from the newcomer.

('! Bolpa was never afraid of anything before. Even big beasts couldn't make him act like that ! What is this child ?! He looks like Human, but he's definitively dangerous.)

On his side, Jeff tightens his grip on the war axe. Even if the child doesn't emit some bloodlust, his instincts scream to him to not do anything stupid. After all, the Voice calls him "Master", which means he is the Guardian. The fact This Dungeon's Guardian has a humanoid form, means the Dungeon is older than they thought too.

Dan is just standing in place, looking the boy who appeared. Into himself, he's relieved about his arrival. Because, it means the two children won't be caught. Furthermore, a glimpse of hope shines into his heart. Not about the orphans, but himself.

('Maybe....Maybe I still can change....Maybe it isn't too late.')

Unlike the other two raiders, Dan has heard the words spoken by Kate, before the Guardian appears. If what the Guardian chooses to do about the runaway children is good enough for them, he will try to ask for himself too.

The gray child walks to the altar's zone, and easily crosses over the barrier like a water screen. Once he's just next to the two orphans, his lips part again.



Seeing the dazed girl unable to answer immediately, the boy speaks again.

"You said you will do anything, girl. Did I heard correctly?"

"Ah, yes ! Yes, we will. So,-"

"Please, let your brother decide his own fate, ok?"

Looking at Jul, with his glowing golden eyes, he asks.

"So, will you do anything too, boy?"

Jul, is a bit afraid of this strange boy, but feeling his sister's grasp tightening, he straights himself up.

"As long as I can stay with Big Sister, I will do anything."

The two orphans reflecting in his eyes, the child sighes.

"Well, I still think it's a bit early but, fine. Venus."

["Yes, Master."]

"We will take our two new first Servants. Give them the Crests."

["How long should I set them for?"]

Taking his chin with one hand, the boy ponders.

"Good question. You two, how old are you?"

"T-ten years."

"I-I am seven."

"Seven, huh? Well, set them for eight years, Venus. Since one Human become adult at fifteen."

["Understood. Generating two Crests for eight years."]

Between the two children in rags and the Master of Venus, two glyphs of golden light appear, and keep floating at their hands ranges. Looking the glyphs, Kate and Jul hear the boy talking to them.

"What's your names?"

"Eh? Our names? I am Kate."

"I am Jul."

"So, Kate, Jul, if you agree, here's the deal. During eight years, you two will be at our service, and will help us to grow this place. In return, we will help you. After you made your servant time, you'll be free again, to go wherever you want. There will be some rules, for each other. But nothing you can not do. Now, do we have a deal?"

["To seal the contracts, please touch the Crests."]

Kate is stunned. There's yet a few moments ago, she resigned herself to become a slave with Jul, thinking there was no way out for them. But she was wrong. Tears start to flow again. Of course, those aren't ones of sorrow, but ones of relief. Noticing this, the boy asks her.

"Why do you cry? Do you disagree?"

"Eh? No, no, I agree. I definitively agree."

"So, hurry up, the Crests won't last all night."

"Yes... yes, Master."



"My name is Jack. Do not call me Master."

"But, Venus-sama call you that."

"She calls me that because her relationship with me is very different from yours. You will stay here for eight years. She will stay longer. Much, much longer. So, you call me Jack. Not Master."

"...I understand."

Then, the two orphans touched their respectives Contracts Marks, and the golden light of the glyphs spread across their bodies. During the process, Kate and Jul feel a little pain, but considering the fact they could bear running until this place barefoot, it's not too much of a burden.

Once their Servants Crests settled down on their foreheads, the pain disappeared, and the children noticed their injuries were healed too. Then, Jack aks them.

"Now do you have any request?"


"Request. Even if you're our Servants now, I do have to give you more than a place for living, don't I?"

At his words, Kate looks at the village raiders, who could imagine what that little one would desire the most to receive, after losing her parents and her village life. Looking back to her new Master,

"Jack-sama, I have a request."


Karvann is the capital city of the Demonic Empire. There live a few thousand of Demons, the most powerful stage of power among the Mamonos Races. Like Karvann, there are eight more cities established in eight territories in a manner they stand at Karvann's cardinals and intercardinals directions. Each of them is ruled by a Maou, a title gained in a battle for the right to be a Guardian of the territory of the Karvann's Ruler, the Dai Maou.

Beyond the Eight Guardian Territories, there are sixty-four territories ruled by Demon Lords, each of them supervising ten territories under the responsibility of one Demon King. This last ruling title of power recognized by the Demonic Empire, is very chaotic. Because almost every Demon can take the throne, even without the permission of a Demon Lord. As long as the ruler fulfills his duties, that is.

On the highest terrace of the castle of one of these Demon King cities, a woman is seated, on a throne which feels very unpleasant to her. After all, her own throne is more comfortable. Looking at the kneeling woman before her, she asks again with a frown.

"So, where is he?"