
Chapter 3 - Pa

As I approached the old cabin I saw the old garden to the right of the house. It was once filled with many fresh veggies, rows of corn, tomatoes, and peas. Now it was filled with weeds and memories. I remember sitting, watching Ma tend to the garden. She was always so proud of it. A smile overtook my face. I missed being home.

I ascended the front steps and tapped on the door. I heard shuffling from inside. I didn't know what type of shape Pa was in. Could he even get up to open the door?

"Pa, it's Mora. Don't hurt yourself getting up. May I come in?" I leaned toward the door to listen for a response. As I pressed my ear to the door, it opened. I stumbled forward, catching myself on the door knob.

Pa stood before me, leaning on a cane. His freckles had dimmed with age and his hair now a smoky white color. His skin was fragile, having many bruises and sores. He now wore glasses that clung to the tip of his nose. He gained some weight since I last saw him, mainly in the middle section.

"Mora," he said, "I'm surprised to see you. What has brought you home?"

There was a twinkle in his eyes and a small smile overtook his face.

"Pa, I've been told by Samus that death waits on your doorstep. I've been given two weeks to spend with you and to prepare your funeral."

Pa looked surprised. The smile fell from his face and his eyes turned dull. He looked to be well enough, how did Samus know Pa would pass? Did Master tell him this?

Pa stepped to the side. "Come in, I'll put on some tea."

I stepped inside. Looking around everything was just the same as the day I left. I went to sit on the couch to wait on Pa. He started a pot of hot tea and sat across from me in the green recliner.

He was quiet for a minute before asking, "What else were you sent here to do?"

I pulled the oils from my pocket and held them out. "I've been told to care for you with these. Then I've been instructed to burn your body and spread it in five different locations. After, I'm to return to Master and he should instruct me further."

Pa continued to look down, not meeting my gaze. "And what am I said to die from?"

"I've not been told."

Pa seemed confused, just as confused as I. "Hmmm.." He seemed to be thinking.

"There are things we need to talk about in the coming days, things I've not told you before. Things that would explain why I know so much. Then you will kill me. They've sent you with poison." Pa said, matter of fact like.

I tried to analyze his face. He seemed so calm. "How do you know this?" I asked. I couldn't wrap my mind around why Samus would send me to kill Pa.

"We will talk tomorrow. Today, let's just enjoy each other's company." And with that being said Pa stood and poured us both a glass of tea.

We chatted until the sun went down. I went to the kitchen and fixed us a ham, Pa's favorite. I made a side of mashed potatoes, broccoli, and rolls.

We were both hungrier than we realized. When we were finished I quickly washed dishes. A silence fell between us. I listened to the crickets and frogs from a nearby pond as I watched the fire. Something about me felt at peace.

Pa stood, leaning on his cane. He looked at me intently. "What is it Pa?" I asked.

"Nothing my daughter. I am heading to bed. It would suit you as well to get some rest. We have a long day tomorrow. We have much to talk about." He made his way to his room. I watched him, almost feeling sorry for him. He turned before closing the door and tossed out an old t-shirt.

"Here. This will work as a night shirt for you. We may need to go buy you some cloths tomorrow if you're to be here for two weeks." He said.

I nodded, "Thank you. Good night, Pa."

"Good night, Mora."