

The jaguar layed back down and continued looking at the heart thinking of the best way to use the heart, this was one of the done side of the demon immortality which is that some divided consciousness will gain individualism and not want to be assimilated, The jaguar could swallow the heart but it's consciousness in charge will no longer be the one in charge as the heart is stronger.

 "But I don't want to lose myself" The jaguar thought, looking at the heart before an idea came to it so it started combing through the memory of the monster to see if the jaguar had come across a similar area as soon it found it.

The jaguar immediately sprang up while kicking the heart like a ball towards its new location, soon jaguar got to the location to see a small lake with a small land at its center, " I can't reach there with the strength i have now but" The jaguar though looking down at the heart before it began drawing a magic circle with it claws popped out.