
9. A new power

"She seems to have been in shock, causing her to black out. It is a natural response from the brain when there is too much shock, causing it to turn off which makes the body appear dead. It is an evolution adaptation, and is kind of like playing dead until the threat has passed. She should wake up soon enough, but we will need to check her for abit before we can discharge her." I nodded in silence as the doctor left the ward.

Not long after, Mom came to.

"Nghh," She groaned.

"Careful Mom," I said, helping her up. She pushed me away, most likely out of instinct. When she regained more of her consciousness, she relaxed a little and pulled me back.

"Why am I here?" She asked.

"You are at the hospital. You blacked out at home. Do you... know why?" I asked. This was my chance to ascertain what she saw.

"I only remember a little... I went into your room, and I saw blue lines on your face. Then, you looked at me and I saw gold lines on the other half, and your left eye... was blue."

"I don't have blue eyes," I mumbled. It was more like a whisper, but I think Mom heard it.

"You have green eyes," She replied.

"Haha, I know," I laughed. Now I knew what I saw was real. It wasn't just a hallucination. A figment of my imagination.

"I think you may have been overworking a little too much. Take a rest mom," I said, pushing the bed back down. Hopefully, she would believe what I said, and not think of me as some monster...

After a few checks, the doctor allowed her to leave. This meant that she could send me off at the airport the next day. We headed home, and I made sure to put her to rest in bed. I did not want her to see me if my power acted up again. This time, it may be harder to play off, and I might cause her more injury. Wait, is my presence here now being a danger to her already?

I headed to my room first to collect my thoughts. Just in case she woke up, I ensured the door was locked multiple times before I let down my guard. These few days have been a total mess. Some areas, especially the hospital, had weird auras. Even earlier when I sent Mom there, i could see tentacles moving from the corner of my eye. I did not make eye contact, in case they knew I could see them. They could possibly kill me right there, like the girl on the streets the other day.

I began to associate the aura to those weird monsters. Some of them had stronger auras, although they were relatively weaker in most. Since they lingered mostly in hospitals, certainly they must be the ones causing death in this world?

I was quiclly interupted from my thoughts before I felt the strong power awaken in me again. I tried to supress it, but I didn't know how. It slowly seemed to come closer to my skin surface, which I felt as my body became progressively warmer. Then, a cold wave rushed over me, as I felt unbalanced. I quickly laid back, hoping that whatever was happening to me would soon be over. The warm and cold energy was swirling around my body, but definitely not mixing. It felt extremely warm and comfortable on some parts, but freezing cold on others. At this rate, I may already die from temperature shock!

My phone started ringing from the corner of the nightstand where I placed it. It seemed to come at the perfect time, as both of these weird energies started fading, and I soon felt that nothing had ever happened at all, other than the fact I was panting and sweating like crazy right now. My T shirt was soaked with sweat, that even managed to seep into my bedsheets. I picked up the phone, hoping that nothing weird would happen, while I am on it at least.

"Hey Aster, hey Jackson," I greeted. I was still panting a little, so my words came out in short breaths.

"Hey Steph," Aster replied, "Y'kay? You sound breathless, what were you doing?"

"Nothing much," I replied, not knowing what to answer. They knew I would never exercise in the second half of the day, so it was not a viable excuse.

"Uh huh..." Jackson replied, "anyway, what did you call us for Aster?"

"I was thinking if you wanted to meet up together at the airport before flying of tommorrow? It would be easier for me since uhh... I will probably get lost."

"Sounds like you, Aster," I joked back. Out of the three of us, Aster had the worst sense of direction. She could never read the map, and even if you gave her instructions, she had a ninety percent chance of getting lost.

"And what did you call us for?! You could have texted!" Jackson yelled on his end.

"Sorry! I don't have wifi now and my plan is about to burst!" She replied.

After confirming the exact place and time, we ended the call. I decided to watch a movie and calm myself down. I did not want weird power stuff to happen to me again. Wait a minute... I do not know how to control those powers! What would I do if they acted up again tommorrow while I am out?! It could be a total disaster! Luckily, I think I have a plan. There is no garuntee that it would work, but I think it is worth a try. After all, it is the best choice I have given my current situation...