
7. Ancesion ceremony

When I reached home, I just changes out into some more comfortable wear. A t shirt and some shorts. I undid my hair as I thought over the incidents that occured. That dream... What I saw... The monsters... Spirits... Were they the true extent of her powers? Why did she pass them to me? Well, I already knew the answers to the second question. At her time of death, I was the only one willing to help her, although she had unfortunately already made up her mind. I decided to read up more on ancient tales. Perhaps they would be of help.



The weather was perfect this morning. I was woken up early for my ascension ceremony. Many relatives were comming over to watch, including several family friends. Mom had came over to my side to help me get ready.

"Mom? I can get ready myself, why are you here?" I asked.

"Because, I don't trust your fashion sense. It is an important ceremony today and you are the star. We cannot afford for anything to go wrong."

"Sigh. I still feel like my fashion sense is decent," I retorted. Mom chuckled to herself before she got me a suit to change into. I did as she told as she started to ready my hair, spraying and gelling it. I waited for her to get down with it, as I tried to recall what was my itenary for the day.

At about seven thirty, guests for our ceremony will start to gather. Once everyone was ready, great great, err, about eight generations of great would be the host of the ceremony. I will say the pledge of alligience to the gods, to carry out my duty to the very end. I will slay all Germayas, and do my best to prevent humans from harm. Then, I will drip my blood into the orb of the guardian, and wait for it to manifest my power. Eighth generation grandfather will then hand the powers manifested to me, and I would have acended. Then, I would just need to entertain the guests for awhile, before my marriage ceremony in the afternoon. It was to the Cordell family. Every time a son is born in our family, the Cordell family would have three daughters. I heard this year they managed to have an exceptionally powerful heir, which was supposed to be engaged to me. How lucky... I have no intention of marrying someone I do not love. I have met with two of them before, but we never seemed to click. They were self absorbed, and seemed to have no shame, constantly throwing themselves at me. It would be embarrassing for me to have them as a wife. On the good note, which I do not know how good, the one marrying me is the eldest daughter which I haven't met. I hope she would at least be better than her sisters, although highly unlikely. After the marriage ceremony, we would have to consumate our marriage, and bring the next heir to continue our bloodline. Our job was dangerous, and we could always risk being killed. I hated the thought of a casual and filthy woman in my bed, but it seems I would have to comply with my family. I would try to sort things out with her, but I certainly wouldn't touch her. Not if she was that kind of woman. I have two other brothers anyway. They would have no problem continuing the bloodline.

"There done! You will have to head over to the heavenly garden now for your ceremony. The carriage is already prepared."

Mother's words interupted my thoughts. I flashed a smile at her, although it was fake. I did not want to get married. I was only nineteen. I had just finished my trial in the mortal world to experience hardship for a few years. I definitely found defeating those Germayas more thrilling and fun.

I entered the carriage as Mother sat next to me. I heard the neighing of horses at the front, before the carriage started moving forward. Very soon, we were up in the air, ready to head over to the heavenly garden for the ceremony. It had been a century before anyone ascended, so mine was going to be the talk of the heavens for awhile. The carriage started moving faster before we were lifted entirely into the air. I definitely missed this feeling of flying in the skies. The snow white horses flapped their large wings, and we swiftly arrived at the garden.

"Fast horses, aren't they? The heavenly corperation decided to gift this to us as your ancesion gift." Mother remarked. I nodded, even though I wasn't really paying attention.

"What's wrong? You barely said anything today," Mom asked. I guessed she sensed something was up.

"I... don't want to get married to the cordell family. I want to marry someone of my choice, not because of the offspring we will produce. Big brother already has a wife from the Cordell family. He can produce those offspring. I just want to commit to my role as a guardian. I don't want any more responsibilities."

"Silly child," Mother chuckled as she flicked my forehead with her finger, "Your wife will grow on you! Your brother also objected to this at first, but now they are such a loving couple! Sure, you may not want offspring. Its fine! It is just that those from the Cordell family are always compatible with the guardian family! I was also from there before, your father was the just like you. But we still get together fine, don't we?" I nodded, not fully believing her. All I hope was that what she said was true. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. I needed to get on the platform soon, everbody had almost arrived.

Everyone stood up to show their respect as I entered the main road of the garden. My parents followed closely behind me, as I took my steps towards the raised platform, where my great grandfather was waiting. He stood with a thick book in hand, and a shining blue orb behind him. It was unmistakably, the guardian orb.

"Dear esteemes guests, we are here today to witness the ancesion of my great grandson to become a guardian. Now, Kyle Cyrus, in becoming a guardian, you must pledge to protect the mortal world from the Germayas, and know the danger you will face. You must pledge to fufil your duty, and not become corupted yourself. You must strive for the benefit of the mortal world, and the Cyrus family. Do you pledge so, in an oath you will never break until the day you die?"

Like what I witnessed in my brother's crowning ceremony and what I was instructed to do, I knelt on one knee as I placed to fingers up.

"I, Kyle Cyrus, pledge to protect the mortal world, even if it means I might lose my life." Great grandfather smiled at me before saying, "Good. Then you may begin the second step in ancesion."

Great grandfather handed to me a golden goblet adorned with rubbies, along with a silver sword with deep blue sapphires adorned on its hilt. I drew the sword from its sheath, and used it to swiftly cut my wrist. Deep, red blood flowed out of it like a trickling fountain, and I bore through the pain. I gritted my teeth as I collected the blood in the goblet, before my wound was quickly scarred with my high regeneration speed. In a few days, the scar would have completely disappeared. Grear grandfather took back the goblet and poured my blood over the orb. The orb turned from a sky blue colour into deep red. It was absorbing my blood.

The crowd clapped as I was more than halfway through the ceremony. Great Grandfather handed me a glass of wine to toast to the crowd. I did as what my mother instructed me to, and said,"I thank you all for comming to my ancesion ceremony. It means alot to me and I hope you all stay safe and grow more powerful with each passing year. To prove my sincerity and joy of joining you elders as a guardian, I hereby toast to you, the wine of the everlasting bloom, Cheers!" Everyone in the garden gulped down the wine as they toasted back. I finished gulping down my wine before looking at my parents. Dad was smiling, while mom was nearly crying. Actually... she already was.

"Don't mind her!" Dad said. Mom just sobbed harder as Dad dragged her out from the front of the crowd. Now, it was time to interact with the others and socialise with them. This is an important step. After all, there will be times where I will need others' help to slay extremely strong Germayas, like the one who single handedly caused an earthquake of magnitude seven in that village...