
6. A new begining

"Allister! Allister Cordell! You are disgracing our family name! You are the greatest among your sisters! You hold the most power! You are the one destinied for immortality! So why that filthy mortal?!"

"I told you before and I will say it again! I love him. I am willing to do anything for him! I will not marry a man I do not love, just to produce heirs for them! Besides, immortality is nothing without him!"

"Allister! Do you not understand?! The most powerful heiress of our clan is to be engaged to the guardian's family! You are the most powerful!"

"Then can I just give my power to them?! They have always been jealous of it! They will definitely love to throw themselves at him!"


"You can't transfer your power to someone who already has their own power. You are incompatible to transfer your powers to your sisters! Why else do you think I still keep someone of your kind around? If you transfer your powers to them, I am afraid they will all die! You... are the disgrace of the Cordell family. By my word! This ungrateful daughter of mine will be tied up on the carriage to The Guardian's family in two days for the marriage ceremony! No one is allowed to aid in her escape, or they shall be punished severely!"

Finally, the black background faded, and I saw several people bowing to the man at the head of the room.

"Also, the earth has now been cleansed of that mortal," The man said.

"NO! YOU CAN'T! LEAVE HIM ALONE! WHY?!" Allister screamed. Her pleas and cries were ignored as was swiftly dragged out.

The background faded and reappeared as Allister was thrown in what seemed to be her room. I felt a little pity towards her now. I remembered her only to be the woman whom I tried to save, but now I saw a reason as to what happen. She opened her windows and immediately disappeared in a puff of light. She flew out the window, and by the time it was nightfall, she had arrived at the bridge. That was where I first met her...

The following events unfolded just as I remembered, before I blacked out. When I did, a voice told me, "Now you understand my story. You shall be my sucessor, if you do not want them to find you, lay low. Otherwise, I am not sure what they might do. This was what I wanted to tell you, but I did not have enough time before my spirit left. I will be going for good now. Farewell, Miss Stephanie."

I opened my eyes, realising I was not in any fancy place but the comfort of my own bed. It was still dark, and the sun had not yet risen. Uncontrollably, a tear slid out of my eye. I did not know why I was even crying, but i wiped off the tear using the sleef of my pajamas. All these events could not have been coincidental. It was definitely real. Now, I was feeling greatful I did not do anything suspicious to the psychologist. Otherwise, I could be in deep trouble right now. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves, before drifting back to sleep...

In the morning, I woke up and decided to go for a run. It was around seven and quite early, so the temperature would be relatively cool. I changed into sportswear, tied up my hair into a high ponytail and headed out of the house. I took the elevator to the first floor and I walked out. I wanted to take a jog on the streets. I had made arrangements in preperation for college and organised my extra curriculars and additional classes around the new area. I walked out and started taking a walk to the park first as a warmup.

Suddenly, a strong breeze picked up while I was on the road. Something collided into my left eye and I rubbed it in an attempt to get it out, causing it to become red and swollen. I stopped to go to the bathroom in a nearby convienence store to wash it out, since it was starting to hurt. I stared at the mirror in the washroom, but found nothing on my eye. I groaned in annoyance as I took out some eye drops and applied them, hoping it would reduce the swelling after awhile.

Little did I know this is where the problems actually started. I walked out, everything seeming normal. Then, across the street, I sensed the dark aura I felt in hospital. I hurried over and to my surprise, there was a giant creature nearly two meters tall, with jagged teeth and long tentacles at the side of the building! I gasped in shock, shaking my head to remove the halucination. How could such monsters be real?! It bent over to a couple at a bus stop, before the end of one of its tentacles configured into a knife and stabbed into the female partner!

"NO!" I screamed. Everyone turned to look at me as I reddened in embarrassment. Even the monster did looked at me! Just then, I remembered Allister's warning from last night.

"If you do not want them to find you, lay low."

I immediately continued, "N-No! Please let me graduate college with flying colours instead of just passing! I hope that you will grant my wish god! Amen! Everyone, believe in god! He will definitely bring you to the truth!"

Everyone continued with their business, some after nodding their head in approval and some after rolling their eyes. The monster assumed its own business too and removed its tentacle, after which the girl felt faint. It morphed into a cloud of smoke, before fleeing beyond the city.

"HELP! MY GIRLFRIEND FAINTED! SOMEONE CALL 911!!" The man yelles in panic. I approached the girl carefully before calling 911. The same aura I felt at the hospital... Dark smoke started appearing on her chest, where the monster had stabbed. I panicked, telling the man that the ambulance were on their way, and she only need hold on for a little longer!

The ambulance quickly arrived to pick her up and hurry her over to the hospital.

"Begin chest compressions! Patient's heart has stopped!"

I watched warily as the smoke started spreading. I held my breath in, mostly due to shock. They continued their compressions first, as they wanted to stabalise her before loading her on. The machine beeped louder, as her heart rate slowed. They pressed on faster, her boyfriend nearly in tears as he held her hand. By now, a large crowd had gathered to see the commotion. Eventually, the smoke spread throughout her body, and her heart rate fell to zero. Her boyfriend broke down in tears as the paramedics looked dejected.

"Do you know why her heart may have stopped?" One of the paramedics asked.

"She had a heart condition... but the doctors said she would live to at least thirty! She is only twenty seven!"

"I am sorry for your loss. She is in a better place now. We will bring her to the hospital first and then you can sort out the remaining with her family." One of the paramedics said.

The man nodded dejectedly before he hopped onto the ambulance with the paramedics. The girl's lifeless body laid still on the stretcher, as she was carried in as well. The sirens turned off, meaning the emergency was over.

As the stretcher was lifted, I saw the girl climb up. She looked around in confusion, before her eyes settled on me, probably because I was at the center of the crowd. She was a little transparent, and I looked around. No one noticed she was up. I kind of understood what happened. With such crazy happenings occuring so frequently to me, it wasn't a big surprise.

"You're dead now." I mouthed, so that she could leave in peace. Instead, she shook her head violently and pounced onto me, even though she simply passed through me. I staggered backwards from the cold feeling that brushed past me, and the shock. Everyone started murmuring but I kept my cool, and pretended i just stumbled. She repeatedly screamed at me, although I pretended I could not see her. The ambulance doors closed as it drove away, along with the crowd that started dispersing. I walked over to a dark alleyway, to which the girl followed...

"I told you, you're dead." I said, after ensuring that there was nobody near me.

"No! How can it be! I have at least three more years! I have yet to properly wave goodbye!" She mouthed. I could not hear her screaming even though it seemed like she was, so I just looked down.

"I... am not an exorcist. I can't make you leave. But, I can help you say goodbye. I can help you write letters and deliver it to your family. That is all I can do."

The girl stared at me as tears started forming in her eyes. It seems as though she knew that this was her end, whether she wanted it or not. She nodded as a tear slipped out of her eyes and dripped on the ground, disappearing into smoke the moment it touched the ground. I took out a pen and paper, and told her to mouth out the words she wanted me to write. Then, I wrote down the address and placed it in an envelope I was carrying with me. I sent it off to the post office before I told her, "There. You can wait at home. You can make sure they have recieved the letter before you leave. You should let go of your ties to this world in order to move on properly." She nodded again, before I exited the alleyway and headed home.