
4. Another kind of exam...

I managed to wake up later today, mostly because I can turn away from the sun now. I was still a little hung up on the fact that I didn't close the blinds last night, so I was the one that allowed the sun in this time. I went to the bathroom and washed up. Probably because in hospitals they use generic soap to clean you, my face was having a stupid pimple outbreak! I resisted the urge to pop them, and called my mom to bring over my soaps from the house.

After washing up, breakfast was soon served. It was nothing fanciful, mostly being a glass of milk served with buttered bread and a side of tomatoes. I had stopped being fed on drip, which I was glad since it meant I could eat actual food. The food was not very good, but it wasn't terrbly bad either. It just tasted... healthy? Once I was done, I was about to get back to scrolling on my phone when the dreaded woman walked in. I turned to face her and raised an eyebrow.

"You said you would do the test to leave. So lets do it now," She said, as she sat down on the chair next to my bed. I groaned in my heart due to the displeasure I was feeling, but I knew I needed to get it over with. I sat up as she asked me several questions, to which I answered mostly honestly. They were mostly like, are you being bullied, stressed, anxious, depressed, etc. However, when she asked about that night, it was the part where I had to lie and cover some parts. I had anticipated this question before and had rehearsed it multiple times in my head, so I think I was able to give a convincing answer.

The psychologist tapped her pen on the clipboard repeatedly, and muttered a, "seems normal..." I was overjoyed, but pretended not to notice what she had said. She soon left to further evaluate the result, but it was almost certain I was normal.

Over the next two days, I was given a few more tests, both physical and psychological ones. One day, my mother came by to accompany me for the day. She had taken leave frm work, and it was mostly to make sure I was okay. The doctors and my psychologists have ensured I was no threat to myself or others around me, so they had allowed me to transfer to the other part of the hospital, which means the ward shared with other patients. This also meant I was allowed outside the building to access places like the cafeteria, garden, and I was no longer served breakfast in bed.

My mother accompanied me out of my room so that the admin staff could change my ward and prepare it for their next patient, so we were walking along a rather narrow and quiet corridor. Many patients in here were mentally ill, so they usually kept themselves in the room, or restrained, like I was. When we got to the more crowded part of the hospital, things started feeling a little calmer, since there was others around me. Mom wanted to show me the ward I was arranged to go to, before we headed out the garden. For some reason, I couldn't shake off the feeling of uneasiness I had. The hospital seemed normal, with families waiting on chairs, doctors and nurses scurrying about, and the sick or injured being treated. However, I just had the feeling that something was not right. It is difficult to explain, something like a six sense.

I looked around, trying to find the source that stirred this strange feeling in my heart. However, no matter how hard I looked, I could not find anything out of the ordinary. Suddenly, the feeling got stronger towards my right. A young man about my age walked past me, and I could feel his strange aura on me, which made me shiver in fright.

"Cold?" Mom asked, since my hand involuntarily twitched in fear.

"Mhm," I replied, hoping not to draw too much of her attention. I glanced back at that man. He had dark purplish hair, as well as metal rings that glistened under the hospital lights. He had dark tattoos on his right arm, and was wearing a black leather jacket. As he walked further away from me, I felt that sense of uneasiness slowly dwindle down, until that was just a slight feeling left. But it was not completely gone.

Mom and I had made our way to the garden rooftop. Here, there were bright green trees and dozens of flowers that were blooming beautifully. Thank god, that dreadful feeling had completely vanished as well. Mom and I sat down a wooden bench as we enjoyed the cool morning breeze. I felt completely at ease here. That sense of impending doom was completely gone, and I could relax here with few cameras staring at my soul everytime.

"Warmer?" My mom asked. I nodded. I sighed and leaned back, bathing in the warm sun rays. However, that feeling of calmness did not last long. I sensed something again, which caused me to tense and sit upright. I saw mom stare at me quizically before she went back to relaxing. Clearly, she couldn't feel what I felt. It was a dark kind of aura, that held the sense of impending doom and death. How could I relax if I felt it?! An elderly woman on a wheelchair was pushed right next to my bench, as she said,"I'm so glad I can finally get some fresh air."

I eyed her wearily, as the aura got stronger the closer she came towards me. I shifted towards my mother's side instinctively.

"Stephanie! Don't be rude!" She scolded, rather silently so that the old woman next to me will not hear us. Suddenly, the aura got sharper, and I yelped in surprise, before the old woman next to me started clutching her chest in pain. Mom looked at me like I was a weirdo, before she saw me looking at the elderly woman in pain. Her caregiver immediately rushed towards her, along with several other nurses in the area. They quickly wheeled her back into the building, while me and my mom stared in disbelief.

"Hope she is okay," Mom said, which I nodded to and replied,"yeah". What I could not make sense of was how that strong aura corresponded to that event. I only yelped a split second earlier, so it was quite easily unoticable, but I felt that this was not a coincidence. I thought back on my memory lane, the day I took my first test in the hospital, to the day I first woke up. And before I woke up I was underwater with a glowing lady before I blacked out. I assumed that was my reality before, but now I think about it, it could just be a dream I had in my comatose state. As for why I jumped off after talking to a bridge railing, I had no idea either! If I saw the cameras on the bridge, I feel that things would make more sense, but I had already seen it and it certainly made me look crazy! I decided to forget about it for the moment, since it could just vecome an inexplicable moment in my life. Afterall, everyone's life had some paranormal experiences, and this could just live as one of them.

I noticed the deathly aura slowly fade from my surroundings, and decided to calm myself down. Getting worked up over something I don't understand would not make me understand it. I stood up from the bench and decided to stroll around. My mother allowed me to, as she was too lazy to get up. I walked over to the patch of roses. They were blooming a bright red colour, although with some blooming in orange and pink hues instead. I peered closer to the flowers and felt a calming aura emitted from them. This quelled my chaotic heart, and I continued to explore. The view here was acrually quite good. Although the hospital was located on a busy street, it certainly looked gorgeous still. People were bustling up and down, as cars entered and exited the hospital gates. I watched for awhile before going back to my mother.

"Done looking around?" She asked. I nodded my head and leaned on her shoulder. We stayed like this for awhile before it was time for lunch. We went into the air conditoned cafeteria and odered some food. Today, we had baked rice with some corn, accompanied by a glass of fruit punch. We ate for awhile before deciding to return upstairs. I was required to get an MRI scan scan today, just as a precautionary measure as my head could have been damaged when I jumped into the river. Mom waited outside the room while I was X - rayed first to check if anything was wrong with my body, before I layed on the bed and was rolled into the machine.

"Everything seems normal, and you look fine. I think you can be discharged tommorrow. We will write up the paperwork and hand it over soon." The doctor said. I nodded and grinned happily, knowing I can return to my life before soon.