

Serial Killers are hiding in plain sight. They could even be someone you know! The story starts off with nineteen year old Delilah Emery who is one of the worlds most renowned serial killers. Her prime victims are always men that she has fallen in love with, and she always ends up cutting them open and taking their hearts as a memento. Because of her unique style of killing, the police have dubbed her "The Loveless Killer". Everything changes for her though when she falls in love with her colleges most famous bachelor, Amos Kade, when she spots him playing during a soccer game. At first, he seems like a regular guy with a heart made out of gold, but he too has a dark secret. Despite his charming personality, it's all a lie. He is actually a sociopath that has zero emotions, and is a serial killer just like her. Although, he has no reason for why he murders people. He does it simply because he doesn't see a reason why he shouldn't. The two confront each other and before they can have a battle to the death, they are transported to a world that is not their own where they meet the one and only Grim Reaper, who has summoned them as well as eleven other serial killers to his domain. He tells them that they have been summoned to partake in his competition called The Grimm Games, so that he can choose a successor to take his place. It's a kill or be killed situation where only the last person standing can inherit the title of The Grim Reaper as well as all of his powers. The two of them are then sent back, now adorning a new Scythe tattoo that marks them as players in the game, as well as bestowing upon them magical weapons that they can use to fight against each other. Delilah makes it clear that she has no intention of killing Amos because she believes that they were meant to be soulmates, and Amos, being the manipulative person he is, takes her up on her offer and the two plan to work together to survive till the end until the moment where they are the last survivors and have no choice but to fight one another. But until then, they must look out for each other when the other killers come to strike. Amos agrees to be Delilah's lover although he reminds he that his feelings are fake, but she doesn't care as long as he makes her feel loved. Will Amos stay cold and distant, or for once in his life will he finally experience true emotion and open up his heart to the woman who wants to take it from him?

LilacDream · Kinh dị ma quái
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3 Chs

Love At First... Kill?

What defines pleasure? Everybody feels it and has their own desires that are unique only to them. If you were to ask someone what brings them pleasure, what would that person say? The first thing you would expect them to say is something simple, like playing video games, reading a good book, tasting delicious food or spending time with a loved one. That's what a normal person would say anyways.

But not everyone has such innocent pleasures in life. Some people have some truly dark desires that ravage all of their good instincts. It isn't so easy for these individuals with a deep darkness inside of them, to pleasure themselves. What if the thing that makes them feel good, is to hurt other people? Serial Killers are everywhere, just hiding in the shadows and waiting for the next time that they are going to strike.

When the itch to fill their desires becomes unbearable, and they end up acting upon their taboo habits. Even people with a sick and twisted mind such as a murderer has things that they seek out, which is what leads them to do what they do. To the rest of society, they are monsters and worse than scum.

How could anyone even fathom the idea of taking someone else's life? But to a killer, it couldn't be more simple. It's easy for them to kill, because at the end of the day, it's the one thing they can do to feel good about themselves. Why do they commit such heinous acts? Why is that the one thing that brings them pleasure? That's something only a killer would have the answer to.

Sitting in a chair bound and gagged with rope, a man squirmed as he stared with wide terrified eyes at the figure before him. His attacker was a lovely looking girl with long flowing brown hair and fair skin. She couldn't have been older than the age of nineteen, possibly a college student.

She wore glasses that framed her face perfectly, but it wasn't until she took the glasses off that he started to feel true terror. She smiled at him in his most vulnerable state, grinning from ear to ear with eyes full of lust and an evil glint to them. She had her gaze fixated on him, as if she was enjoying her handy work and was reveling in the moment.

As delicate as her face was, there was a monster hiding behind her feminine features. She was now crouched down in front of him, staring up at him with that unsettling grin still plastered on her face, and ran her cold hand over his cheek which made him flinch back in fear.

"Do you know how long I've watched you? I've been in love with you the minute that I laid my eyes on you. After watching you for so long, I just couldn't wait any longer. I just had to have you all to myself." She said with a breathless voice as a blush spread across her cheeks. The man tried to speak, but because of the rope that was still wrapped into his mouth, his words were inaudible.

She giggled as she took the rope out of his mouth and he coughed as he gasped for air, drool spilling from his lips the minute that his tongue was freed. "Are you trying to say something my love? You know you can tell me anything!" She told him gleefully. The man clenched his teeth and glared at her. His fear quickly turned to rage once he was free to speak. As crazy as she seemed, she still seemed coherent. So maybe, just maybe, he could talk his way out of this and convince her into letting him go.

"Just who are you? Why are you doing this? I don't even know who you are! What did I do to deserve this?!" He boasted loudly with his voice practically shaking due to adrenaline. "Oh darling, don't talk like that. You might not know me, but I know everything about you. Like I said before, I've been watching you for a long time. I just love you so much that it's driving me crazy!"

She said as she pressed her hands to her cheeks and shook her head vigorously while shrieking like a fan girl. The man stared at the ground, not understanding how she could do this. If she was in love with him like how she said she was, then why go through such extremes?!

He was on his way to work before she drugged him and kidnapped him. That isn't what you do to someone you're in love with. "You're bat shit crazy you know that? Just let me go! I won't tell anyone what you did, I promise." She placed a finger to her chin and was deep in contemplation.

"But if I let you go, then you're just going to run back to that woman I saw you go into that hotel with." All of a sudden, her sweet demeanor changed dramatically. Her innocent voice twisted and turned malicious the second she mentioned the woman he had been sleeping with. So that was the reason she kidnapped him? Because she was blinded by jealousy?

Thinking he found a way to convey her into letting him go, he decided to play along. If he could just manipulate her feelings for him and fill her with false hope and give her a fake promise, would that be enough to ensure his freedom? He smiled at her and tried his best to seem loving as he looked at her with adoring eyes, but deep down, he was absolutely disgusted. He didn't want to play along with her games, but what choice did he have? He just wanted to make it out of this alive.

"I promise I won't see her again. After seeing all you went through for us to meet, it must mean you truly love me, right?" He asked sincerely, which only caused her to blush even more. She eagerly nodded her head. "Okay. If you promise you won't see her again, then I might consider letting you go. But that's not enough for me." She stood up and proceeded to sit in his lap and straddled him with her thighs.

He gulped nervously as she brought her face dangerously close to his. "I love you, but do you love me? You have to promise me that you'll give me your heart. Do you promise?" He started sweating, but still had on his mask as he gazed back into her crazed eyes. "Yes. I promise. My heart is yours. So, do you think you can untie me now?"

She felt truly elated when she heard his words. "So you'll give me your heart? You don't even understand how much that means to me to hear you say that! Now, to seal our love, I will give you a kiss." She leaned forward and kissed him, forcing his mouth open with her tongue as their tongues began to battle. As much as he hated this girl, he had to admit that she was in fact a really good kisser. At first he struggled, but he couldn't ignore his male instincts. He started kissing her back willingly and soon he himself was starting to feel all hot and bothered.

By the time she was done, she pulled away and his head felt foggy from that passionate kiss that they had just shared. With his head still in the clouds, she reached behind her back and pulled out a kitchen knife that was placed in the waistband of her skirt. And before he even saw it coming, she slashed him across the throat and he started gurgling and choking on his own blood.

He looked at her with his eyes filled with tears, and every time he tried to speak, the wound on his throat only gushed out more blood. She placed a finger to his lips to silence him. "Shh, don't speak. It'll only make your suffering worse. I only did that to stop you from screaming. You said I could have your heart, so I'm going to take it now, okay my love?"

She then started hacking away at his rib cage, stabbing him over and over as his body twitched. He didn't know how he was still alive, but honestly, he was starting to wish that he was dead if it meant that his suffering would be over.

She kept mauling at him until his ribcage was torn open and his still beating heart was now visible. She looked at the organ with much desire to claim it, but before she pulled off the killing blow, she gave him one final kiss. By now, he had no more strength in his body. While she was tearing him apart, he had fallen in and out of consciousness multiple times and was devastated every time he woke back up. Every time he blacked out, he didn't want to wake up to the horror he found himself in. Why the hell was he still alive after everything he went through?

"I admire how strong you are. You've lasted much longer than the other men I've loved before. Is it because you love me so much that you can't bear to part ways yet? You've touched me deeply, out of all the others, you by far have been the best! Now then, I think it's time we ended things here. And thank you, for giving me your heart."

She said with a creepy tone in her voice as she stared at his eyes that were slowly starting to lose their light. She raised her bloodied knife into the air and plunged it down one more time, his body jumped again as he released a silent scream, expelling whatever strength he had remaining in him. She cut his heart free from his body, finally killing him as the organ pulsated in her hands.

She counted the beats before it ceased all together, and she clutched it happily to her chest. This was what she was after from the beginning. Nothing brought her more pleasure than holding the heart of the man she loved in her own hands. This girl's real name was Delilah Emery, and she was the infamous serial killer, Loveless.

A month later, the man's body was found dumped at a reservoir that emptied into the ocean. After his discovery, every news station was immediately on the scene making their reports as the police started their investigation.

Delilah, who is called Lila by her friends, was sitting in the apartment that she shared with her college roommate as they sat down together eating lunch while they watched the news being broadcasted. "The body is heavily decomposed suggesting that the crime occurred sometime ago." Said the news reporter on the television.

"Not much is being disclosed right now, but it is apparent that this specific case is indeed a murder. From the officers that we were able to talk with earlier, the victims chest was savagely torn open and is missing their heart. No doubt, this person fell victim to the serial killer, whom the police have named Loveless by how they take the hearts from the deceased. This would make the eleventh murder in this long string of unfortunate events and the killer is still at large.

We don't know how close the police are to catching the culprit, but we only pray that they are found soon and are taken off of our streets." Lila's roommate, Stacy, quickly turned the tv off as it was starting to ruin her mood. "If I hear any more of that then I think I'll lose my appetite. I mean, did you hear what he said? What person in their right mind could do something like that?" She said as she started to look pale in the face just even thinking about it.

Lila chuckled nervously. If only her roommate knew her secret, and that she was in fact living with the deranged sick murderer who they were just talking about on the tv. But what she doesn't know won't kill her. "Maybe they have their reasons for doing what they did. Why not try showing the killer some sympathy?" She said as she rubbed the back of her neck, and her statement earned her a stink eye from her roommate. "

You're joking, right? Sympathize with a murderer? I don't care what they've been through! That is no excuse to kill someone in cold blood like that!" Her phone started buzzing as she answered it.

"Hello?... Oh! Hey Diane!" Stacy said as she walked to the kitchen and put her dirty dishes in the sink. While she was talking on the phone, Lila took a sip of her soda but then choked on it when Stacy started yelling loudly out of nowhere.

"What do you mean you can't come with me to the game?! But I already bought the tickets! What am I going to do with the extra one?... Mhm. Yeah. I guess so. But who am I going to find to take your spot?" She asked to herself, but smirked when she looked at Lila who was still sitting in the living room.

"Actually, it's all good. Since you can't go, I'll just ask my roommate if she wants to go instead. I'll talk to you later, bye!" She then hung up and walked back into the living room where she hugged Lila from behind and nuzzled her face into her neck.

"Hey, want to do your best friend a huge favor and go to the soccer game with me on campus today?" She said as she blew lightly on Lila's ear, causing her to shriek and sent a shiver up her spine. The timid girl pulled away with a light blush as she played with her hair. Despite being a blood thirsty killer, she did have a cute side to herself. When she wasn't obsessing over some guy, she was naturally very shy and didn't like being in big crowds. So for Stacy to ask her to go to something like a soccer game was a pretty big favor.

"You know I don't do good in big crowds. Too many people in such a large space makes me feel all suffocated, you know that." She said as her small lips turned slightly into a frown. "Yeah yeah I know! But come on! You and I hardly ever go out! It'll be just for tonight, and when it's all over you can come back here and hide away like a hermit crab again. If you do this for me, I'll do the dishes for the next week! So do we have a deal?" She asked her with a beaming smile.

Lila pushed her glasses up higher on her nose, causing the light above them to reflect on her glasses creating a glare which obscured the view of her eyes. She sighed in defeat as she hung her head low. Stacy was pretty stubborn, and she knew that if she said no, that wasn't going to stop her best friend from pestering her into going.

"Okay. But just for tonight." Stacy squealed as she pulled her into a tight hug. "Woohoo! We are going to have so much fun! Let's go get ready now! The game starts in an hour so we have to hurry!" And with that, the two best friends started getting changed and headed out to go to the game.

As they walked from their apartment to the stadium, Stacy looked disappointed at Lila who didn't even attempt to put any effort into her outfit. While she was dressed to the nines in their school's colors and wore a cute short, pleaded skirt, with a crop top version of her favorite players jersey, Lila had her long brown hair braided into two neat braids which descended over her shoulders and then threw on a basic pair of gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt with a cute monkey on it. It was safe to say that she had zero fashion sense.

"Geez, that's what you decided to wear out to your first soccer game? You know there's going to be a lot of cute guys there! I know you didn't want to come out but you could have thrown on something a little nicer, especially if you're going to be standing next to someone as cute as me." Stacy said as the two continued to walk while she checked out her makeup using a hand compact mirror.

Lila giggled nervously and then sighed. Boys was the last thing she was concerned about right now. Right now, she was in her weakest mental state. It has been a month since she obsessed over her last guy, and she knew that it wouldn't be long before she stepped right back into the cycle again.

It was always like that with her. She couldn't go very long without fawning over love, and she desperately wanted to try and stop this bad habit of hers. It was apart of the reason why she didn't like going to public events like this. She was always too worried at falling in love at first sight, and it would be bad news if her next victim ended up going to the same school as her. But it was too late now, she had already promised to go.

They eventually made it to the stadium with their tickets in hand and waited in a very long line which trailed outside, and once they made it to the admission, they immediately went and found their seats which was pretty close to the front. Lila sat down and looked around, never having been in the soccer stadium before.

She felt really shy being there, and she knew absolutely zero about the sport. She felt like she didn't belong at all, and that people would be secretly judging her.

"Okay! We still have time before the game starts! So I'm going to go to the concession and buy us a couple of beers and some snacks! You just wait here!" Said Stacy as she took off leaving Lila all by herself. Soon, the music started playing and the people that were in their seats already started chanting their schools anthem.

As awkward as it was being there, she admitted to herself that it was nice seeing the good sportsmanship between her peers. The teams started flooding onto the field, first the away team who came from a different university and then their team.

Stacy came back with two beers in each hand and two hotdogs resting are her arm. It was impressive how she was able to carry all that by herself. "Damn! I hope I didn't miss anything!" She said as she gave the beers and hotdogs to Lila and then sat down.

"No, you're right on time. It looks like they were just about to start." They leaned back and watched as the players were introduced onto the field, and people started cheering even louder when a cute guy with short blonde hair and hazel eyes walked onto the field, the number seven being the number on his jersey which was the same number on the jersey that Stacy was wearing.

"Woohoo! You see that guy walking on the field right now? I didn't tell you this before, but he's kind of like my unofficial boyfriend! He's the real reason why I wanted to come, to be honest. His name is Bryce Waller! Isn't he just so adorable?" She said as she stood up and started screaming while waving her hands around frantically.

"Bryce! It's me! Do you see me?! I'm up here!" From down below, Bryce caught the sound of her voice and looked in her direction, and after seeing her he winked at her and waved back just as energetically, then blew a kiss her way. She pretended to catch it and fell back down into her seat, acting like a lovesick puppy. "When did you meet him? I've never seen you talking to him before." Lila asked intrigued.

This was the first time her best friend had ever mentioned she was seeing a guy right now, and an athlete at that. "That's because you never asked. It was when my class decided to go out drinking to celebrate the end of our midterms. And he and the other players just so happened to be at the same bar. We hit it off almost instantly." She said as she recalled the pleasant memory.

"Well he must be pretty popular then. The crowd seems to be going crazy for him!" Lila said as she too was starting to get excited for the game to start. Stacy clicked her tongue and wagged her finger in Lila's face. "Now I love my Bryce, but he's nothing compared to the last guy who's about to walk out next. He's our schools star player! Oh! I think he's about to walk out now!"

The audience then stopped chanting, and soon they started clapping and stomping their feet in a steady rhythm. "AIM! AIM! AIM!" They all started chanting while still stomping, and then the last player walked out. As soon as his feet hit the field, everyone started losing their minds and he received screams that were even louder than Bryce who had walked out before him.

He was a tall guy with beautiful shiny black hair that was kind of curly and he had the most piercing blue eyes that Lila had ever seen. His skin was pale and seemed to radiate like the light of the full moon. He smiled brightly as he waved at the crowd and took his place to rejoin his team as they deliberated the game plan. As soon as Lila saw him, she felt that all too familiar ache in her heart.

She clutched her chest as her heart started to pound in her chest and a blush spread across her cheeks. 'Oh no…" She thought to herself. 'I think I'm falling in love again!' While she was lost in thought, Stacy started to swoon as she pulled her into a hug and sighed longingly into her ear.

She quickly snapped back to reality and laughed when Stacy started to shake her. "Now that cutie is named Amos Kade! He's two grades ahead of us and is literally every girls dream guy! If he had approached me at the bar before Bryce did, I would have been all over him! But it's too bad he doesn't date anyone. He was known for being hard to get. But that's what makes you want him even more, don't you agree?" She said with a wide smile.

Lila gulped as she gave a single nod. The more they talked about him, the more her heart was telling her how she just had to have him. But she had to try her best to not let those urges get the best of her. Since the police had just found the body of her last victim, they would be on high alert and are probably out trying to look for her right now as they speak.

She had to be careful, no matter how charming he seemed, she couldn't let herself fall for him even more! "So why were you guys saying Aim earlier?" She asked inquisitively as she tilted her head to the side. A smug look befell Stacy's face as she answered. "That's Amos's nickname. You'll understand why we call him that when you watch the game a little more."

The buzzer sounded, signaling the start of the game and soon the crowd fell silent when they all started watching intently. On the field, Amos took control of the ball and was running towards the other goal. He was whizzing through the opposing team effortlessly and even though his teammates were begging him to pass it, he was too focused on the goal and ignored them.

He dribbled the ball between an opponent's feet and crossed them up, and with the goal wide open, he kicked the ball with intense force and the goalie had no time to react as the ball flew right between his legs and landed straight into the goal. "He shoots and he scores! Nice one buddy!" Bryce said as he hugged Amos from behind which made him laugh out loud.

"It was nothing. They're just too predictable is all. Now come on, let's show them what we're made of!" They continued playing one sided like that, completely dominating the other team until the match ended. They ended up winning with a staggering ten points to zero, with Amos making seven of those goals all by himself.

When the game ended, Stacy and Lila were waiting outside for the players to come out so that she could link up with Bryce. Once she saw him, Stacy threw herself into his arms and he spun her around like a princess where they then shared a kiss. "You were amazing out there babe!" She said as she showered him with kisses all over his face. The blonde haired player chuckled as a blush spread across his cheeks and he set her down gently.

"I barely did anything. It was Amos who brought us victory, isn't that right bud?" He said as he stepped to the side and Amos exited the building with his duffel bag full of his gear slung over his shoulder.

He smiled innocently as he joined their group, and Lila was lost, entranced by the stare of his deep blue eyes that looked like the ocean. "It was really nothing. It was a group effort between all of us. We all played our part." He winced when Bryce slung his arm over his shoulder and tussled his hair with his free hand, turning his nicely styled hair into a matted mess.

"Stop being so humble! You did good man! By the way, I don't think I introduced you guys yet. Stacy, this is my best friend Amos. Amos, this is my girlfriend Stacy!" He said as he walked around to stand behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on top of her head. Stacy almost felt like there was steam coming out of her ears from how hot her face burned.

That was the first time he ever called her his girlfriend, which means that they were now a legitimate couple. Amos nodded to her, acknowledging her presence before he turned his attention to Lila who was twirling her hair between her fingers nervously. "It's nice to meet you Stacy. And who is this friend of yours?" He asked as he took a step closer to her, which made Lila's heartbeat even harder the closer that he got.

"Uhm… I uhm… My name is." She tried to speak but couldn't get the words to come out. "You probably won't get an answer out of her. She can be really shy. But her name's Delilah. She's my roommate and best friend!" Stacy said as she answered for her.

Amos smiled at her warmly and stuck his hand out for her to take. "Well it's really nice to meet you." Lila took his hand and shook it, and feeling his skin against her own only affirmed her growing feelings for him. "It's nice to meet you too…" She said quietly as she turned her back to him embarrassed.

Amos chuckled after seeing how adorably meek she was and then looked on towards Bryce who was still nuzzled up to Stacy. "I don't know about you guys but I'm starving. How about we call up the team and have dinner to celebrate? Oh, and you two can come of course. The more the merrier." He said with an innocent look on his face. Lila glanced over her shoulder and couldn't stop her blush from deepening.

Why did he have to be so cute? She hasn't known him for very long, but it was apparent that he was just such a sweet, and down to Earth guy. Stacy was right when she said that he was every girl's dream guy. Because he was making it incredibly hard for her to resist. At this rate, he was going to become her latest victim for sure.

"Dinner sounds great! After all that jumping around we were doing, my appetite is pretty furocious right now. What do you say Lila? Do you want to come out with us or are you just going to go back home? I mean, you don't have too. The deal was for you to go to the game with me, so you don't have to come hang out with us if that makes you uncomfortable." Stacy asked her best friend.

At first, her instincts were yelling at her to say no. But after meeting Amos, she really didn't want to miss out on this opportunity to get closer to him. "N-no, I'll go! I'm pretty hungry myself! And besides, I can always leave early if I start to feel out of my depth." She said barely above a whisper, but it was still loud enough for them to hear.

"Alright, then it's decided then! I know this really nice Korean barbeque place that just opened up. We can order ourselves some beer and maybe a bottle of Soju! Nothing's better than eating a hot meat fresh off the grill with a nice cold drink!" Bryce said aloud as he started texting away on his phone in the soccer teams group chat, catching them up on their plans so that the rest of the team could meet them there.

After deciding what to do, the four of them called up a cab to take them to the restaurant. The drive was probably about thirty minutes away. They stepped out of the car and had to walk up some tall stone steps to make it to the restaurant, which was on top of a hill surrounded by other eating establishments.

They went inside and sat down with Stacy sitting next to Bryce, which forced Lila to have to sit next to Amos who was looking at the menu trying to decide what meat to order for himself. She never noticed it before, but he smelled really good. Despite that he still had the sweat smell clinging to his skin, his natural musk was still pleasant to the nose. His clothes smelled just like the detergent she used back at home too, which was the scent of fresh linen and lemon.

Without even realizing it, she was leaning closer to him so that she could take in more of his smell, she didn't realize what she was doing until Amos cleared his throat which made her come back to her senses and his face was right in front of hers. She sat back quickly and covered her face with her hands as she tried to hide her blush.

He smiled at her and offered her his menu thinking that that was what she was after. "My bad. Was I hogging up the menu? That was really rude of me. We can share it if you want to check it out for yourself." He said as he scooted closer to her to share the menu with her, and accidentally started rubbing shoulders with her. As soon as she felt him press up against her, she leaned back a little too far and almost fell out of her stool.

But with his fast reflexes, Amos caught her and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back into her chair. "Hey! You need to be more careful! I don't know what's gotten into you but watch what you're doing. You could have really gotten hurt." He said to her full of concern.

Feeling embarrassed, she looked down into her lap and just nodded her head in response without saying a word. From across the table, Stacy giggled as she observed the two of them. "The problem is you Amos. Do you even know what you do to women? It's so obvious that she thinks you're cute. And who wouldn't? I mean, just look at you!" She said as she rolled her tongue and purred like a cat.

Bryce, who was sitting next to her scowled as he crossed his arms. "Your boyfriend is sitting right here you know? Should you be flirting with another guy while I'm in your presence? Honestly babe, that's not cool at all." Stacy gasped before she nuzzled up to him, slinging her arms around his shoulders and kissing him on the neck, silencing him and his whining immediately.

"Don't be like that babe! You know you're the most attractive man to me, but I'm not going to lie either. Amos is hot too. Just look how he's got my best friend all flustered!"

At the mention of his name, Amos placed a finger on his chin. "I'm not all that good looking but thank you nonetheless for the compliment. And I apologize if me being near you is making you uncomfortable Lila. I can switch places with your friend if you'd like me to." He said as he stood up, ready to move when she boldly grabbed ahold of his sleeve.

"That's okay. I don't mind being next to you. It's actually quite… nice." She said as she smiled up at him, to which he returned it and sat back down. Not too long afterwards, the rest of the team made it and soon they were all ordering their food and got their drinks. One member of the team who was number thirty three, stood up to signal a toast.

"To another victory for the history books! We are still the number one undefeated team in the district! And it's all thanks to our little super star! Stand up and take a bow, brother!" He drunkenly said, having already been a couple of shots deep. Amos smiled meekly as he refused at first, but they egged him on and he eventually gave in and stood up and raised his glass in the air while they all waited for him to give his speech.

"Honestly, you guys put me on too high of a pedestal. We wouldn't have won if it wasn't for the work of all of us, so I shouldn't be the only one taking the credit for this win. But thank you so much, for always praising me. It fills my heart with so much joy to receive all this love from you guys."

He said proudly which caused them all to cheer, except for one member who was already pretty drunk as he slammed his glass down and started mumbling his thoughts out loud. He looked up and glared at him, wiping some of the beer off of his face which had spilled out from his mouth.

"The only reason you look like the best person on our team is because you're such a ball hog you rotten bastard… If you weren't a showoff on the field and gave any of us a chance to try and actually make a score, we would be getting just as much spotlight as you are! But you're too damn selfish and so full of yourself… You try so hard to seem like such a good guy, but I'm not fooled by you. Not like how the rest of these idiots are." He said as he hiccupped.

Bryce stood up and slammed his hands down on the table, getting pissed off from how he talked about his best friend like that. "What the hell is your problem Chris?! We're all out here just having a good time, so why are you trying to kill the mood?!" He said as he stood up and knocked his chair back and walked over to grab him roughly by the shirt.

The angry man hiccupped again and looked like he was ready to sucker punch him in the face, but Amos intervened by grabbing a hold of his hand before he could throw his fist and separated them.

"Come on guys, knock it off. Bryce, there's no need for you to fight my battles for me. And you." He said as he glared at Chris, that friendly look on his face was no longer there and his eyes reflected an emotion that only someone like Lila could recognize, because it was the same kind of look that she often had in hers when she felt lustful for blood. However, no one else seemed to notice. But perhaps it was just her imagination and she was just overthinking things.

"You need to go home. You're obviously wasted and it's better if you tried to sleep it off. If you still feel that way in the morning, then I encourage you to come find me and we can talk it out like men. But what you're not going to do is throw a tantrum like a child. Go home. Now." He said with a dominating posture.

Chris felt like his back was up against the wall now when the rest of the team got in between them. He clenched his teeth and cursed underneath his breath before he grabbed his jacket and other belongings and headed out the door. Amos, who still had that dangerous look in his eyes, came back to his senses when he felt Bryce place a hand atop his shoulder.

"Wow. I've never heard you sound so scary before. Normally you're so nice, but I guess even nice guys like you can stand up for yourselves every once in a while." He said impressed. "Well, there is one thing he said that was true… I'm not a good guy." He said to himself quietly which only caused Bryce to ask him to repeat what he said because he didn't hear him the first time.

"Don't worry about it. I was just thinking out loud is all. Hey, I'm going to step outside for a quick smoke." He said as he pulled out a packet of cigarettes from his bag which caused Bryce to groan. "That's gross bro. Why do you even smoke? You know that's bad for you. If the coach found out you were still smoking then he'd give you a stern talking and probably sit you out at the next game." Amos chuckled before he placed a cigarette between his lips.

"Yeah I know. Just don't tell him then. Besides, after that little spat I feel like all my nerves are fried. So I could really use a smoke right now. Don't wait up, you guys just dig in. I'll be right back." He said before he stood up and headed out the front door to go to the designated smoking area.

After him being gone for half an hour, Lila was starting to get worried. She didn't know how long it took for someone to finish a cigarette, but she couldn't shake this bad feeling that was welling up inside of her. After seeing Amos act the way he did, it got her thinking that if what she saw was really just a figment of her imagination or not. To most people, he looked like he was just defending himself. But there was more to it than that.

She could tell by the look in his eyes in that moment that there was something more sinister reeling inside of his head. His blue eyes that looked like you could just fall into and sparkled like the sun reflecting on top of the ocean's surface, seemed more hazy, like the light in them had been sapped away. It was a look that she was all too familiar with. It was something she saw every day when she looked at her own reflection in the mirror. They were the eyes of a cold blooded killer.

But that couldn't be true, right? Amos seemed like anything but a killer. His life was perfect from how popular he was and how everyone just seemed to adore him, both women and men alike. But it was that image of his dead looking eyes that were forever seared into her brain, and she just couldn't stop thinking about them.

She couldn't just sit around any longer, she needed to find out what he was up too. "Hey, I think I'm going to go to the bathroom. The one's inside are out of order but they have outhouses in the front." She said to Stacy who was busy making out with Bryce, so she only replied by fanning her hand to tell her to go.

She went outside, but rather than going to the bathroom like she said she was, she started walking around to see if she could find him. She eventually found him standing in the designated smoking area which was near the stone steps that they had walked up to get to the restaurant. She saw that he was talking to someone, so she decided to hide behind some nearby bushes that was close enough for her to still listen to them.

She peaked through the leaves and saw that the person he was talking too was none other than Chris, the guy who was trying to fight him earlier. Amos took a long drag from his cigarette and blew it into the air and looked unbothered, even when Chris was still barking in his face like a dog.

"Are you even listening to me you fucking bastard?! I'm trying to talk to you!" Chris said enraged with his fists balled up. Amos looked at him with a blank expression as he rolled his eyes. "I hear you. I just don't care. Why the hell are you still here? Didn't I tell you to go home?" He said as he hit his cancer stick again.

Chris smirked before he pulled his phone out of his pocket to reveal a short video of Amos smoking which he took before he confronted him. "Do you care now? You see this video? I'm going to show it to the coach. If you get suspended, then your ass won't be able to play and maybe some other people can have their chance to shine. What do you say about that huh? Scared yet?" He said with a cocky smile.

Amos glared at him before he stomped his cigarette out on the ground with his foot. "Are you trying to threaten me?" He said as he took a step closer which caused Chris to take a step back. He glared at him with those same, cold, dead looking eyes which sent a shiver up his spine. His hand that was still holding the phone started to shake.

"Y-yeah. I am threatening you. So if you don't want me sending this video to the coach then you better knock it off with your high and mighty attitude. Stop pretending to be the good guy that you want everyone to think you are. You're fucking nothing, just admit it!" He yelled loudly, but gulped when he heard Amos start to chuckle. This bastard really had the nerve to laugh at him when he was trying to be serious?!

"You know, you might come off as an idiot but you're pretty observant aren't you? You're right. I'm not a good guy. I never was. But I wasn't about to let other people see this ugly side of myself, so you should feel honored that I'm about to show you the real me."

He took another step forward causing Chris to back up more and was now standing dangerously close to the steps edge. He didn't know why he was so scared, but this wasn't the Amos he was used to seeing. Even though he was a faker, he always took him to be kind of a weakling that hid behind the strengths of others. Using other people was his specialty after all. But the guy in front of him was showing no fear, even when he knew that there was something at stake. He felt like a rabbit that was standing in the presence of a hungry wolf.

"Hey man! Don't come any closer! I'm warning you!" He said as he raised his hands up to defend himself but flinched when he saw Amos stick out his hand towards him, and thinking that he was about to be hit, he shielded his eyes. But instead of getting punched, he felt the phone get taken from his hands and Amos deleted the video that he took.

"Wh-what the?" He said to himself, his mind drawing a blank as he received the phone back from an eerily grinning Amos. "That's all you were going to do to me? After all that talk, you just wanted to delete the video? Heh, what a joke." Amos shook his head before he placed his hands in his pockets.

"No, I still plan on doing so much more. I just didn't want you having any evidence on your phone that could connect me as a motive. You know, you're the first person to ever talk to me like that in a while. But sadly, that's going to be the last time you ever talk to me like that. You really should have just gone home you know. I did try to give you a chance since I'm so nice."

Before he could ask him by what he meant by that, Amos lifted his leg up and kicked him hard in the chest which caused him to tumble down the stairs backwards. His bones broke with every fall until he landed roughly at the bottom of the stairs; his arms and legs now a twisted mess and his neck broken from the impact.

He was still slightly alive, but barely moving when Amos leisurely walked down the stairs to meet him at the bottom. He looked around and saw that no one was there to watch them, which was good, because he didn't need any witnesses. Chris laid on the floor, choking on his spit as his body twitched in pain.

"It's convenient for me that you got as drunk as you did. Now if the police ask, I can just say you had a terrible fall down the stairs and it was all just a big accident! A terrible tragedy that befell on a drunken fool." He said as he knelt down beside him with Chris staring up at him with tears in his eyes, unable to move.

He tried to speak, but all that came out were gurgles. Amos leaned forward and cupped a hand to his ear.

"What's that? Sorry, but I can't hear you over the sound of you choking to death on your own tongue. I'd feel bad for you, but that's the thing. I don't feel anything at all. That's why it bothered me so much when you called me out for being a fake. I thought I was doing a pretty good job pretending to be a normal person, but you still somehow saw through me. People like you really are the worst. You just don't know how to keep your mouth shut. If you just didn't say anything, maybe you wouldn't be where you are now. If you ever get reincarnated, I hope this memory follows you into the next life and you won't be as much of a fucking dumbass."

By now, Amos was just rambling on to a corpse because Chris had already passed away. He stood back up and headed up the stairs, letting out an annoyed sigh. As he walked up the stairs, he practiced what he was going to say to everyone and was trying to perfect his crying. He needed to get his story straight if he wanted them to believe his chain of events.

If he didn't want anyone to be suspicious of his involvement, he was going to have to lie and say he was the one who discovered the body first over someone else. As Amos walked away to rejoin the others in the restaurant, Lila was still hiding within the bushes and had to cover her mouth to stop herself from gasping unless she wanted to be discovered.

After realizing that he was gone and the coast was clear, she sat up and placed a hand over her heart that was thumping like crazy. So her intuition was correct, Amos was a killer, just like her. She had never met someone with a ferocity to take a person's life like she was. It must have been fate that they found each other, because now she was convinced now more than ever that Amos was different from the men she had loved in the past.

They were kindred spirits who walked on linear paths. It wasn't just obsession that attracted her to him, she truly believed that he was her one true love. She didn't want to go through this cycle again, but she couldn't help it. She was already attracted to him, but after seeing what he did, she could deny it no longer. She needed his heart.