

(21+) stories are hot and may contain adult content. Rich. Handsome. Arrogant. Are 3 things that quite describe a Max Wanger living a life. He has a lover named Jenny, but unfortunately, their relationship is not sanctioned by Max's parents. One day Jenny is kidnapped by a group of deadly criminals who call them selves a plot of Ghosts. This made Max angry! The man vowed to hunt down the Ghost gang and destroy all its members without a remnant! So, can Max save his girlfriend Jenny? What is the connection between the Ghost gang and the wealthy Wanger family?

DeeRaa_ · Thành thị
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19 Chs


The only clue Max has is a black Jeep. And even then he found out after researching the footage on the rear camera of the car.

"Hmm, suspicious," Max said as he stared at the screen in the secret apartment, playing the recorded video. "It looks like this black Jeep is owned by the perpetrator of the kidnapping," he continued to suspect.

So that second also Max went to see his friend who is a private detective.

His Name Is Detective Aldo.

Driving his sports car, Max leaves the secret apartment and heads to the Aldo Detective office located in the city numbers.

Arriving in front of the building Max did not immediately go down, but he took his cell phone.

A text message from Mom: (Max, today you have to meet Lady at her house! Start dating her!)

"Ck, Why Are You always pushing me?"Max is upset. But because he didn't want to prolong the problem, he finally contacted aunt Mora that second.


"Hello, Max? What's wrong?"aunt Mora's voice sounded happy.

"Hello, Aunt. Mmm, today I plan to come to Auntie's House. But that's later, yes, because now I have to go to the workshop first to change the car tires, " Max had to lie.

And this phone he must do so that later if his mother calls Aunt Mora, then at least everything will be fine because Max is really about to go to see Lady at home today.

"Oh, really, you want to come here? I'm glad to hear that, Max. Of course, we will wait at home. But Max, are you okay? Isn't it healing now?"Mora was worried "

Max laughed casually.

"It's normal, aunt. I happen to have a great physique. So if it's just a matter of healing, it will go quickly. Mmm, then, Aunt. I'm waiting in line at the workshop."

Mora felt awkward. Because if you have to change a car tire, doesn't Max have a man who can do it? But Mora didn't want to think no-no, because hearing Max want to come to his house he was very happy.

"Okay, Max. You be careful, yeah. I want you to tell me you don't like running around on the road. Stay safe, Max. We're waiting for you at home for dinner."


"Bye, Max "

"Bye, Aunt."

The call is over.

Aunt Mora's business is done. And now Max rushes out of his car to get inside the Aldo Detective Agency.

Too eager to find Jenny, Max just realized if he did not wear a mask and sunglasses alias dressed in incognito mode.

Of course, it quickly makes the whole Detective Agency Aldo into a rage!

"There's Max here," said one of the female employees there, whispering to his friend.

"Really, where? Oh, my god, how handsome..." said the other.

Suddenly all the eyes of the fair sex were fascinated when the handsome man passed them. Even some women ventured to come closer and take a photo together, no matter if their boss would scold them.

" Okay-okay, that's It, Girls, " A man's voice came out of his room.

It was Detective Aldo, the owner of this office.

Aldo is Max's best friend with a brilliant career. Even at a fairly young age, Detective Aldo was able to have his own office, a private detective service company, and an institution engaged in legal assistance.

His clients are numerous, and all from high society.

Call it the famous artists, large companies of international standard, as well as the rich, all use the services of legal assistance. Starting from taking care of land disputes, divorce, tender disputes, and also revealing infidelity.

Seeing his best friend, Max approached. They hugged each other and hugged each other.

"It's hard to be a handsome man, everywhere is always hunted by beautiful girls," said Detective Aldo jokingly.

Max quickly elbowed his hips. "You can do it, Do."

"But it's true, right?"

"Yes. The only thing is, I'm not the playboy type. So it has no effect at all."Max defended himself.

"Oh wow, is that so? After dating a lot of artists in the capital you said you weren't a playboy, Max?"

Max shrugged his shoulders.

"That's my past. But since I met Jenny, I've sworn never to change partners again."

The two friends laughed a little.

Then Detective Aldo invites Max into the room. Not to forget he also told one of the office Boys to make a glass of coffee for the special guest.

After sitting on the sofa, the intelligent detective immediately asked. "If a Wanger Corporation owner comes directly to my own office, there must be something serious. Don't you think?"

Max raised both eyebrows.

"Yes, I'll even risk everything for this one problem."

"Wow, wait a minute. What is this? Is this about the Wanger Corporation?"

Max shook his head in response.

"No, but more than that, because it's about the woman I love so much."

"So it's a matter of love, yes," Detective Aldo grinned thinly, the corners of his lips curled up smiling. "Okay, but whatever the case, I'm ready to help you, Max. Try to explain the situation from the beginning."

Max justifies his sitting position, then he starts telling stories.

"From the camera footage in the back of my car, I feel suspicious because I was stalked by a black Jeep. Exactly last night, wherever I went the car was always trailing. Even when I was driving around the city with my beloved, the car kept trailing."

Detective Aldo listened, Max then continued.

"Until long ago, my boyfriend and I decided to stop by our secret apartment. Well, Aldo, the apartment is very secret, because the only one who knows it is me and my boyfriend. There we made love. But then suddenly five people came dressed all in Black knocking on the door and beating me!"

" Wait, Max, "Detective Aldo interjected," Do you know them?"

Max shook his head. "No. They all wear masks and head coverings. His voice seemed strange to my ears. But clearly, one of them pulled out a gun and immediately shot at my left chest."

Max opens his shirt until a bandage is wrapped around his chest.

"After I lay helpless, they kidnapped Jenny. I don't know for what and where to take it. Because after that, everything was lost! I fell unconscious, and when I woke up was already in the hospital."

Detective Aldo looked at the explanation, even though he had time to pick up a pen and recorded some things that felt important.

Then he commented, " Then, What do the five conspirators have to do with the black Jeep? Did they bring a black Jeep when they came to your apartment?"

"Indeed, I can't prove it now. But my gut feeling says so!"Max is very confident.

"Mmm, that's how it looks. Okay, Have you checked the CCTV in your apartment?" asked the detective.

Max shook his head. "Not yet. Exactly not yet had time. Because I just got out of the hospital today and was able to find out to investigate the case. Can you take care of it, Great Detective?"

Aldo laughed at the compliment. He slammed the shoulders of his best friend.

"Max, of course, it's not a difficult affair. We can have access to your apartment'S CCTV and even check all the corners. If we're lucky, we'll get the face of the perpetrator. And also, we're gonna get the license plate they're wearing. Of course, with that, this search will be easier."

Clever analysis! Max also smiled. "Oh, I think I came to the right person."

"Sure, Max..."

Knock Knock Knock...

Their conversation had to stop when they heard the knock on the door from outside the room. Detective Aldo immediately told him to come in. And it turns out it was the Office Boy who brought the coffee to Max.

After putting down the coffee cup, the office Boy left.

The detective asked again.

"Then Max, have you tried contacting Jenny?"

"No. Because Jenny's phone was left in the apartment, " Max replied, sipping his coffee.

"Mmm, okay. Then, are there any words that you may still remember that the perpetrator of the abduction said?"

Max thought. His memory was too hard to imagine what happened that night. But, a moment later his eyes rounded.

"Oh yes, there is!"

"Try to tell me!"

"They say if all this is done because of motives...."

Suddenly the phone in the room rang.