
New Training Plans

"Zachary," said Mr. Stein. "You should come and visit me a few times. It's been long since we last talked."

 Zachary sighed. "My training schedule keeps me from doing anything else. I fear that if I break out of routine, I'll lose focus and disrupt my progress. That's why I didn't even go home last summer."

The two of them were standing just outside Coach Johansen's office. They had just finished attending the short meeting.

"I truly understand. The coaches only have good things to say about you. But, remember not to overtax your body." The scout warned. "By the way, have you thought about getting an agent?" He asked in an offhanded manner.

"Not yet." Zachary shook his head. "There is no need for me to get an agent when I haven't begun my pro career. I'll think about this next year."