
The Greatest Landlord

One week after transmigration: "Alright my golden finger will show up any moment, only then will I effectively counterattack the Mary Sue female lead and her brain-dead followers One Month After Transmigration: "It's still early, there's no way I became useless after transmigration Two months after transmigration: "Where is my golden finger??"

starlight_6772 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

No hope for survival

After crying her heart out for two days Bai Hua finally made a decision, in her heart, she was waiting for the arrival of a golden finger, but sadly she accepted she might not be so lucky.

"Uhh 500 yaun, that's how much saving the original Bai Hua had, In those legendary apocalypse novels the MC buys supplies with millions of dollars, just what am I expected to do with 500 yaun"

Feeling the urge to cry Bai Hua took a deep breath and started to write down what she knows will happen in the future.

"The date to today is July 7th, 2030, I arrived on the 2nd so 5 days were spent eating, crying, and praying."

"The Apocalypse begins in late November, I'm not sure of the exact date, since the novel was written from the female lead's point of view and all she had in her brain are rainbow farts! I mean seriously by this time Fang Shi is already a Landlord and thanks to her male supporting lead they have a good idea the apocalypse is starting but what does she do? Stroll around the city, basically having a grand time while her family and legion of men prepare for the end"

One of the main points that pissed Bai Hua off about this novel was the female lead's lack of everything, she lacked awareness, urgency, and brains! Simply put the female lead did nothing besides acting cute, her family and men took charge of her territory, and she was just a decoration.

For one thing, the landlord system was not omnipotent, it could withstand disasters but that depended on the level of the territory, the system needed crystal nuclei which were converted into points to upgrade, so it created the territories as a means of gathering them.

The building such as a wooden house could be rented out for crystal nuclei and the wells could only be used by those who rented houses unless the landlord stated otherwise, which she did!

The beginning stages were critical for developing a stable territory but Fang Shi opened the territory up to multiple people without charging any form of rent, as kind-hearted as it seems without a crystal nucleus the territory couldn't develop, when disasters occur the territory needed to be upgraded to help everyone.

Zombies, however, became scarce, and not many crystal nuclei could be obtained.

The ordinary people could not pay rent because they never left the territory since Fang Shi let them work in the territory in exchange for food and living space, the ability users saw that zombies and mutants became scarce and hoarded the nucleus to upgrade their abilities instead, some even offered to sell them to Fang Shi for unreasonable prices.

The first disaster was the ice age, rapid ice and snow consumed the world, While the territory was better off, with only wooden houses and wells, and no way to withstand the cold, many died and the territory almost collapsed.

The people from a Mary Sue novel condemned Fang Shi and blamed her for living in the comfortable lords' mansion, made of stone and marble while they suffered in wooden houses.

Fang Shi being a kind-hearted goddess opened the doors to her palace while she and her group of men set out to acquire enough crystal nuclei to upgrade the territory.

After searching for crystal nuclei Fang Shi and her men got lucky and acquired a significant amount, even picking up another potential male lead and a group of strong survivors.

After hearing that Fang Shi was a landlord in need of crystal nuclei the group offered thousands of nuclei to her, putting Fang Shi's territory in the lead.

She successfully upgraded her territory to include multiple buildings and stable houses but out of pity for the common people she still only asked for a pitiful amount as rent.

Shaking her head Bai Hua thought seriously, that there were three months between the start of the apocalypse and the disasters. First zombies would roam the earth, 3 months later ice and snow came while zombies were still present not many of them appeared. The snow disaster would last for about 3 years followed by others.

In her world, Bai Hua was just an ordinary office worker who had a fascination for web novels and truly little hope for Survival.