
The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth

In the year 2050, a colossal object suddenly appeared above Earth. Governments worldwide panicked as they saw the technologically advanced marvel with many mystical patterns shining in a purple glow. No one knew what was happening till a humanoid alien emerged. "Humans, I am your ancestor." A voice appeared inside everyone's head. "We distributed our life code with an atmosphere-changing module device to many universes and galaxies, hoping to recover our numbers after the Universe War." "I will now awaken the earth's mana core and install a dimensional dungeon system, which will open many dungeons around the earth." A mystical Golden-Purple Aurora emerged and engulfed the sky; this phenomenon was visible everywhere on Earth. "I'm also leaving behind a System that will guide you to awaken faster and get strong enough to survive on your own. Gaia(system) will explain the rest," He disappeared, and so did his voice and spaceship; it was as if everything was an illusion and he was never present. [Hello Humans, I am Gaia. I will help you all to awaken and become strong] A woman's voice appeared inside everyone's head, which confused them even more. ... It took 300 years for Earth to fully transform; now, many powerful beasts roam all around the world. At the age of ten, everyone becomes eligible to challenge the beginner's trial. Everyone challenges, but not all pass. Those who pass it Awaken, unlocking the ability 'Book of Contracts' and walk on the path of Beast Tamer, but Rishi is someone who has already failed twice and has only one chance left. He wants to Awaken and become a Beast Tamer, but the fear of failing has shackled him, making him a societal failure and a disgrace to the clan. Will he be able to Awaken? Will he become a Beast Tamer? Read "The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth" for answers.  ... #Few Important things to keep in mind before reading# a.) Here, the Beast Tamers make contracts to cultivate by using Beasts. b.) In it, the focus is also on Individual strength, not totally in Magic Beast, Power of a Beast Tamer= 60% Individual Strength+ 40% Beast. It can be different in certain situations, but generally, this is the case. c.) The story is medium-paced at the beginning but becomes slow-paced later. It shifts from one pace to another according to the plot. d.) The world-building is slightly different; you mostly explore the world through Main Character's POV. e.) The MC may feel more mature than his age but remember that people mature faster in Magic World. He is also ruthless and sly at times. f.) No Harem #Note# The story of Rishi starts from Chapter 2. Chapter 1 explains the incident with the alien in detail. Bonus Chapter Milestones "..." >075 Power Stones for 1 Bonus Chapter >125 Power Stones for 2 Bonus Chapters >160 Power Stones for 3 Bonus Chapters

One_Shot_MAN · Kỳ huyễn
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605 Chs

Mana Heart Explained

The Mana Heart is a mystical artifact created by skilled mages through the intricate and painful process of inscribing five specific Magic Runes directly into their hearts. This extraordinary creation not only enhances their innate magical abilities but also grants them access to a powerful magical array. The Mana Heart serves as a pivotal element in their quest for magical mastery.

Runes Within Rishi's the Mana Heart

1.) Mage's Rune: The foundation of the Mana Heart, initially boosts the user's Mana capacity by 10% after integration.

2.) Magic Penetration Rune: This Rune provides the user with a unique advantage by allowing them to ignore 10% of their opponent's magic defense, calculated as a percentage of their Magic Power.

3. ) Sorcerer's Rune: It increases the Magic Power by 10% for those who only rely on their natural tale; for the ones that have Magic Talents, Passive Skills, or Blessing this Rune only amplifies their Magic Power by 5%.

4.) Mana Recovery Rune: Enhances the user's Mana recovery rate by an impressive 10%, ensuring rapid replenishment of their magical reserves.

5.) Magic Movement Rune: Upon using a skill, this Rune grants a momentary burst of speed, increasing movement speed by 50% for five seconds, with a cooldown of five seconds.

Perfect Harmony: The effects of All Runes are double after the completion of Mana Heart.

Magic Array - Arcane Fusion Nexus:

The five Runes within the Mana Heart collectively form the Arcane Fusion Nexus, a dynamic magical array with a singular focus: magnifying the user's spellcasting capabilities and damage output. 

When the user successfully hits an opponent with two or more consecutive spells within a short timeframe (less than 5 seconds), the Arcane Fusion Nexus activates, and the true power of the Mana Heart is unleashed.

Upon activation, the user's next Attack becomes a boosted Attack, dealing three times more damage than the normal attack. This surge in power is a result of the harmonious synchronization of the five embedded Runes, which synergize to create a temporary but devastating arcane explosion.

This ability has a fifteen-second cooldown. The Arcane Fusion Nexus is a weapon of precision and timing. It rewards strategic spellcasting, encouraging the user to carefully plan and execute their magical assaults. This array stands as a testament to the mage's dedication to harnessing their inner potential and mastering the arcane arts.