
The Great Tale

A young man orphaned pass most of his life in the hospital and dies with 17 years. And when he opens his eyes again he finds himself in a new world. A world of sects, kingdoms, cultivation techniques and martial arts, secrets, conflicts, friendships, family, growth in search of immortality and so on. Check out this young man's adventures in a Cultivation world, as he makes friends, and faces enemies, and maybe a new love?

GreatDaoofspace · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

Light training.

The next day I returned to the forest, after collecting the herb yesterday I decided to go back home to rest, of course Uncle Meng was worried about seeing my clothes cut and some minor injuries, but he didn't push too hard.

I also decided not to show Umbra and Yule to him, it's not because I trust him, on the contrary he is one of the most trustworthy members of the family, but in a world where power often ends up being dominant and greed , envy and aspects like that can be exacerbated and morals ignored. It is important to have tools and cards that can help, whether they are: hidden cultivation, special techniques, pills, artifacts or even surprise tames.

And I went out again, this time I was going to explore the forest a little more and take the opportunity to train with other beasts. Yule and Umbra also came to battle with me or rather accompany me, they seem to like spending a lot of time with me regardless of the location, although they also like from inside the space.

The forest was still relatively calm and I followed a different path than before.

I could feel the wind and the smell of herbs and nature overflowing from a forest, but the feeling of hidden wildness was still present.

The feeling of grass and trees on your feet and skin is also pleasant.

I wore a white yellow robe with gold stripes today and my hair was curled with a small bluish band and my sword was in my right hand and behind my back ready to attack or defend if necessary.

And it didn't take long when I heard small noises next door and Umbra and Yule who were wrapped around my neck like big scarves also became alert and the enemy didn't take long to show themselves.

More specifically, they were flaming boars with a cultivation base of 8 and 9 Qi condensation, around 2 meters tall, big like cows, sharp horns and fires coming out of their nostrils, and like typical boar monsters, their skins are stronger and with muscles. powerful and destructive, but intelligence is reduced and so is agility.


The first came running with its horns loaded with fire.

I applied wind qi to my feet, and with a wind-related movement technique I moved quickly and dodged him, the other one also didn't stop and roared.


The roar was accompanied by 3 fireballs spat from its mouth.

With my left hand I created a water shield and positioned it in front of us and the Yule on the side moved his small paw and created ice spikes that he shot at a specific barely visible angle.

The attack was well done because one thorn hit one's eye while the other attacked the other's skin directly.

And the shields succeeded in defending the fireballs, meanwhile the other angry one came after me, but I gave a little jump and he passed over me, but I didn't plan on leaving him alone, Umbra moved his paws and the held it for a few seconds with dark energy.

And my sword was charged with a water qi that had an ice-cold tone coming from my Soul link with Yule and I used one of the techniques in the manual.

"Ocean Blade"

My sword moved in a circular motion with a bluish energy like stars and water Qi.

And without being able to get rid of the darkness energy that absorbed his fire Qi, his head flew into the air.

And I landed lightly behind him.

"Well, the Qi expenditure was high but not so much, the skin was hard... and the attribute ratio helped…" I whispered lightly, I needed to increase a little Qi in the middle, but not much.

And the other seeing his angry friend had fire coming out of his entire body and he came running towards me launching fire attacks and causing destruction around him.

I narrowed my eyes and applied water around my body like armor and wind to my feet.

And I dodged him, of course the fire he spread hit me, but the water reduced much of the damage while Yule guaranteed the other reduction by releasing his cold Qi.

My sword advanced vigorously, thrusting cuts into him, with the stronger base his skin was more resistant, but my cultivation base was also not normal since my Qi was denser and greater in quantity and the techniques helped... moreover I don't fight alone.

I continued fighting him like this for a while using some sword movements and taking the opportunity to practice the sword art, movement and different Qi techniques in practice.

Of course I also couldn't stretch this out for long so Umbra and Yule jumped off my neck, Yule covered ice around him by moving his tail allowing him to reduce the fire around him.

And Umbra moved its tail and paws and created attacks of darkness.

The not-so-intelligent Boar seemed to sense the danger of the situation and started thinking of plans to escape even burning all of its qi and even vitality, but there was no way I would let it.

My sword charged darkness and water energy at the same time, yet another technique from my sword manual.

A dark energy like darkness and bluish water with a cold tone and a bluish silver tone with a special shine like stars.

"Cut of Aquarius"

The sword moved with a shine and the water and starlight penetrated his body and the darkness with its special descriptive and destructive property passed through and reached his heart finishing him off and killing him.

I cleaned the blood from the sword with a small bottle of water that I took from the space and then placed it on my waist and after collecting the bodies of the boars, I also cleaned the paws of my two little ones with the bottle of water.

"Well let's move a little further and see what we find."

I spoke and this time they walked around my feet.

And we went deeper into the forest to continue training and searching for herbs and resources….