
The Great Tale

A young man orphaned pass most of his life in the hospital and dies with 17 years. And when he opens his eyes again he finds himself in a new world. A world of sects, kingdoms, cultivation techniques and martial arts, secrets, conflicts, friendships, family, growth in search of immortality and so on. Check out this young man's adventures in a Cultivation world, as he makes friends, and faces enemies, and maybe a new love?

GreatDaoofspace · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

A Walk in the Yume Palace

We entered the palace, the corridors were beautiful and seemed to be made of expensive materials, in addition to the whole place it was well decorated and had what looked like runes or various magical golden symbols that seemed ancient and powerful.

I got a little curious and asked Art.

"Well, the entire palace was improved with runes and various magical symbols, in addition to higher quality and more expensive materials being built, after all this is something that the creator made for his future disciple so he spared no expense."

"The…the master…seemed really dedicated." I said, genuinely impressed.

"Of course...although at the time he launched the artifact...the master seemed to be in a tense situation and after so long, even though his cultivation is high, I don't know if he is well or alive...." Art added quietly and a little worried.

Looking at him, I touched his shoulder, despite it being an image given that they are two children…but I still decided to comfort him.

"Although I haven't met the master, he was certainly someone big…so he must be fine…"

"I just hope"

And when we walked and talked about some more things after that moment.

We arrived in an area that he said was the private area of the individual inside, as the simple name was, it was very gigantic, from what Art said, every palace is large and is also expanded with spatial techniques.

The room itself was based on what looked like a room made with leather furniture from a demonic beast that looked very comfortable and at the same time precious and expensive.. a tall dining table made from a wood that even when touched I seemed to feel calmer and more relaxed as if it was made from a powerful spiritual tree, just like a bathroom.

Near the living room there was a kitchen with various equipment and then two bedrooms.

I chose one for myself that had a double bed while the other had two subdivisions and a few beds.

Entering my room there was a closet with several places to put clothes...although it was empty now, a table with a chessboard with pieces that seemed to be made of beautiful, refined and very special rocks.

Next to it was a large bed with a pretty purple sheet and pillows and when I lay down I had a taste. and I almost fell asleep...it was so cute...soft and fragrant...it was like heaven.

Art laughed and spoke.

"Come on then you can come and sleep."

"A ok ok."

I got up and he laughed and continued talking.

"Well, this area was specially created by master for resting as a mortal, although cultivators don't necessarily need it, especially when growing in cultivation, master still put it there because it can help to relax and rest the mind and experience the lives of mortals. Of course, at the current master level, you will be able to use this to great use."

I agreed with his statement and for me it's always something that seems useful...especially because I like eating and cooking.

After we left there he took me to a relatively nearby room and it was what I imagined.

The room was gigantic with a golden carpet in the center and runes and mysterious symbols around it.

And Art started to explain it.

"This room has been enhanced by runes and formations, and it is a perfect room for cultivating. It is a protected environment that helps to gather Qi more easily, and the formations here help to stabilize the mind and relax, of course in the future when you If you reach a certain level of cultivation, breaking through will have to be done outside, but before that there is no great need."

"I understood"

I agreed and observed the room, I will probably have to spend a large amount of time, years and even decades or more in this room in the future...

After here he took me to a room that was closed and another open room was empty.

I was a little doubtful and curious, but it didn't take long for Art to ease my curiosity.

"Well, these rooms are treasure and storage rooms, in your current cultivation the treasure room with relics and certain things cannot be accessed. But the storage one is not a problem, you can use it however you want and store what you want, they both have conservation and spatial expansion matrices that I can help adjust and expand in the future."

I nodded at his speech… better than the rare and expensive space ring that grandpa has….

"Well, now there are two places left inside the palace and both are relatively very important and fundamental."

He smiled and brought me to the first one.

The place had a large, beautiful and refined wooden door with an ancient and powerful aura, he placed his hands and pushed the door lightly.

Inside the room a large library appeared in front of me, there was a gigantic number of shelves with many books...there were so many that it almost seemed endless...

Art pulled me with his hand and started to explain.

"There is various information in the library about the history of different continents and planes, as well as various herbs, demonic beasts, ores… and by the way, does the master know the name of your continent?"

I was surprised by the sudden question, but remembering what I read in the library I answered.

"We are on the continent of Eleyris"

Artemix closed his eyes and reflected as if he was thinking or searching for information and when he opened his eyes he looked a little sad which made me worried.

"What happened Art?"

 "Good master…there really is no information about that specific continent…at least I didn't find it right away."


I hugged him and touched his head.

Of course, I always thought it was possible...after all, speaking to Art, there are different worlds and continents, not to mention the so-called superior or unique dimensions, even if the master had placed others and other hosts/users had also brought them, it wasn't necessarily from that continent, much less they would be obliged bringing things about the past, geography or similar.

"It doesn't matter that there are so many books here about so many things, the knowledge is already great and we can always add more information together, what do you think?"

I spoke and smiled at him, he seems to have been comforted... Art, despite being an artifact for so many years, seems to have a slightly childish personality at times... I don't know if it's because of the external appearance or the purpose created by the master...

"OK. I will help you master, let's do it together and I will look to try to find other information and even if I don't find it here I will always help you use the current information."


"Well, now still in the library, let's move on to a very important part."

He spoke and pulled me out, it was like two children playing at home...