
Rise of the Devil Sage

Alexander, was extremely intelligent, however, this was also his greatest shortcoming, his inexhaustible thirst for knowledge lead him to be a social outcast. He watched as his first love taken from him by his best friend, he watched as she lovingly stared into his friends eyes, he watched as they married then having kids, and thus this lead him to live a life of a introvert.

His parents urged him to apply for job applications; with his profound degree, he could become the world's next 'richest' man. However, monetary gain didn't satisfy him he desired more not only did he desire knowledge he desired love. Thus he devised a couple of hours of his day for searching the web for his loved one.

As most know, including Alexander, the web is undoubtedly the greatest place for a search for love.

The two of them had decided to meet up at a local park, despite Alexander being an extremely intelligent individual he couldn't overcome his sexual urges. He noticed some discrepancies in the 'woman's' life story, but alas as a young ignorant male he played them off.

When he met the so-called 'woman,' he was extremely surprised, of course, this was an extremely deserted park, which should have already thrown red flags out, but strangely the 'woman' wanted to meet in the middle of the night.

This single factor boiled his youthful blood allowing him to look over the other factors and he immediately set off for the park in his bicycle.

Of course, due to his lack of interest in money, he was currently living in his parents' house, now for a new grad this was considered normal, but Alexander was currently thirty-three, it was unfathomable how his parents still haven't kicked him out.

It took him a couple of hours to get to this deserted park, which was also pretty far from 'his' house and was located in a fairly rural area. The moment Alexander got there something strange occurred, the only person in this park was a middle-aged man!

The man then walked up to Alexander and started to talk with a strange accent almost sounding like that of a royal "My lady has asked for me you pick you up and bring you back to her place."

Ever since his first 'love,' had turned out to be a middle-aged man, instead of that extremely sexy woman from the photos, his life had taken a turn for the worse, the man stuffed him in a van with a bunch of other people around his age. There were around seven other people, most of them probably fell under the same ploy as him.

The van then started to move, after what felt like eons they had arrived at a place, Alexander heard a bunch of voices, some being older whilst others being more youthful.

"Are all the test subjects here?" a feminine voice said with what sounded like 'concern,' of course not for 'the subjects' lives but for what they were testing for.

"Yes, miss all of the subjects which you have found are within this van," responded an elderly voice with a hint of indifference.

"Miss, your project is highly improbable to succeed, anyways with our strength who would dare forgo our rule over the nation of Gian?" A new elderly voice followed up. However what disturbed Alexander was that he had never heard of a nation called Gian, previously on Earth he had only heard of The Seven Continent Federation, which consisted of all nations on the earth.

The other people in the van were just as bewildered, Alexander then asked "Have you heard of a nation called 'Gian'? Honestly this better be a joke."

A man with a thick beard responded, "This better not be like one of those novels that I read, whilst it's easy to read no one on earth had ever faced a situation like that, especially how she called us 'Subjects' almost like we're about to be experimented on."

"Honestly if it is, I think that we have a good chance to rule over this world if it's one of those fantasy-like worlds with our superior knowledge. But with her saying 'Subjects,' my former interpretation is most likely false, this is a most likely a highly advanced civilization." Alexander responded with a grim expression.

Another person responded "Also this doesn't seem to be the van we were in, it seems like some sort of stone cell, anyways I don't remember being transported to a cell... I don't know, something just seems off about this…"

When the person responded everyone's face turned grim, if not for that single sentence no one would've noticed the change, which lead Alexander to the conclusion that he had truly transported to a different world.

At that moment a large squeak was heard and several heavily armed figures walked in and started to pull out the 'subjects.'

The elderly man that they had heard then began to place the subjects on medical beds, and then spoke in a monotone voice,

"Subject 0001 of Test number 0001, initiated.

Vitals normal,

Now injecting physical enhancing fluid,

Now injecting mental enhancing fluid,


Alexander fell unconscious after the second liquid entered his body; however, the tests continued even when he was unconscious. He woke up around five hours later and to his horror his body was full of blood.


Sometime later after an almost endless time, Alexander blankly stared at the ceiling as if hoping to see the sky, the stars, or even just a glimpse of the outside world. He had long ago lost track of how long he had been within this human experimentation facility.

All Alexander could rely on was the test number the elderly man gave him, although that miss which was heard on the first day was never seen again, he had a thirst for revenge for the torture she had put him through.

The elderly man walked up to subject one, who was strapped on a medical bed with tubes sticking out of his whole body, then talked with a monotone voice "Subject 0001 of Test number 3207 initiated. Vitals normal, now Injecting Devil blood into the subject."

Subject one was, of course, Alexander, out of the seven, he was given the devil lords blood, subject two was given Phoenix blood, subject three was given dragonic blood, each subject was injected with different mythical types of blood.

Alexander eventually faded into his mind and saw a great scroll, with an unknown language written upon it, the scroll seemed endlessly long as if the whole world was written within. The scroll transmitted the language into Alexander's mind, it was the Devil Language.

A question then formulated within Alexander. Was he a Devil? After thousands of tests have occurred, he felt that his body had changed drastically from that of a Human, if one were to look at him and he claimed he was a Human. Who would dare believe him? He had six horns protruding out of his head, rough blood red skin, a blood red iris, and a pitch black pupil.