


Boy or girl?


Today we were finding out the sex of the baby. Neither of us wanted to wait. I know people prefer a surprise, but I didn’t want any surprises after what happened to us.

We waited in the doctor’s office waiting room until a nurse called us back. I followed Piper to an exam room and helped her onto the table. A few minutes later, the doctor came in, examined her, and made sure everything was fine. It was.

The doctor brought over an ultrasound machine while Piper laid down. He lifted her top and put a clear gel on her stomach. She winced because it was cold. Then placed a wand on her stomach, turned on the machine, and moved it around. Then we heard a heartbeat.

Both of us stared at the screen as the baby moved. The doctor captured screenshots of the baby as he pushed around the wand. Then he turned to us. /"Would you like to know what you’re having?/"

/"Yes,/" we both said.