
The Graver Robbers' Chronicles

mia1115wu · Kinh dị ma quái
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25 Chs

Chapter 18 Big tree

Chapter 18 Big tree

I carefully climbed out of this cave. There was only a small protrusion on the outside where I could stand, and then there was a cliff. It was at least 15 meters high and the wind was very strong. I had to stick to the cliff wall. Observe this place.

I really don't know how to describe the place I saw. Before my eyes, it was a huge natural rock cave, roughly the size of a football field. There was a big crack on the top of the cave. Moonlight came in through this crack. Just can outline the outline of the entire cave. My current position is on the wall of the cave to the west, and there is nothing to climb up and down. I scanned it and found that the walls of the caves around us were densely packed with holes. There were thousands of them. The density was as if this cave wall was swept over a dozen by super cannons of different calibers. Same all over.

And the most shocking thing is that in the middle of this cave, there is a big tree that is almost ten stories high and surrounded by ten people may not be able to report. And on that big tree, there are still countless vines as thick as telephone poles. These vines are criss-crossed and entangled almost everything that can be entangled. Their branches hang down from the tree like wicker, and some hang on. In mid-air, some vines have dropped to the ground, and even some vines simply stick out from the holes in the wall of the cave. Almost all the vines that can be seen from the eye can be seen spreading over, and even the edge of our cave is crawling. Hold one or two.

If you look closely, you can see that there are still a lot of things hanging on the branches inside. At first I thought it was fruits, but looking at the outline of these things, it seems that they are not. These things are hidden behind the dense vines. It was very strange to give the wind a few jitters.

And at the bottom of this natural cave, there is a stone corridor. Starting from a small building like a sacrificial platform, it leads to the canopy. I can vaguely see that the end of the corridor is a dozen steps. On the stone platform, there is a jade bed, and there is a person lying on it! The distance is too far, except for an outline, everything else is not clear. I dare not draw conclusions.

The fat man was very excited and said: "Damn, I really found it for Lao Tzu. This must be the main tomb of the Western Zhou Dynasty. The one lying on the jade platform must be the body of King Lu Shang. This old Lu Shang The child is really unscrupulous. The bird seized the nest, dumped other people's fights, and lived in by himself. Today, my fat master came to help the sky and clean up you, who has no professional ethics, and let you know that dumping is this. Ending!" He said that rising, and didn't think about what he was doing, and even scolded himself in.

At this time, Pan Zi suddenly said: "You better not act rashly. This King Lu Shang is very evil. I think there must be another secret here. I think we still find a way to get back to the ground from the crack above."

I raised my head and looked at the top. I couldn't help being speechless. It's not easy to climb to the top. I have to hang upside down on the top for a long distance to reach the crack. We are not spider-men, how can we do it? So he turned his head to ask the fat man's opinion, and saw that he had already reached out of the cliff half of his body, not to mention Pan Zi's words in his heart. I saw that he was very agile, so I didn't stop him. He climbed down more than 2 meters in a few strokes. When he reached another hole, he just wanted to climb down. Suddenly he stretched out a hand and grabbed it. Up his feet.

The fat man was so scared that he kicked the hand violently and wanted to kick that hand off. He listened to the voice of a man coming from the hole: "Don't move! You will be dead if you take another step." When I heard it, it turned out to be Third Uncle, could not help but exclaimed: "San Uncle, isn't it you?"

The man below was surprised: "Big nephew, where did you fucking go! His mother is so worried about me! Are you okay?"

When I heard that it was the third uncle, I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart and cried out, "It's okay, but Pan Zi was hurt! It was this fat guy!" I wanted to stick my head out and have a look, but the hole below is in me. Now in this bulging corner, I can only see half of the fat man's leg. Had to give up. Just heard the fat man yelled: "Comrade, I ask you not to scratch my feet?"

The third uncle cursed: "Where did you fat man come out? Don't give me a damn word, come down quickly, don't step on your feet, and don't touch that vine."

The fat man said, which one, is it this one? As he spoke, he pointed with his toes, and Sanshu shouted, "No!" The vines, which originally looked very ordinary, suddenly rose up like a snake, and curled up like a flower at the end. Like a ghost hand, this thing is there, seeming to feel the position of the fat man. As long as the fat man moves, it moves with him, one to the left and the other to the right, just like an Indian teasing a snake. It suddenly dawned on me that it turned out that Pan Zi saw the five-finger ghost hand that I saw, and it was these things.

It's not easy for the fat man to circle his feet and tease the vines. I said to my heart that this guy is so unreliable. No wonder he can only fight alone. If he keeps following us, he will definitely one day. Kill him. As he was thinking about it, the third uncle was really hot, and he cursed: "I said you are endless, do you know what this is? Get it down to me!" As soon as he finished speaking, the fat man suffered. He wrapped around his feet, and then the whole roll, almost dragged him off the cliff. When we were in the stone room, neither Fatty nor I could pull a vine. Now, there is no more on the cliff. The place can be leveraged, seeing that the fat man will not do it. I was anxious and wanted to find a stone and threw it down to smash the thing, but the cliff was bare and she couldn't pull any scum off. I felt that my feet were tight, and I looked down. Oops! A ghost vine emerged from there, entangled my feet. I immediately wanted to find a place to grab it. It was too late, and a huge force pulled me out. I haven't reacted yet, the whole person is already in the air.

The feeling at that moment was like weightlessness. I couldn't catch anything with my hands or feet, and then I was thrown heavily on the cliff wall. That one was worse than the one I had hit. It was just shot! I almost vomit blood when I bumped into it. I felt that the vine took on the strength again and pulled me down. Both of my hands were bleeding and I didn't catch anything. Then I was free. Falling body, there is a 15-meter cliff below, I closed my eyes and it was over! It was dead now.

At this time, suddenly three or four vines were attracted to me and circled over the cliff. One of them was very thick and wrapped around my waist. I was wrapped in the air several times like a twist, and then The back of my head was scratched on the rock wall by the very thick Guishou vine, and my head buzzed, and I suddenly fainted. I felt dragged by those vines. I hit a branch or hit a rock along the way. , There was no one escaped from all over her body, and she almost lost consciousness when she was slammed with gold stars.

When I found myself still motionless, I suddenly felt extremely nauseous and dizzy. I wanted to open my eyes, but found that there was a layer of sand in front of me. I took a few deep breaths and gradually calmed down. It gradually became clear. At this time, I found that I was hanging upside down on a branch of the giant tree. Below my head is the stone platform on which a mysterious corpse is placed. I took a closer look and was surprised. It turned out that there was not only a corpse lying on the stone platform, but beside the corpse I saw, there was also a young female corpse with white gauze on the body. With her eyes closed, her face was serene, she looked a bit handsome, and there was no sign of corruption on her body. If she didn't look closely, she felt that she was sleeping. The male corpse lying on the side, wearing a bronze mask with a fox face, was covered with tight armor, his hands on his chest, and a purple gold box in his hands.

I scanned the armored corpse several times, and I always felt that there was a place that made me feel uncomfortable. After a closer look, I realized that the eyes of the corpse inside were open when I looked through the holes of the bronze mask. Two cyan eyes were staring at me coldly.