
Chapter 24

Darby hogged my bed again last night, but that wasn't the reason I didn't sleep. The bite on my arm itched like crazy, so I'd finally slapped a band aid over it, hoping that would prevent me from ripping my skin off. On top of that and everything else, I couldn't reach Tram to tell him about Sarah's visit. I'd touched every tree on the street that morning, but he never came.

"Dad," I said when he dragged himself into the kitchen in a t-shirt and boxers, "both my bike tires are flat."

His forehead wrinkled over half-open, blood shot eyes. "Both of them?"

"Yeah, and everyone else's bike, too. I tried to air the tires up, but they're all completely flat." Even Jo's bike tires. I'd found that out during my morning quest to reach Tram.

Dad filled the coffee pot with water. "Well, we'll have to get you new inner tubes."


"I don't know."

"Can I take your car?"