
Chapter 115: Dad

My hand.

That was the first thing I became aware of when I...awoke? Regained consciousness? Something was biting into my palm, something hard and sharp, while something else joined my fingers together. Something sticky and strong enough to hold when I balled my hands into fists.

Where was I and why didn't I remember how I got here? Wherever here was. I had been on my way to Heartland Cemetery to find...


My shuddering moan forced its way out above the screaming din that filled my head. I jerked my hand away from the sticky substance, but it gripped my entire body like some kind of cocoon.

Terror barged into my lungs, and I dragged in a gasping breath. The sticky thing was wrapped around my face, too, touching my mouth, sealing off my air. It would suffocate me, second by slow second.

My daughter. I had to find her. I had to get out of here. For her sake, I couldn't panic.