
Try Again Later

Lanre actually ended up spending the weekend with K at his place. Then it was a Monday morning, she thought of how she would go get her bag from the Okafors’ house and leave for Enugu. K had offered to pay for her flight back to Enugu. He was even going to drive her to the airport.

“How do I go back to Anita’s parents place and get my stuffs. Where do I say I had been?” She asked K as if he was holding the solution to her problem.

“Tell them you were with K! They won’t say anything. Or if you want, I can go with you”. K said to her. “We could just do it this way, when it is time for you to leave, we will go there first and carry your stuffs. And then I will drive you straight from there to the airport”. K said.

Then he kissed her lips. “F**k! I keep loving you on my shirt!” He said to her. She froze at his words. He can’t be meaning that he loves her. As far as she is concerned, it was lust they had for each other. An uncontrollable one.

“You must be joking right?” She asked him. But he did not answer her. Rather he kept teasing her, slowly turning her on. “You could stay one more week if you want”. He said to her. She thought she had heard wrongly. Was he lusting that much that he could not let her go anymore. This obsession was becoming too much in less than four days.

“Sorry, your wish cannot be granted. I have a project to defend in school. And I have a life to pursue... Spending one more week will be me ruining that because I will miss my project defence”. Lanre said to K. He told her to forget about those things. He would compensate her.

“With what?” She asked him. He told her he will pay for all the time she has spent so far with him. He was also going to pay for the extra one week and he would pay for her project defence which she was going to miss.

“You know, as much as I like how that sound, how much are you going to pay that will help my life? I mean what do you take me for? A prostitute? Damn you! I prefer to work for what I get. I love flashy things, love the sound of money as well, but how much can you really offer me?”. She asked. K told her he will give her five millionaire. She laughed.

Lanre asked K who he was trying to deceive. She was not going to fall for that. He may just throw her away at the end of the day without offering her anything. But K tried to make her a promise that be would not.

“Try again later Casanova!” She said to him standing up from the bed. But K held unto her hand.