
To Keep An Eye On Her

“Now I know why she wants you dead. You should not have said that shit to her. She’s cunning and dirty. She was the one that released that video about mommy”. K said to Christian. He rubbed his head feeling a bit frustrated. He told Christian his ordeal with Ify. He told Christian Ify had giving him an option between sleeping with her and watching him die. Christian told K that it was just a mere threat and that Ify could do no more than a dead fly. He told K not to be worried about him.

“Who cares about you? I just don’t want you to die before I beat you to pulp”. K said.

“You know you can’t beat me. Las las, we go fight break each other head”. Christian said. Then he looked at K curiously.

“Talking about breaking heads, how is your head now? Hope it is all healed up?” Christian asked. K told him he was already getting better. Christian told him he wanted to see but K stopped him. He told him since they already talked what they wanted to talk about, they could now go their separate ways.

“K, I won’t die, so don’t go doing what she wants. There are so many beautiful girls who are intellectually inclined and are smart. You won’t regret it if you meet such a girl”. Christian said holding K’s arm. K pulled off his hand. He told him he would prefer Lanre as she was his best decision, one he never actually got to make.

“Can you let her go for me?” K asked. Seeing Christian was not answering, he told Christian to forget about it. He asked Christian to leave the country in less than fourteen days since he was not sure what Ify and her aunt would do even though he has done what Ify wanted. Christian asked him what he did. He told Christian it was nothing big and that he was already a playboy before now. All he has to do is sleep with Ify.

“Are you stupid? She is not pregnant because you have never slept with her. Even if she already is, her aim is to carry your child and even if it is not yours, you will believe it is yours because you are sleeping with her”. Christian said to K. He could not believe K was letting his guard down.

“Stop acting like you care. You acted like you care and took Lanre for yourself”. K said to Christian rebuking him. Christian told him he didn’t look so serious about Lanre.

“I told you to keep an eye on her and you are telling me this?” K looked furious.

“I was doing just that until you started making her cry a lot and look for a shoulder to lean on. If you were in my shoes you would do the same thing”. Christian said.

“That doesn’t mean you should have gotten her pregnant”. K retorted and at the same time, he punched Christian in the face.