

Lanre still felt thankful to Kehinde’s sister for taking her away. She would have felt out of place sitting with Ify. Jealousy was eating her up, but she needed to shoo it away. She ended up sitting with Temitope and Austin.

“Austin, this is Ify’s sister. Ify is the lady my brother is getting engaged to”. Temitope said to her fiancé immediately they took their seat. Lanre forced a smile at Austin and Temitope. Temitope was busy wrapping her arms around Austin’s, Austin was the only one who cared to ask Lanre her name.

“Olanrewaju! That’s my name, but you can call me Lanre if the name is too difficult for you to pronounce”. Lanre said. Austin tried to call the name after Lanre. But be ended up pronouncing it as “Lannrie”. Lanre just gave off a light laugh. One would think she was an aristocrat.

“I didn’t get it, did I?” Austin asked. She shook her head meaning he did not get it. “I will call you “Wajuu” then!”. Austin said to Lanre asking her if it was ok by her. She told him it was totally fine.

“Omo Yoruba?” Temitope asked staring discreetly at Lanre. Lanre smirked. Then she poured herself a glass of water. One would think she would have gone for the one because her hand was moving that way.

“It is good to ask questions. Asking questions helps cause it is better than making assumptions. Assumptions will never fetch you the answer. It will only lead you on a path. 97.85 percent of those paths are wrong”. Lanre said to Temitope. Temitope felt dumbfounded. Lanre was actually scolding her for introducing her as Ify’s sister. She was embarrassed as well but did well to hide it.

“How did you come up with such figures?” Austin asked her. He then whispered into Temitope’s ears that Lanre seem like an interesting lady. Temitope false agree.

Lanre told them she was speaking from personal experience as well as studies she has carried out on people, both consciously and subconsciously. “I’m good at observing people and taking notes” Lanre said.

Austin smirked. He had concluded in his heart that Lanre was interesting. They started discussing about their ideologies. Turns out they were on the same plane. They both believed in putting the people first in government. They both thought the world was pretty fucked up with the wrong choice of leaders. They both thought that one should not be forced to believe what he doesn’t believe, that way peace will remain. They both thought pragmatism was one of the best philosophical thought, but yet limiting.

“I mean, why should I throw it in the trash and believe it is not obtainable when I can just keep trying harder, or probably change my method of approach to get that which I want? Pragmatist are losers?” Lanre said.

It was at this point Temitope came in. “You are wrong! Pragmatism is realistic. We all make use of it everyday of our life in our every affair, knowingly or unknowingly”. Temitope had said. 

"I know, and I'm half pragmatic". Lanre said. But Temitope told Lanre she was trying to clown.