
Leave Me Alone

“What is going on here?” Ify bits her lips as she heard the voice of the Governor’s wife, K’s mother. She became fearful as she was not sure how the young man before her will behave. Will he still accuse her of knowing him and claim they were in some sought of entanglement?

“Ify, come with me already. Why are you acting like I’m a stranger?” The young man said to her. Ify face palm herself. She could swear she has never seen this guy in her life and he was claiming they knew each other. She shrugs off his hands from her shoulder.

“Ma, I do not know this man here. He is harassing me”. Ify said clinging to Olasile. Olasile looked up at the young man. She had a suspicious look on her face.

“Who are you? And how did you get in here?” Olasile asked him.

“Ify who is this lady? Is she your aunt? Anyways forget it!” He said to Ify waving his hand in the air. He introduced himself to Olasile as Ebube, Ify’s actual boyfriend. Ify was taken aback. How could somebody play this dirty with her? Or was this some sought of game Lanre was playing at?

“Shit! If this is Lanre’s doing, then she must still be around. Would she make things difficult for her?” Ify wondered in her head.

“Ma, I do not know him. He is lying. This is the first time I’m seeing this young man Ma!” Ify said trying to defend herself. Olasile asked the young man if he thinks he could just come before a lady only to harass her.

“Ify, what is she saying? Why are you acting like you do not know me? I thought you said your impending marriage with the Governor’s son is a joke and won’t happen. Just last week, we were together. You were in my bed. You told me you were coming to end things once and for all. Did you get carried away?” Ebube asked. He charged towards Ify like an enraged wolf.

“Leave me alone you bastard! I do not know you and I have no clue what you are bluffing about”. Ify said trying to save herself from the strange man who claims his name is Ebube.

Olasile called for security. In less than two minutes, security men already surrounded them and seized Ebube. Ify felt relieved that Olasile was not blaming her. It only means the woman does not believe whatsoever trash the young man was saying.

Just then K walked in. He looked from person to person wondering what was going on. Ebube tried to free himself while cursing K. He swore to cut K’s fingers. According to him, K was taking his woman away from him.

“Ify, who is he? Is he your ex?” K asked. Ebube smirked at this point. Ify told K she does not know the young man and that this was the first time she was seeing him but he kept claiming to be her boyfriend.