
It Would Have Been Nice

“Say yes!” K persuaded. He had taken the ring along with him when he stood up to walk up to her. He tried to slide the ring into her finger, but she folded her fingers. He smirked. He captured her lips in his. He kissed her deeply. His hands explored her body.

“Lanre, just say yes and be mine! Let me spoil you Lanre!” He said. Lanre managed to push him away. She told him her “no” was final. It was not going to change. She meant what she said that she won’t marry him. It annoyed K. He pushed her into the bed. Then he got on her. He took of the panties which she already had on. She bit her lips. She had a bitter smile on her face.

“You see why I won’t say yes, you are just about the f**k! It is sex for you Kehinde. I can’t give up my dreams for a man like you. You would leave me one day with nothing when you get tired of it all”. She said. K refused to listen to her. He knew she was spewing bullshit. He was not going to tire of her. And even if he did, he won’t leave her with nothing. Was she thinking he was worthless or something?

He went on to have sex with her again. He must have been so pissed that he ended up being rough. Lanre had to bite her lips all through just to make sure she doesn’t give him the satisfaction of letting him know he was hurting her. This is the second time he came inside of her. The second time he got inside of her without a condom. It annoyed her. But she was not going to talk about it. No matter what he does, she still won’t marry him.


Lanre and K had not ended up on a good note. She told him never to come close to her in his life again. She was fierced with him before she left. Her warnings to him was clear. She never wanted to see him again in her life. And K himself who felt she was being too difficult decided to leave her. It was not like there was anything he thought was really special that existed between them except for the sexual attraction. If worst comes to worst, he could just cool off with some random girl.

So he let Lanre go. He told himself that he was not going to chase her again. If she ever miss him, she would come begging him, that is if she ever finds him again. But deep in his heart, he didn’t want to let her go.

When Lanre got to the apartment, she just said “hi” to Ify and went straight to the bed. Even when Ify told her that her mother, Mrs Ochuzi, actually came to visit them the previous day, she did not say anything. A year slid off her eyes. “It would have been nice to say yes! But she can’t be with him because she feared it won’t last. And worst was that he doesn’t care about her life”. She thought.